
The change in Power in Westeros

Tyson was killed in a corner store robbery and was reborn into the Game of Thrones world with help to live. What will he do? Disclaimer- This is just a fanfic; I don't own game of thrones the show or books.

writingoutofbordem · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

He became enraged as the iron bank guards raised their spears in the direction of him and his mother. 'Is this. How they show hospitality? ' He noticed his mother clutching his shirt in slight fear; he felt like a fool at this moment. His mother understood his plans and what they entail, which could be violence, but she has never experienced violence. 

"I come for a meeting with the Iron Bank; I shall ask only once to step back and stand down." He waited for them to stand, only for one fool to try and thrust his spear at his mother, only for him to catch it and snap it in half.

He whispered to his mother, "Close your eyes." Sara nodded and closed her eyes. She knew her son would protect her from anyone or anything, but this was really her first time seeing people; all the books she read paled in comparison to witnessing real violence. 

As soon as his mother's eyes closed, with blinding speed, Tyson swiped his hand, and the first guard's head rolled.

The others didn't have time to react or scream before Tyson ran his hand through their hearts. As the heartless guards lay motionless in front of the iron bank, the large door opened, and a man with nice robes came rushing through. 

As the man looked around him, he saw a massacre. The key holders had heard about the mysterious person, who saved the King of the Seven Kingdoms and then squeezed his head until it popped for being insulted by him. Standing before the King Slayer, he resembled the Targaryen's in beauty, as did the older woman next to him. 'He looks very young and yet holds unimaginable power.' 

"There you are; I had hoped to request a meeting, but as you see, they pursued it violently by trying to harm my mother," Tyson said as he walked with his mother past the representative, entering the bank. 

"Mother, you may open your eyes now," he whispered. He didn't want to let his mother see him in 'Action' until she experienced the world a bit, but it was wishful thinking. As his mother opened her eyes and looked around the room, she couldn't help but scan her son for injuries. 

"Mother, I'm fine, I'm sorry for what you heard or may have seen," he said as he hugged his mother. Sara peeked once or twice at the violence, and to say it didn't rattle her would be a lie, but she didn't fear her son but the people who had tried to harm her without asking any questions. She looked up at her boy and said, "It's quite alright, Tyson; you didn't scare me, my son. Thank you."

"Of course, nothing will ever harm you, mother," he said as he kissed her forehead. He turned to see the well-dressed man standing in silence, waiting for them. "Let's get this meeting started," he said with a smile. The man nodded furiously and began leading them, Tyson could hear his heart beating out of his chest, 'don't croak before you even begin the meeting.' 

As they enter, they see nice white marble walls and floors, and in the center of the room is a black steel table fitted with ten chairs. There were six men and four women sitting down, trying to have a stone-faced façade, but their heartbeat told another story. A man with black robes and balding hair spoke first.

"Welcome to Bravos Lord Tyson, my name is Lord Salim, one of the keyholders and representatives. And on behalf of the Iron Bank, we ask your forgiveness for the mishap with the guards; it won't happen again, I assure you," as he and the others bow their heads. 

"Of course, all is forgiven; I just merely protected my family from an annoyance, nothing more. But as for my appearance here, I would like to discuss a few things. First, I would like to propose an alliance with the Iron Bank, specifically opening another bank, and I wish to become a key holder. Of course, this is an alliance, so I will take care of any undesirable groups meddling with the Iron Bank. I'm sure we can discuss this agreement in further detail, but about this agreement, of course, if you all decide to break this agreement by going against me, my wishes, or my family, then this deal becomes null and void, which would lead to, well....let's just say don't betray me," he said with a smirk. 

The keyholders looked around the table, silently agreeing because what else could they do but nod their heads and agree. "Very well, we can discuss the details and more about it later," Tyson said as he stood up, shook hands with everyone, and made his way out. "Shall we shop a bit, mother?" he asked with a smile. She looks up with a smile and says, "Yes, I would like to see Bravos," as they head down the steps to explore the city.

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