
The challenge of Love

In the world of unparallel challenge's, we will always expect a partner to keep going or to push you towards your goals, but those who have partners find it difficult to keep it going, Although no one can give you the answer to everything but the more you read, the more you learn as the saying goes "drops of water can make a ocean" so let's dive into it shall we?

Don_James_1417 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

The Beginning

Mia, two people carrying on with discrete existences in a clamoring city, each longing for something else. Alex, an enthusiastic picture taker tormented by a past shock, tracks down comfort in catching minutes. Mia, a hopeful essayist with an adoration for one of a kind books, looks for motivation in the narratives she peruses. Destiny unites them in a curious book shop, where their universes impact, making way for an unforeseen heartfelt excursion.

 The beguiling book shop, settled in a tranquil corner of the city, radiates a nostalgic air. Antique shelves line the walls, and the aroma of very much worn pages swirls all around. Alex, engaged in his camera, is attracted to the book shop's ageless appeal. Mia, lost in a universe of words, finds an unlikely treasure on the racks. As the two of them go after similar book, their hands contact, starting a moment association that makes way for a fortunate sentiment.