
The Chronicles of Omniversal Destiny.

"Kindness is nothing but a lie, I have already lived a life bridled with lies, used by others and extorted to death. Its tiresome to lie all the time and I've decided to let my true self takeover this life. Let them learn that, cherish what you are given, life is not always bed of roses."At that moment, a new emotion sprouted in Ye Feng, and that is selfishness and vindictiveness. A war between Ye Feng and Chosen of Destiny. A man who who is betrayed, backstabbed and died. A man who will bring chaos to the world. Darkness Shall Prevail. [Ding, Omniversal Villain System is Online.]

_Darker_Than_Black · Cómic
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5 Chs

Rise Of Ye Feng.

A golden wisp lit up in the space out of nowhere and shaped itself into silhouette of a ethereal human.

That figure floated unconsciously in the space for who knows how long.

After an indefinite amount of time, that ethereal figure opened its eyes groggily. After regaining the consciousness It surveyed its surroundings cautiously and the unfamiliarity with the vast expanse of space didn't entice him in the slightest.

Not only the sight of emptiness of surrounding, but also the peculiar form of his body bubbled myriad of irrelevant speculation in his mind.

However, his mind only started speculating his current situation but there was not a trace of any feelings in them. No fear, no consternation, no tension, not a speck of emotion appeared in his eyes.

He felt nothing being stranded in an unknown place with an unknown form without any sense of touch, smell, hearing or taste. Even when he couldn't feel his body, he never felt any sense of fear in him. He only wanted to assess the situation, find the solution and escape this place.

To experiment if he could speak, he voiced his thoughts and to his surprise, he could hear what he said. While he was thinking before, he had hypothesized that he can't speak as he was in space and it is not a medium of sound transmission.

But, surprisingly that isn't the case here.

" W-where am I-I?"*Cough*

He felt a sticky feeling in his throat, as if he hasn't spoken for ages. So he coughed a few times to get rid of the obstruction in his throat.

"I was driving and…"As Ye Feng recalled the recent events, he realized, "I see… so I am dead? *Sigh*"




As most of the population, Ye Feng was a white-collar salaryman, with enough paycheck to pay his rent, watch movies a few times, buy mangas and novels and eat twice in a fancy restaurant a month.

As it happens with every other man now-a-days, he found his girlfriend with another man.

While driving from his office, a photo of his girlfriend naked with the young master of the Shen family, Li Shen, was sent to his phone. His heart refused to believe it, but his mind did give a warning. But the next video confirmed denied suspicion.

When he saw the video, he was shocked to his core. His body trembled in sadness, his pupils turned red in rage. He lost control of his long-forgotten emotions.

The face of his childhood sweetheart playing on sand in the park, reading in the library with her during high school, partying in college together, every happy memory resurfaced and shattered to pieces that moment.

Being vehemently shocked, he couldn't concentrate on the road and hit the railing of a cliff. His car jumped off it and doused in the ocean as his soul left his body.

With ample regret and disappointed conscience, he accepted his death.

What is the point of living, when he could not even avenge his pride of a male.

At the last moment, he engraved an oath on his soul to not become powerless ever again. He will not shy away to take any measure whatsoever, be it moral or immoral, he will be the only one to decide his future in his next life.

As an orphan, he saw reality naked in front of him from his early childhood. Being kind in nature, fabric of reality choked him harder than most. Those moments taught him the true face and fact of society and made him pragmatic and cautious in his life.

Being pragmatic, he realized at that moment that even if he lived and decided to take revenge, he would be shredded to death by the claws of those conglomerate families.

It was not his first time being betrayed. Often, his sycophant friends used him as a commodity and threw him away, deeming him useless.

Despite everything he suffered in his life, he endured, thinking of his girlfriend.

Now wearing the green hat given by that same gold-digging girlfriend, he abandoned his naivety, strangled his kindness, and pledged to be powerful enough to control his life (If he gets another one, that is).





As the events of him dying passed through his mind, he accepted the fact that he is officially dead and this is the afterlife or whatever there is after death.

Visibly sighing at his miserable death, he resigned himself to the impending future.

Besides, what could he possibly do in this situation? Ask the nothingness around him where he is again and again, or cry like a baby thinking he died like the fictive stories he read before mentioned?

He did nothing and only waited, floating aimlessly. But, mind being as capricious as ever, started to conjure many hypothesis and useless fables on his own.

Being bored of the same old darkness around him, his lifeless eyes roamed over a celestial phenomenon occuring at some distance. It was the once-in-a-millenium formation of a neutron star.

Two garagantuan stars collided with each other and the result of their collision brought the atmospheric disintegration and emission of energy. Witnessing the effervescent colours of energy arc being emitted from their merging, an explicable excitement surfaced in him.

As his concentration was solely on the celestial phenomenon, unknown to him a subtle force started to pull his body backwards in a certain direction.

Watching the debris from the colliding stars forming a ring around them, he was fascinated and immersed in his observation. Suddenly he felt as if the stars are getting smaller gradually, though his senses said it was unusual, he dismissed it as if it was natural.

The force pulling him backwards started to increase gradually and the pace with which he was being pulled started to increase as well.

The size of two stars in front of Ye Feng started to decrease at an alarming rate, which broke his concentration on them and he sensed a gravitational pull from his behind.

'Interesting, I didn't feel any pull from the insane amount of gravitational force from binary stars, but there is a pull that can affect my astral body?' Ye Feng thought inwardly as he diverted his attention towards the pull.

He decided to call the form of his body — the astral form, as he had read it in some fictions of his past life.

At the end of the spatial current, he saw a peculiar crack in the space. He felt the current that is pulling him growing stronger.

Some enchanting wisps of golden tendrils seeped out of those cracks of space exuding a mysterious aura. Like nobody can escape from their grasps.

'So, that's my destination? It looks shady but what could go wrong? I am dead anyway.' Ye Feng thought last time before being warped into the crack before him.

Feeling nothing for a long time after getting warped Ye Feng opened his eyes, which were closed in expectance of some great impact or nausea.

His eyes opened only to see a golden sheen released by a gigantic being in front of him. Evrything around him was black except the golden light discharged from that unknown ginormous body before him.

Ye Feng could only compare his size to that being's size by taking example of a proton's size to that of Antares, a celestial body 100sextilion times larger than the Cosmos.

That being sat in a lotus position in vast expanse of nothingness. Seeing a subtle protrusion on the Being's chest and long hair, that he guessed after seeing a bun since the figure is too big to see its back, he conjectured the being as female.

Her body was outlined by a golden sheen and on her body many small white dots can be seen. Upon focusing, they would be recognized as stars, nebulas, spiraling galaxies, gargantuan black holes, and many cosmic bodies.

Ye Feng's astral state ardently prompted him to revere, bow, prostrate before this entity.

As his thought were in turmoil, a sonorous voice rang from everywhre around him.

"An oddity. Sole spawn of two origins and an unlucky soul. Stranded in a lower realm, tortured and humiliated despite being the highest noble in existence. Death of a dog. A peculiar soul indeed."The entity shrunk to the size of a normal human woman. Her eyes fluttered open, the blinding lights in her body dimmed, and a smooth, flawless jade skin materialized in front of Ye Feng.

"Not only in your recent life but in every past lives." She continued with an obvious intrigue.

"Hmm… interesting. It seems your destiny was altered by those bastards. Seeing that it's partially my insouciance that your soul was tormented and you didn't get what you deserve, I will give you three choices."

Ye Feng silently listened to every word the Being before him cooked. He had an astute comprehension from his birth, so it's not that difficult to understand that he was being inspected and described by the being.

He understood all of it, but he couldn't relate some of them to him. How is he 'An Oddity'? How is he 'Sole Spawn of Two Origins'? How is he the 'Highest Noble'? What is 'Two Origins'?

'Though its true that I died a dog's death, you didn't have to be that obvious. It hurts, you know? You should learn to hesitate.' Ye Feng felt a little bad when the Being said him a dog.

Being confused, he furrowed his eyebrows. Before he could even ask his queries, he saw the lady gazing at the space above her. Her eyes constricted a little and a frown marred her face.

Ignoring her peculiar action he mustered the courage and asked. "So umm… Can I know what three options I am given."

He didn't want to associate with this being or whatever. He felt annoyingly powerless before her, like she could squash him with a glance. Therefore, he asked hastily. He didn't even bother to know the entity before him because he knows curiosity killed the cat.

"Don't worry, I am not an evil entity. I am the 'Ruler Of The Omniverse'. Many call me 'The Mother'. You can use any of them." The Mother said as she perceived Ye Feng's fear.

By her response he understood that she can read his thoughts, so he helplessly sighed and decided to let go of his vigilance.

'How naive of me to think my useless cautiousness could protect me against this being. I know she must be listening to this too, so just let me go. I am too tired of my life anyways. Give me whatever you want and throw me into another struggle to survive.' Ye Feng's dejected thoughts were also read by the 'Mother of The Omniverse'.

"You know, you might be the first soul to not show any sinful feeling towards me. Before you, came many sages from different parts of Omniverse, many individuals powerful enough to wipe your tiny galaxy out of existence on a whim, but none of them could adhere their sanity for a second seeing after me." Said 'The Mother'.

Listening to the praise Ye Feng did not feel happy, he just felt weak, jealous and excited. Weak because there were ridiculously powerful individuals who could do as they wish. The freedom and the authority they must have made Ye Feng jealous. Excited because power beyond human understanding exists that means he can achieve it too.

This even intrigued 'The Mother' more. She never witnessed a individual with such a powerful soul ever in her life. Whereas, she is the oldest existence after Nihility and Infinity. Even Ye Feng's mental fortitude is strong enough to withstand charm of a primordial like her. This is ridiculous to her.

"While it is commendable and I wish to test your limit, time is not co-operative enough to wait for us. So, you better chose what you want." She said with an imperctible smile and continued after seeing Ye Feng nod, "And from your memories, I designed your choices in a style that is most convenient and easy to use for you. Remember, your choice will affect your destiny."

Ye Feng understood what she meant by his choice will affect his destiny. And he agreed mentally, life maybe unfair but opportunities aren't.

Satisfied with Ye Feng's prudence, 'The Mother' flicked her hand a electronic screen appeared before Ye Feng.


[Pick a route.]

[•Option 1- Regress with a system of your choice.]

[•Option 2 - Reincarnate/Transmigrate with a system of your choice.]

Ye Feng was perplexed. How could he not? when he is experiencing his most coveted wish being fulfilled before him. He was lazy, a little too much than it is generally advised, so he always searched the easiest path to accomplish his goals. And the easiest way to gain power is system. So he always dreamed if he was ever given a chance to reincarnate like this. He would always chose a system.

'Damnnnnnn...' Ye Feng thought seeing the option on the screen.

His mind started to reason every choice, its pros and cons. The choice from which he could achieve most.

After careful consideration, he opted to regress. Though, it is true that reincarnation gives him a chance to be born into a family. And for a orphan like him, a family is the most coveted object.

But, his mind doesn't work like that. He always accepts his logical conclusion rather than his emotional inclination.

Logically thinking, with a system he will reach a stage higher than anyone else can achieve. And that might not be his ultimate limit. Whereas, his family may not be able to walk with him on his journey. If he is emotionally attached to them, it might slow him down or hinder his growth.

In addition to it, his extreme possesiveness will always make them his achilles heel. It was also the reason, his girlfriend avoided him in many occasions. He never loves anyone, if Ye Feng ever gives someone his love or trust, he becomes possesive of them. He expects them to never betray his love or trust in any form or way that might hurt him. He has a very fragile heart but very astute mind.

To avoid such complications he decided to live his life lonely and only pursue power. His heart will always be locked away for eternity.

So he concluded regression would be better. He didn't care: to which time he will be regressed. But he thought any time would suffice to correct his blunders and avenge his misery. And system will be his key this time.

Ye Feng tapped the option one on the screen and screen changed portraying countless choice of options in front of him.

'The Mother' watched and observed all of Ye Feng's thought and felt a little pity for him. 'Obsession, right? It might be his biggest blunder or his greatest weapon in the future.'


[Choose your system]

[- Multiversal system.

- Tycoon sign-in system

- God-level check-in system

- Magus god system

- Destiny plunderer system

- Occupation change system

- Immortal cultivation system

- Cuckolding system

- Million fold cashback system

- NTR system

- Red packet system

- Boundless affluence system

- .....]

Truth be told, Ye Feng was overwhelmed by the myriad of choices diaplyed before him.

He only wanted to say one thing from the bottom of his heart: 'What the holy f*ck.'

In his whole lifetime, he never heard of this many systems. There was a list of at least a trillion systems.

He scrolled through many systems, some too overpowered to be true and some too disgusting to even look at.

He felt like a child choosing his first Pokémon, and literally, there was a 'Pokémon system' in there.

'I am going back to earth, so most of them are useless as the most powerful thing in the earth is money. Anything can be bought with money.'

He scrolled and scrolled. He saw a scrollbar on the edge of the system screen. Curiously, he scrolled it to the end, and to his surprise the last thing was not a system but a treasure.

There is only a blank space, written on its side —[Add any five systems of your choice. (Inaccessible)]

Being puzzled, he asked. "What is this thing? Is it possible to chose this?"

"Everything is possible, but the question is would you be able to pay the price for it? Inaccessible is written besides it to tell you that it doesn't come under the wishes you should be granted. But if you want it you have to pay for it." 'The Mother' said it looking directly at the eyes of Ye Feng. Seeing Ye Feng calculating the possible risk, she continued,"For the sake of inconvenience done to you by my carelessness, I can tell you that you will be assigned a task. Fret not, it won't hinder your persuit of power, instead it might help you grow stronger."

Though she said she is not an evil entity, Ye Feng genuinely felt that he is signing a deal with a Devil.

But he is too attracted to the add five systems to turn down the offer. So, he replied,"I don't know why an almighty existence like you is desperate to help me, a powerless human. But, I am sure its not only about your carelessness. I am also sure that you are not going to reveal the reason too, so I am already toop deep into this shit, so I take that last option."

"Well, you are brave, given that you can think straight in from of me.I give you that. But, are you sure you can play with innocent people's emotion? can you watch them die? can you kill them without hesitation? This task demands ruthless actions and merciless decisons, will you be able to change your personality for it?" She narrowed her eyes at Ye Feng to test his reaction and listening to his response later, a small smile bloomed on her face.






In his previous life Ye Feng was kind or rather he pretended to be kind and that is due to his upbringing in the Orphanage.

The environment of the orphanage and its matron's teachings affected Ye Feng the most. It ingrained a stereotype that kindness is the virtue of life.

Being kind, one could achieve everything. Loving everyone is the way to be loved by everyone. Generosity brings success.

And many things that now he could say without batting an eye were bulls*it.

The reason being the way he was treated outside the orphanage.

He showed kindness as it was taught, but he got what? He was backstabbed at every juncture of his life. Not only that, but he lived his whole life like a beggar.

Likewise, he was ready to die for a girl whom he considered his future, but what it was paid with? Nothing but betrayal. He was generous towards his friends, but his friends considered him a simp and pushover.

Recalling that, the existing hatred increased manifold in his heart. Hatred for whom? For his friends? Or Girlfriend? No, none of them, but for himself.





"Kindness is nothing but a lie, I have already lived a life bridled with lies, used by others and extorted to death. Its tiresome to lie all the time and I've decided to let my true self takeover this life. Let them learn that, cherish what you are given, life is not always bed of roses."At that moment, a new emotion sprouted in Ye Feng, and that is selfishness and vindictiveness.

He wanted it all for himself. As the saying goes,'Villains are created, they are not born.'

Unbeknownst to him, his personality was changing, drastically, and this change will not only morph him but the entire world he will descend upon.

'The Mother' raised his eyebrow in amusement. She thought Ye Feng would be as miserable as he was in his previous life because changing mindset needs an explosive shock.

She now has her second thoughts. What if she can actually counterattack those bastards by usi… *cough* relying on Ye Feng.

"You will be dragged into the struggle of the omniverse where losing your life will be a luxury in itself. Every action you take not only changes your fate but also the Omniverse. Because it is not a fiction, it will be your reality." She said solemnly to warn the last time.

She would rather not implicate Ye Feng's life in the battlefield of the omniverse. But, she could see her last hope in Ye Feng.

Without a nuance of hesitation, Ye Feng nodded.

'Mother of the Omniverse' sighed and said. "Since it's your last decision, suit yourself." She waved her hand again, and the screen vanished from its position.

The atmosphere change to a solemn and cryptic one.

"What I am going to tell you is the truth of what existence itself is. Where was it created? Where will it end? And what is your role in it."

Hope You Liked The Chapter. Leave a comment behind to motivate me.

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