
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Cómic
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50 Chs

CHAP 19: An moment of rest

We managed to get out of the Absolute Containment zone, and stopped at ruins of what i believe is part of old Kansai in order to rest. Cutthroat was lying down on a bathtub, looking at the rain clouds and humming, Brawler was complaining about the rain and Doctor was talking about how it would ruin her hair. Olivia was seated besides the children, and i and Courier were leaned against walls opposite to eachother. Courier finally asked something important.

"So where exactly are we supposed to bring you to? I don't want to sit around doing nothing all day."

"You're so impatient when it comes to work, Courier. Our destination is"

Doctor interrupted the boy.

"Before that, tell us who exactly are you two?"

"Do you need to know that in order to work?"

"Yes, our job was to rob and deliver an vault, but now we're delivering children. Of course that changes things, and you should know that aswell."

"I can pay more if needed, even double it."

"It is not about the money, didn't you understand that with the dreaded gorilla and Hacker's actions. Money alone won't keep us here, and these bomb-collars don't mean nothing if you can't be trusted. So answer me, who the hell are you?!"

Olivia got up and in front of the children.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Doctor asked her.

"That's enough, i'm sure there's an motive they can't tell us, i mean, they were inside an vault on the Shinkansen."

"And that's exactly why we need to know. They're in some way connected to Kanto, and we've taken them directly from the most secure vault on the Shinkanse, they're going to pursue us for that. Doesn't that concern you and your teacher?"

Olivia looked back at the children and saw they were holding hands, shaking.

"You're an bully! You're pressuring them to answer something they clearly can't, that's being an bully!"

All Akudama seemed to hate the idea of bullying, so they immediately reprimanded Doctor.

"Being an bully is bad, stop it, Doctor."

Cutthroat said.

"Right, stop that, Doctor."

Brawler agreed. Doctor looked back at me with an questioning look, and i simply shrugged, so she quit the argument, but not before whispering something to Olivia.

"You've made your teacher prideful with that acting of yours."

And then she backed up.

"Keep your emotions out of work. So, you two, where are we supposed to bring you?"

The boy pulled out an book and opened it, which projected some numbers.

"What're these numbers?"

Olivia asked.


Courier answered.

"These coordinates lead us to our destination, the Exposition Park."

"Exposition Park? Kansai has one of these?"

Olivia exclaimed.

"I like the "exposition" part, sounds fun!"

Brawler was hyped.

"Do you have an map?"

Doctor asked;

"No need, i know where that is."

Courier responded.

"But i don't know what these last six numbers are."

He continued.

"You'll discover it."

The boy answered.

"This boy is always hiding something."

Doctor said to herself.

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat."

Brawler exclaimed.

"There's no food places in kilometers."

I answered.

"I'm hungry as well."

Olivia added.

"Since you'll bring us to the Expo Park, we can provide some food."

The little girl started looking through the boy's backpack, pulling out an metal canister...

"But this food is yours"

Olivia said that while opening the canister and being surprised to find it empty.

"Put the lid back on and say what you want out loud."

"What?... Okay... I want takoyaki."

"Open it."

Olivia opened the canister and there it was, takoyaki. That's some impressive technology.

"What is this? Magic?"

She exclaimed.

"This food canister can use atoms on the atmosphere in order to make food. Teacher made us bring it so we don't starve."

The boy said.

"This Teacher person sounds cool!"

Olivia responded.

"I don't know if they are cool or not."

"If this thing can make food, give me meat!"

Brawler exclaimed, taking the canister out of Olivia's arms. But the little girl played an note on the flute and the shield pushed the big man at the wall.

"Weak people always try to take things by force."

"I'm not weak, so i'll wait for you to end, little woman."

The antics of the Akudama make me wonder how did they manage to commit so much crime and not die in the process, they're amateurish in their execution. Time passed with nothing of importance happening outside of the akudama deciding they would sleep for an bit. I used that time to ask Doctor for an antidote, of which she had none, so i made an makeshift bed in hopes of using the {Gamer's Body} passive of sleeping on a bed and curing all debuffs. That plan worked and i was saved from dying to poison, and Olivia does not have an problem because i prevented her from breathing the contaminated air.

When the sun was about to set, we set out to the Expo Park, using the sewer shortcut from Courier, the smell was bed but nothing i've never dealt with, when we were passing through one of the high buildings (this place was built on the ruins of old Kansai), an pair of Executioners ambushed us, i dodged the falling attack of the man, and pulled out the stilleto i hadn't given back to Cutthroat, stabbing the man, which parried my attack, i dodged the attack of the other one which was coming from my back, i pulled out the Collector and shot him in the stomach, one down, one more to go, i parried his light sword and rapidly put my stilleto in his pancreas, which gave me an opening to blow his head off. I pulled out the knife, cut the man on the ground's carotid and gave the bloodstained weapon back to Cutthroat, which seemed impressed by my actions and started licking the blood on the stilleto.

The executioners are disapointing me, sincerely. I kinda of understand Brawler now.

I've followed Akudama Drive very closely this time, but the next chaps will differ very hardly from it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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