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Words can't express how the environment was on the morning of 15th, June when hoodlums arrived at the palace of His Majesty, Sir Konda.

Everywhere was calm as the king and his cabinets were having a crucial meeting for the good of the kingdom. The barren queen was preparing to take an evening walk. The servants were running helter-skelter to keep the palace going by keeping it clean when these evil men arrived.

In the kingdom of Hakazua, there lived an evil man who has been plotting an evil coup against the king because he has been ruling justly without fear or favour.

The king does not allow the evil suggestions of these men because he believed he was crowned to serve and not to be served and not for him to destroy the peace of the land.

It was on this base that this evil man by name of Wankara sent these hoodlums to attack the king and his palace on that faithful day.

He provided every needed material for them to execute the planned coup without any hindrance or prevention. That they have come to do that very evening.

Upon arrival and being in contact with their well-planned map started to carry it out without any waste of time. They entered through the back door without the knowledge of the security operatives. The King still busy with his meeting had no intention of what was going on in the palace.

These men continued to shoot whomever they came across for them to get to the king and kill him.

At this time, the guards having been aware of what was going on started to get everything normal by firing back at the men.

That they continued to do when one of the king's cabinet, having been one of the coup planners, and having been updated with the time it was to begin, told the king to win for his dear life for his life was at stake.

The King hid under one of them as the men entered their meeting chamber.

Mr Kiswa, the king's betrayal that's among his cabinet members who have not known the king's location, collided with his men to look for the king at his hidden place.

But after a long search for the king, they agreed to go and leave the war for another day.

So now the sent evil men left with immediate alacrity to where they came from.

Now the king had noticed their living came out from his hidden place.

The King with what he had witnessed held Mr Kiswa guilty for betraying him and for planning to murder him.