
The Child of prophecy

“I'm sorry.” I sob out, my heart twisting in agony as I delve the sword deeper into his chest. His blood-stained hands weakly cup my cheek, a genuine, soft smile gracing his lips. “It had to be done, my beautiful girl.” After losing her last remaining family and counting the days to her arranged marriage, Analia, with the help of a gift from her Grandmother, follows the advice of a friend to enlist as a companion to accompany a demigod on a journey to retrieve a powerful substance capable to granting it's winners with a reward. She ventures into the land of a powerful goddess unprepared and entwines her fate with the child prophecised to bring mankind to it's end although with no knowledge of his true identity. she finds herself drawn to him and as they journey further together, her feelings which started as mere curiosity blossoms into a consuming fire of love. Will fate cause her to once again lose everything? Or will she prevail against her fate?

Themulberry · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs



MY BREATHING is coming out short and labored, a sign of the fear that's eating me away. I'm scared and my feet remain rooted on the ground. This is the point where I'm supposed to run or stab him in the arm with my arrow but fear grips me tightly choking the air out of me. I remind myself that I have to be brave. I have to do something or else I'll never truly be able to leave.

"No," I mutter. "No!" I say more audibly.

"I'm not going back there to rot and become nothing. I just need a safe trip to the capital sir. You're wrong about yourself you know, you look nothing like a monster. I'm not scared of you because if you try anything funny I'll stab you." I yell out the last part and try to calm my breathing as it is the only thing that cuts deep into the silence.

He stares at me blankly before he suddenly bursts into peals of laughter. "You sure don't speak like a child," he remarks in between his peals of laughter while wiping the tears that have accumulated in his eyes. "Get on, we don't have all day, the journey to the capital is a tedious one."

My eyes water instantly and I bow curtly at him in earnest appreciation. "Thank you so much, sir-"

"Raymond and I'm not a noble Lord so Raymond will do just fine."

"Thank you, Raymond. I will never forget your kindness." I run back to get my things then settle into the wagon beside barrels that seem to be filled with liquor.

The wagon starts to move and I feel the weariness I've been feeling all night long begin to sink into my bones. I know I should be vigilant but I'm so tired that being in this uncomfortable wagon makes me feel sleepy. I rest my head on a barrel and doze off.

I am woken up by the sound of voices around me. Light pours into the wagon through the front opening of the cover which is slightly blocked by Raymond's back. I sluggishly crawl forward to take a look at the scenery of wherever we might be since the back is blocked off with barrels. As though sensing that I'm awake, Raymond's deep, rough voice rings out.

"Good morning child." he greets without turning his head back.

"Good morning Raymond. I must have been so tired." I admit now poking my head from the cover. A quiet gasp leaves my lips at the sight I behold. Unlike my town which is filled with tiny cottages and huge walls trapping us all in like a pen, I can sight huge buildings from afar. The streets look modernized with bricked floors, the men and women walking and chattering on the streets are dressed finely, a contrast to the rags I'm wearing.

"Where are we?" I ask still allowing myself to admire the scenery before me. In Ansyer we hardly saw any birds. Mother said that it was probably because we didn't have many trees and things that could attract them. In all my years of living in Ansyer, I have never seen a flock of birds together. I am really glad to have left that place. I would never have experienced such beauty had I not left.

"The capital- Chrollo," Raymond answers, snapping me out of my little haze.

My eyes widen slightly and I lean forward, enough to see the back of his head that's covered in a brown hat, golden streaks of hair mixed with grey peak out from underneath it. He has a peculiar scent, one that I can't quite describe. It oddly reminds me of fresh grass.


"Yes, goddess Asha's father. The capital is named after him." Raymond explains although unnecessarily seeing as I already knew that. The towns and lands of our realm are named after the gods except for Asha who was powerful enough to have a realm all to herself.

"I'm dropping you off at the princess' palace right?" He asks and my brows knit together in confusion.

"Why would you drop me off there?"

He turns to face me and if it weren't for the look of annoyance in his blue-green eyes, I would've screeched in surprise. Seeing his face in broad daylight makes the burn scar on his face way more prominent.

"What?" I ask, trying not to act too bothered by his face. The burn must have been very painful and one can see that beneath that burn is a very handsome man.

"Are you just trying to play dumb child-"

"Ana," I tell him with a small smile. I know I'm disguised as a child but I still find the fact that he keeps calling me a child annoying.

He sighs and faces forward. "The palace is where you get to enlist and get to become a companion. Didn't you know that already?"

I laugh humourlessly as I scratch the back of my neck. "I thought it was at the main palace, why would the demigods prefer to gather at the princess' palace?" I ask because demigods are known to be arrogant. They would prefer the extravagance of the main palace.

"It's one of the realm's greatest mysteries. It's the same question we humans ask ourselves every three

years." He pauses for a while and then continues, "You know Ana, being a companion isn't as honorable as you may think it is. You'll be more of a slave than whatever fantasy you may have in your head."

"I know but then again, I need to win. I need to get my wish granted."

"And what makes you think that a child can win? Asha's land is more deadly than any human can comprehend. The weather changes in the blink of an eye. Complex monsters, more vicious than ordinary dragons roam her land like the birds roam our sky. Is what you're looking for worth all these troubles?" He turns to look at me, his eyes tell me how genuine his intentions are. He isn't trying to scare me, he's letting me know that I can always back out, he's letting me know that I don't have to go on a suicide mission.

"I know all these Raymond but the thing is, I have nothing else. Even if I were to back out, I'd be going back home to nothing. This little kid needs some adventure in her life." I say with a small laugh. His blue-green eyes soften slightly and he gives me a small smile before returning his attention to the road.

The rest of the ride is quiet and I spend it reflecting on my life. He's right about everything. I know the risks, the danger I'm putting myself in. What is it that I'm counting on that's making me so unafraid? Even though I know that the present skills I have will only lead to my immediate death. I won't even have time to practice my archery seeing as the conversion starts in two days.

I hope everything works out in the end.

Some time passes before Raymond's wagon comes to a halt. I was just about to doze off but the halt jerks me out of it.

"We're here," Raymond announces and my heart skips a beat.

Thanks to my twelve-year-old stature, climbing out of the wagon isn't much of a hassle. I drag out my belongings along with me and once I'm settled on the pavement, I rummage through my bag for garnets I can use to pay him with.

In our realm, we pay for goods and services through precious stones. Gems like amethysts, agates, and garnets are used to pay for common goods and services. While rare gems like diamonds, emeralds, and gold are used for more lavish things.

Thanks to my Father who died while I was still a child, my family never ran out of garnets. He was a hard worker and he was able to save a lot for his family.

I take out a hand full of garnets, my heart is filled with sincere gratitude towards Raymond. Garnets may not be able to get him the fancy things of life but they'll let him eat three times a day.

"I don't know how to say thank you," I tell him as I stretch my hands to him with a slight head bow. To my surprise, I feel his heavy palm on my head. He gives my hair a slight ruffle and chuckles softly. This gesture causes my heart to swell.

"I don't need them stones child, the ride was free. Consider it my gift to you."

"No," I choke out trying to keep my emotions in check. " I need you to take this, I know it's not enough but I promise-"

"Ana, Just get out of here. I'm a merchant, I make more stones than you could ever imagine. Do I look that haggard to you?" he laughs.

"Just keep yourself safe and be good to the master or mistress you'll serve. The capital won't be as safe as the town you once knew and neither will the people. Every human here in the capital is a high-born noble. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say?" he ruffles my hair once more and I raise my head a little to catch a glimpse of his kind eyes.

"I do, Raymond," I reply

"Good, for such a little girl you don't act your age." He compliments oblivious to the fact that I'm way older than he could imagine.

"Will I get to see you again?" I know it's a lot to ask from him but apart from Gina and Bernard, he's the only other person who has ever been kind to me.

"As long as you get that wish you desire, we'll meet again. May Chrollo and Asha grant you success." He gives my hair one last ruffle and with a soft, tender smile, he sets off to wherever his destination might be.

I take in the fresh air of the capital and relish the distinct scent it carries. There is a distinct aura it oozes out. It overwhelms me because I can't place my fingers on what these scents and auras are. I heave a sigh and trudge up to the gate of the princess' palace, behind its steel bars I can sight the huge buildings made of fine bricks that can hold for generations to come. A guard dressed in armor is manning the gate, his height makes me feel like I could be crushed at any moment and the coldness of his hazel eyes that bore into mine gives me chills as I approach him.

His grip tightens on his sharp sword as I now stand in front of him.

"Good evening." I bow slightly, I can't believe I spent my whole day traveling.

"State your business." His voice matches the coldness of his eyes. It's devoid of emotion and lets me know that he wouldn't hesitate to cut down a child.

I fidget with my fingers as I speak in my squeaky child voice. "I'm here to enlist as a companion. I hope I'm not too late." I bat my lashes innocently as a way to let him know that I'm just an innocent little child.

He stares down at me for what seems like an eternity until he softly knocks on the gate. "Open up." He demands

In less than a minute the huge gates are opened up to me and my eyes light up at the beauty. If it weren't for the number of soldiers lined up right in front of the gate I would've run up to the fountain right ahead of me. I had only heard of fountains from my grandmother. She had told me that fountains could be shaped in whatever manner and still have water flowing from it.

She was right. This fountain is shaped in the form of a lion as water flows from its supposed mouth. The flowers adorning every inch of the palace is enough to make me feel like I am in a fairytale of some sort.

Leaving Ansyer was the beginning of an adventure for me.


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