
The Chaotic Reality Where I'm Married to You

passionfruitjuice · Fantasía
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12 Chs

❁ Her Prologue • II ❁

"Sister Jasmin?" Larissa whispered insecure. "Are you shaking?"

"Do I look like I'm shaking, Larissa?" I glared at her, anger taking the best of me. "Do I?"

She gulped, "Yes?"

"Then don't ask stupid questions, if you can see I am," not being able to control all of my burning temper, I got up and kicked a chair far away from me, and when I was going to turn my back on it, it passed through the barrier and fell off the open balcony. "No!" My voice came out a whisper. "Mother!"

In a second, I took my long sword and daggers from the couch. "Elder sister," my brother cried, "is mother…?"

"Don't think. If you think, you will attract it. Stay here with your wife, or leave her here and come to fight. I don't have time for this!" Going to the open balcony, I conjured my air energy and flew to where the dread was coming from.

I can't let my mother die. Not my mother!

The closer I got, the more unbearable the dreadful scent became, so much that I could feel my nostrils beginning to bleed, but I could care less. Better me bleeding than my mother. I'll destroy him if he tries to absorb her soul. I swear to Gods, I'll fucking destroy him or my name isn't Jasmin Mia Madritsch.

As I arrived at the front of Madritsch Recesses gates, I saw him on a black and crimson red detailed robe, as always in contrast with my green and gold colors, floating gracefully with his eyes redder than usual, his pupils wider than normal, and two black lines going from under his eye to the middle of his cheeks. And in front of him was my mother, kneeling.

She was alive, but barely and that made me blind. I did not think twice before throwing one of my daggers as him, making a cut on his left cheek, which finally made him look at me, and take his attention off my mother. "Leo, stop!" I yelled angrily.

But he grinned. Of course, he did. "Mia," he called me as he always did, in a way only he did, and it sent goosebumps down my spine thanks to the dreadful note in his voice. "Took you long enough to come, little peridot. I was enjoying the idea of killing your mother, because you would definitely come to me if I did that, wouldn't you?" His lips widened in a nauseating way.

I can feel the loathing scent of the souls he absorbed coming from him, "I am here now, you fucking bastard. So, take your anger on me, leave my people alone. Leave my family be. Just because you absorbed your own, doesn't mean I'll let you do the same to," I gagged as he appeared in front of me instantly, strangling me but not enough to break my neck.

Before he could go that far, I pierced my sword on his belly, and it went to the other side, impaling him. However, despite coughing blood, nothing happened to him, even though I used my killing move, he was still very much alive. "Mia, Mia, Mia," he grinned viciously, rising me to his height by my neck. "You ain't on pair with me anymore, Mia. You are weak and will never be able to defeat me. Nor will you be able to protect your people."

In a snap of fingers with his free hand, he conjured thousands of obsidian arrows covered in hellfire, which can make you burn for eternity, and is used as a immortal punishment in the Immortal Land of Garnet, all above Madritsch Recesses, each arrow ready and pointed at one of my people. And as saw it all, he watched me with delight. "No…"

But when he was going to snap them again, my brother came out of nowhere and impaled him with his sword, "I'll end you right now, devil!"

"No. Franz, no," I gasped, trying to get his big hand off my neck.

"You've always been an annoying bug, haven't you, Franz?" He grinned, and still with his free hand, he took my brothers sword out of his back, making blood overflow from the wound that didn't seem to truly harm him. "You should have listened to your elder sister, but, of course, you did not. Now, look at what your stupidity got you," just like that, he impaled my brother with his own sword, making me cry in horror.

"Franz!" I cried. "Fuck. I told you to stay there," I yelled, the terror of the sight getting under my skin, as I saw him vomit blood. "No!" I tried to used my power to push him away from Leo, but it was useless.

"Jas…min…" my brother whispered.

"No, no, no," Leo grinned wolfishly. "I'll enjoy feasting on your soul, Franz," and before I could do anything to stop that, he used his power to make my brother levitate and then he began turning him into magical essence, which he then absorbed.

I could only watch in horror, helpless, as he killed and absorbed my little brother's soul. "Franz! No!" Mother screamed as she watched from the ground. "Use it, Jasmin," she snapped me out of it. "You have to use it. The secret scroll you got. Use it. You are our only hope, my daughter!"

How… how did she…?

"Mia, Mia, Mia, do you have any thing up your sleeves?" He bit his bottom lip in what used to be a charming smile, but was nothing but a psychotic grin now. "Don't you understand that there's no where for you to go?" He tightened his grip on my neck.

"There is!" Mother screamed. "Save us, Jasmin. Do not forget what you have to do. Stop him. Save us. Save. Us!" Her command was engraved in my bones. "Do not do anything harsh, Jasmin Mia Madritsch. You are the only one who can change this. So, save us. Save. Us!"

"M-mother," I felt like crying.

"Take your dirty hands off my daughter, your devilish bastard," she snapped her fingers.

Just like that, mother switched me from his hand to the teleportation array, where she was coincidently kneeling on, as if she had planned this. If she knew exactly where I needed to be to complete the prohibited time travelling array that I found when I was on the Immortal Land of Garnet. And when I realized that she had gone to my place, right on his claws, I tried to get up, but invisible chains made of my mother's energy locked me on my place. "No! Mother," I cried. "I can't… I can't leave you!"

"It's an order, Jasmin," she gasped, his hand grasping her neck. "You ain't getting anywhere. Do your thing and go. Save us!" Her voice was almost a whisper but hit my ears as loud as if she had screamed them.

"Interesting," he grinned. "Try whatever you want, Mia. I'll get you either way, and when I do, I'll kill you and absorb your soul." He exclaimed far from worried.

"Do… it…" Mother whispered.

As I whispered the forbidden words, invoking demonic energy for the first time in my life, blood tears rolled down my eyes, as I watched him snap my mother's neck and absorb her soul as if she was a weak spider, and not the strongest immortal on Heavenly Soul Recesses realm. But as I began to form the array around me with the very energy of my soul, and my blood tears as it's ignition, he moved his devilish arrows to target everyone but me.

When he snapped his fingers to kill my people, his garnet red eyes were on me. "Despair, Mia. I learned that when you fall into despair, your soul taste a lot better. I want yours to be the best meal of my life. So, watch me kill your family, your people, all of those you love, and despair," at each word, his creepy grin grew wider, in a way only a monster's would.

"You're not Leo!" I whispered.

"I am what he should have been from the beginning," he countered. "Thus, I am him. Not the one you knew, but the better version of himself. All to destroy you, and look at you now. Helpless and weak. Amusing."

I snapped, crying in pure grief, not being able to hold it for another second. And as I screamed in the despair he craved to see, I finished the array. "I'll kill you. I'll destroy you. I'll break you. I'll be the death of you."

"Hah, have you also gone insane, Mia?" His voice was venomously kind and in a instant he was in front of me, but not crossing over the array as he couldn't. There can only be one soul on the teleportation array, and right now he was a vessel with countless.

My eyes widened in fury as I glared at him, "I'll kill you even if I have to die with you on the process, Malachi Leo Litchenegger. I'll kill you before you can even think of coming here and destroying my realm."

He frowned as his eyes fell on the array I had made, "Demonic…?"

"If that's what it takes to kill you, I'll become a monster to kill the one you will turn out to be. I'll avenge my people and my family." I yelled and it finally took affect. Before he could land an attack on me, energy exploded from the array, breaking the handcuffs and taking me away from him. From Heavenly Soul Recesses. But it was too late when I notice…

I didn't set the year I was going back to. Shit.