

Confusion and fear are the emotions Dameon Hart is feeling right now. Why? He woke up at his funeral. He doesn't know how he died or why he miraculously came back to life. He tries to seek out answers but can't seem to find anything until he meets someone else that knows everything. Well at least he is famous now.

SpikeyMaginas · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Dameon's eyes fluttered open. Darkness,that's all he can see.

"Where am I?" He asked himself.

He tried to move around but he couldn't. He concluded that he is in some kind of box. He was about to yell for help when he heard voices from outside the box.

"Now it's time for the viewing of the body." He heard a man say. The voice was faint but he could feel the melancholic tone in it.

"Wait, what body?" He spoke out loudly, confused by what the voice has said.

Outside, the voice went silent. Everything went dead silent for a few seconds.

The top of the box he was in was suddenly opened and he let out a grunt as he covered his eyes.

The light was burning his eyes, it's like he had just gotten out of a theatre after staying inside for days. He sat up rubbing his eyes.

Before he could ask what was going on, screams tore through the air. Dameon opened his eyes but couldn't seem to process the scene in front of him.

Several people dressed in black suits and dresses stared back at him fear and shock written all over their face. Some had even made their way from their seats to the huge door on the others side of the building.

He took some time observing his surroundings while people just looked at him shocked and afraid at the same time.

The room was huge, with the ceiling several metres above him and the walls several feet apart. The room was like a ballroom. It had several decorations which included crosses and sculptures, the room was filled with benches where people were supposed to sit, at the other side of the room stood a huge castle like door.

He slowly turned to look behind him.

A man dressed in black like all the rest stood behind what was meant to be a podium a microphone in hand. He was looking straight at him with a surprised look on his face. A book was placed on the podium. It seemed as if he was addressing the others.

Nothing happened for a few seconds. Everyone was just staring at him like he was some kind of alien. That was until a girl, with beautiful hair and delicate features, broke away from the crowd, ran towards him and hugged him.

"Dameon, you're alive!" The girl said as she hugged him, sobbing.

This words were like a spell as people started moving closer to Dameon. Reporters who had been at the back of the crowd dashed forward first, cameramen in hot pursuit.

Soon Dameon was surrounded with people asking him questions he couldn't understand while others recorded him with their phones. Dameon had so many questions right now like, who were this people? What were they doing? What the hell was going on?The girl was still hugging him tightly as if he was going to disappear when she let go.

"Everyone calm down!" A deep voice cut through the air causing everyone to turn their heads to the source.

A handsome man with refined facial features stood at the front with the microphone in hand. Nobody dared to speak, it was as if they were afraid of him.

"I know everyone is confused, I am too, that is why I ask we calm down and act rationally." The man said trying to calm the crowd.

"What is going on?" Dameon shouted so that his voice could reach the man.

The man just looked at him with hints of shock on his face, not saying a word. The girl who was hugging him was the one who responded.

"Y..You were dead, I d.. don't wanna lose you again."

"Dead?" Dameon asked confused.

"Y...yeah" the girl responded still sobbing in his arms.

That is when everything clicked in Dameon's mind. People dressed in black, the huge building, the box he was in. It all made sense now. He was at his funeral but had come back to life. That was why people were surprised and afraid of him.

But even after realizing this, he had more questions than answers. Who were this people? How did he die? Why did he come back to life?

Everyone was asked to get out of the church except for the relatives.The reporters smelling a juicy story from this event, tried asking Dameon questions but unfortunately, he himself was clueless. He wondered whether they would believe him if he told them that.

Soon, guards came and 'guided' the reporters and some people, who were still snaping pictures of Dameon, outside.

After a while only around thirty people remained. The man at the front, the girl who was still hugging Dameon, and several people who were still sitting on the pews staring at him remained.

Dameon was confused, he tried racking his brains but came up with nothing. He couldn't recognize any of these people, even the girl who was hugging him so tightly. They were all strangers to him.

After a brief silence, some people stood up and walked towards Dameon.

"So, you're alive brother." A boy with shaggy blonde hair spoke among the people who had come to see him. Dameon detected unease in his voice.

"Yeah, I am" Dameon replied trying to keep a straight face. Although he didn't know who they were, he decided it was better to pretend to know them.

"But you were clearly dead, what happened?" A girl's voice among the crowd asked.

This was clearly not how a family was supposed to treat their loved one who had just come back from the dead, it felt like they were interrogating him, Nevertheless, he decided to reply.

"I guess it wasn't my time to die." He replied humourously trying to break the ice between him and his supposed relatives.

"This is going to be a hassle to deal with." This time a woman spoke up. Saying she was beautiful was an understatement.

She looked at Daemon with her beautiful purple eyes as if trying to ascertain if he was real.

"Sandra, stop hugging him." The woman said sternly.

The girl who was hugging him reluctantly let go of him. Dameon felt a little offended by the woman's behavior but didn't speak. It was like the woman thought it was better for Dameon to remain dead.

"Great job Dameon, social media is going crazy about you." His brother said sarcastically, showing him his phone playing a video of multiple people waiting outside the church they were in.

It seemed the only person here who cared about him was Sandra, the girl who was hugging him.

"Father, what should we do now?" His brother continued speaking addressing the handsome man who had calmed the crowd before.

"Let's all head home first, I've called Bryan." The man replied.

"What about the people outside?" The beautiful woman asked.

"We just have to endure, honey." The man said calmly.

Dameon didn't even know their names but from what was going on, Dameon was the son of the handsome man who was married to the beautiful woman, he wasn't really sure if she was his biological mother from the way she treated him.

"What is wrong with you people? Aren't we going to discuss what is going on? He literally came back from the dead!" A man's voice was heard from the pews.

"Like I said Luther, we'll talk about it at home." His father replied sternly to this complaint.

After this, nobody else spoke. They patiently waited for Bryan to come. It seemed like his father was the head of the family.

A few minutes later, the grand doors opened slightly and a woman entered. She was so beautiful that Dameon thought she was an angel. Even though she wore a chauffeur's uniform, compared to everyone in the room, she was certainly the most beautiful. At least that's what he thought.

"Sir, the luxury bus is ready." She said respectfully to his father.

"We will be right there Bryan." His father replied.

With this words, the woman bowed respectfully and elegantly walked out of the door. She glanced at Dameon before leaving. At that moment Dameon felt something, not attraction or anything to do with love, but understanding. It was like she understood what he was going through.

"Come on everyone let's go." His father said,"you can stand can't you?" The question was directed at Daemon.

"Yeah." Dameon said getting out of what was meant to be his coffin. It looked expensive, with jewels like amethysts and rubies beautifully embedded in the wood which was then coated with gold. He was clearly from a rich family.

The moment Dameon's feet touched the floor, he felt power that he had never felt before. It was so sudden that he almost fell. He kept a straight face hoping that no one had noticed anything. Just what the hell was happening to him?

He had no time to address this questions as everyone was leaving. He followed them outside the church.

Outside, crowds of people had gathered, all waiting for them. Reporters, seeing the doors open, rushed forward trying to get their attention.

"We refuse to answer any questions as of now." His father said as reporters bombarded him with thousands of questions.

The guards who stood watching, jumped into action as soon as his father had said this words. They forcibly pushed back people paving a path towards the luxury bus. He covered his ears to protect his eardrums from the noise as people shouted his name to get his attention.

They finally got into the bus and drove off. Everyone on the bus was still treating him as if he were an alien, so he had some time to think.

"You shouldn't trust some of these people boy." A voice echoed in his head.

Surprised, Dameon looked around for the source of this mysterious voice. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the source of the voice. Everyone was either scrolling on their phones or wearily observing him.

"I'm not here physically. I don't have much time to explain, I just thought I should let you know that you shouldn't trust some of these people."The voice echoed all around him.

Dameon, now alarmed, looked around him but no one seemed to be speaking.

"Are you okay?" The girl who was hugging him back at the church asked him worry written all over her face.

"Umm, yeah" he replied. He didn't want to tell her he was hearing voices.

He had tons of questions in his mind. Who was the source of this voice?Why is it saying I shouldn't trust some of these people?

The voice as if reading his mind replied, "I can't answer your first question but I'm saying you shouldn't trust some of them because they were responsible for your death."

I'm sorry I won't be updating regularly.

SpikeyMaginascreators' thoughts