
The Chosen's Odyssey

In a world that had endured a galactic war lasting centuries, a young boy takes an entrance exam for one of the most prestigious sects. He possesses an otherworldly handsome face and a charming smile that could captivate even Immortals and Deities alike. With secrets that many would give anything for, he embarks on the challenging journey of cultivation, filled with successes and setbacks, highs and lows, and plenty of action in between. Join him as he conquers the thrilling and erratic world of cultivation. ------ This is a novel I'm creating in my free time as a hobby so any advice or criticism is always welcome. ;) I try to upload 4-5 times a week depending on irl commitments. -----

Unorthadox01 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
222 Chs

A Tight schedule

"Wow, this place is beautiful. Vasari, I want our future home designed in the same style."

"S-sure, whatever you want."

"Hiromi, look at those ornaments. Doesn't it look so cute?"

"It does! Kurumi, I need these candles for my room."

'These girls are crazy. I hope T-Rex doesn't mind if some of his things go missing.' Vasari thought while leading the Nakata girls through the castle.

"Vasari, do you mind telling me about the Cloud Haven Sect? Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to."

Hozumi, who was walking just behind Vasari, unexpectedly began a conversation with him which slightly caught him off guard. It was the first time she had willingly started a conversation with Vasari.

"Oh I don't mind at all, but I'll only tell you if you allow me to call you mother-in-law."

"Ara you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with."


Vasari's bright, charming smile briefly stunned the mother of 2. His confidence and appearance were much more appealing to older women now that his features matured slightly, and his communication skills were also constantly improving which added charisma to his already stacked 'wife stealer' arsenal.

"Well, where do I start…I was only in the sect for 2 months before being forced into this mission…"

Vasari told his brief experience to Hozumi who earnestly listened to what he was saying. However, there were a few things that confused her.

"Why did you have to do this mission if they could just send a few Core Haven Elders and drive the Church of Prasufis members away?"

Her words made complete sense since there was no point in him coming here and risking his life if Joanna and her followers were going to retreat anyway.

"Because it costs an absurd amount of resources to travel here with the spatial gates destroyed and they didn't want to waste resources on travelling to a dwarf planet just to drive those from the Church of Prasufis away when they would willingly leave after they found what they wanted.

But the Elders and the Sect Master did not know what they were looking for so I was sent here to find out and if it would be profitable for them."

"Ah…" Hozumi felt awkward after realising that Vasari was used as a sacrificial lamb.

"Don't worry about it. There's a phrase, 'what goes around, comes around', and I believe they will regret what they did."

"I hope they do."

Hozumi flashed him a genuine smile, unfortunately, he wasn't able to see it but as if he did, he too smiled back at her.

"Ahem…What about your blindfold, where did you get that?"

Hozumi had to change the subject to save herself from embarrassment. She was a second away from kissing her daughter's boyfriend. He was just too handsome for her to think clearly and she was close enough to smell his natural musk exuding from his body. It took all her willpower to stop herself from falling.

"Haha, this- this was a gift…"


Vasari escorted the girls to the rooms that T-Rex arranged for them. The rooms arranged for them were the closest ones to the throne room where Vasari spent most of his time during the past year.

Vasari was currently alone with T-Rex in the throne room. Vasari sat comfortably on the golden throne while T-Rex kneeled a few metres away from him. T-Rex insisted that Vasari sat on the throne whenever they were in the room and wouldn't take no for an answer.

On Vasari's lap rested 4 eggs covered in shimmering scales of varying colours. They were all 80cm in length and a width of 30cm.

Vasari lovingly caressed the eggs and responding to his touch, the eggs gently vibrated in delight.

"Y-your Majesty, these eggs…these are dragon eggs." T-Rex stared at the eggs in Vasari's lap in utter disbelief. He had seen Dragon eggs before, but never ones like these. Normally, dragon egg shells were covered in solid-coloured scales such as red, blue, green, etc and they were usually dull.

However, the eggs in Vasari's embrace were all shining in different, vibrant colours and the scales somehow looked alive.

The egg furthest on the left had dark purple scales that shimmered with light blue and sunset orange hues.

The middle left egg had pure black scales that shimmered with blood red and azure blue hues.

The middle right egg was covered with bright pink scales that constantly shimmered in a myriad of different colours. No two colours were ever the same and aesthetically it was the most pleasing to look at.

The last egg furthest to the right was covered in unblemished white scales that shimmered with pure golden and royal blue hues.

"My Nana, who gave me these eggs told me to keep them in the subspace of my Heavenly Eyes. She said it would continuously absorb the excess energies of my eyes that my body can't contain."

T-Rex's expression once again drastically changed. From Vasari's words, he finally understood how his body could accommodate 2 Heavenly Eyes.

"It all makes sense now. Even with your Eternal Chaos Physique and Imperial Dragon Bloodline, your body shouldn't be able to handle the power contained in your eyes, but with these eggs absorbing even a little bit of its energy, your body remained mostly unaffected."

T-Rex suddenly frowned when he realised another issue.

"Your Majesty, doesn't this mean that when these eggs hatch, you will die?"

Vasari nodded with a gentle smile while continuing to caress the eggs.

"Yes, you're right."

T-Rex felt like his whole world would collapse at any second after hearing Vasari's confirmation, but before he could go into full-blown panic mode, Vasari continued.

"But that's only if they hatch before I reach the Nebula Realm. When I learn to control Mana I will be able to use some of the abilities of my eyes, thereby releasing some of the stress it causes on my body."

T-Rex exhaled a breath of relief but before he could calm down, a sudden question emerged in his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, how long until they hatch?"

"Hmm, it's been more or less a year and 4 months since I joined the Cloud Haven Sect so they will hatch in about 2 to 3 months."


So aghast by the situation, T-Rex subconsciously released a bit of his suppressed 'Aura'. When the Aura came into contact with the walls and objects in the throne room, deep indents formed on the surface of the rocky walls and the smaller objects instantly exploded. It was like everything was simultaneously being stabbed by the blade of a spear.

"Your Majesty, 3 months to reach the Nebula Realm from the Superior Qi stage is impossible! And with you contacting the Cloud Haven Sect your time is even more limited!"

Vasari chuckled at the sight of the panicked General. His heterochromia eyes curiously studied all the microchanges happening to the General's facial muscles from his furrowed brows down to his twitching lips.

"T-Rex calm down. When I breakthrough into the Mana Body stage I should be able to buy myself a bit more time. But enough about that, you said that there might be Generals and some of my previous life's followers still alive?"

Forcefully calming down his turbulent emotions a little, T-Rex nodded his head in response to Vasari's question.

"Then, while I cultivate in the Cloud Haven Sect I want you to look for them and gather them together."

"But Yo-"

"That is an order. This will be your first mission as the First General of the Deus Novus Army. If you come across talented cultivators I want you to bring them onto our side."

T-Rex felt his entire being shiver in euphoria.

This was what he was waiting for! This is the true start of their comeback and the beginning of the end for all those who oppose the might of The Chosen One!

"I, Titus Rex swear absolute loyalty to His Majesty, Vasari and the Deus Novus Army. If I, Titus Rex, even so much as think about betraying His Majesty or the Deus Novus Army may the Heavenly Dao strike me down with lightning and may my soul burn in the depths of Hell for all eternity!"

Titus Rex screamed to the heavens causing Vasari to jump in fright at his unexpected announcement. The entire World seemed to come to a halt before the planet rumbled for an entire minute.

"T-Rex, what did you do?"

"I swore an Oath of Loyalty. So now, if I betray you then the heavens will destroy my body with Heavenly lightning and my soul will burn in Hell."

"I-I see." This was the first time Vasari heard about the Heavenly Dao and it intrigued him greatly. However before he could ask the now 1st General of the Deus Novus Army, he heard the scream of one of the most important people in his life.

"Vasari!!! The planet is going to explode!! We're all going to die!!

Hearing Hiromi's frantic screaming, Vasari quickly placed his Dragon eggs back into his eyes' subspace and sealed his eyes before putting his blindfold back on. He finished just in time as Hiromi, along with Hozumi and Kurumi, came running into the throne room.

Not wanting to expose his identity, T-Rex bowed deeply and disappeared from the room before the girls could see him.

Hiromi jumped onto Vasari's lap and curled into a ball like a frightened cat. Hozumi and Kurumi stopped just before the throne and looked at Hiromi with envy.

"Calm down, I'm sure it's nothing." He said while struggling to stop himself from laughing and stroking the frightened girl's head.

"Did you not feel all that shaking? I'm sure the world is going to collapse!"

"Relax, I just needed to release some gas."

"…you're not funny."

Vasari laughed at his own joke like some madman which ultimately caused Hiromi and Kurumi to struggle to stifle their giggles.

"Aii you young ones."

"But seriously there's no need to stress, I'm sure this castle can withstand almost anything." It was a guess on his part, but he would be correct. This castle was a true stronghold and T-Rex wasn't joking when he told Joanna that it would remain standing even if the entire planet was destroyed.

"Why don't you girls complete a few trials before those from the Cloud Haven Sect get here? I heard only 29 trials out of the hundred have been completed so there's still plenty left to get."

"We can do that?"

"Haha, of course, you can. But you better hurry up, I'm guessing you only have less than a day before they arrive."

The girls didn't need another invitation as they rushed off from the throne room to find any incomplete trials they could do. Even Hiromi jumped off from his lap to join her mother and sister.

"T-Rex make sure they don't get hurt."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," T-Rex answered using spiritual communication since he wasn't in the throne room at the moment.

'Now that I'm alone for a while, I might as well do some cultivating again.'


15 hours later T-Rex who was watching over Hiromi, Hozumi and Kurumi, looked in a certain direction and a large smile of elation crept onto his face.

"His Majesty is truly one of a kind. Nobody has or ever will come close to him. I truly cannot wait until cultivators tremble at the mention of his name once again. He will redefine the limits of cultivation, but even he will need time to do so."


At the same time a few kilometres away from the entrance of the Draynora Mountain Range, a large spaceship designed as a cruise liner landed on the lush green grass.

The first person to step foot on the ground was a short, old-looking man with barely any hair remaining on his round head. His green eyes filled with wisdom casually scanned the area.

Immediately he could see a castle eclipsing all 15 mountains. His long grey eyebrows lifted in surprise at the sight that even his experienced and knowledgeable self felt wondered by.

"This is truly a structural marvel, It has to be an artefact. The Spartans truly did not skimp on rewarding their Generals."

Elder Equus admired the sight for a few more moments before turning around to face the 49 students he brought along with him.

Thanks to everyone reading and supporting my novel. It’s much appreciated <3

Volume 2 comes to an end soon.

Unorthadox01creators' thoughts