
The Chained 7

....a hollow Earth?...a mask?...a frown?...a smile?

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A Hollow earth?

The chained

Earth modern times.

Have you ever heard about the hollow earth theory? Well if not that theory states that the earth is infact hollow and a whole other world lies beneath the surface but one can only get there through the poles .

Is that theory correct? Probably not . Looking out the helicopter window Nevis took deep breaths trying to calm his excitement , he was a survival expert, an archeologist and a true hollow Earth believer , quite frankly he was an enigma.

But as he looked at the white plains he couldn't quite control himself.

He was getting closer and closer to the North pole but he hadn't come Looking for Santa. No this was personal. He closed his eyes as multiple images flashed by his mind, images of earth but not this earth . It was a far more mystical earth .One he could only assume was beneath us all just waiting to be unearthed...literally.

Ever since Nevis was about 5 years old he would always have strange dreams, some could even be called nightmares . Sometimes he would dream about a world of swords and magic or his dreams could even take him beyond earth, intergalactic civilizations aliens and even what he could only assume to be Gods? .

Then when he was 10 he started hearing voices, loud voices . At first it would be just when he slept , he would see himself in a dark room stared at by twelve faces that all looked like masks with different expressions as they bantered back and forth. Other times he would be awake while hearing what sounded like...whispers? He really didn't know what they where but when he was like 15 it all stopped. But let's just say the damage had already been done...Nevis , well Nevis had changed and had a serious crave for adventures and anything mystical so he studied , he trained and he graduated with a masters degree in archeology .

There was no tomb he hadn't been to , no scripture he couldn't translate and no theory he hadn't researched but it wasn't enough so he continued and in his 60th adventure he found a book . He found the book In myan territory but was written in Greek . It's cover pages where made of stone and he couldn't even open the book , but what made it even more mysterious was the voices , yes they where back...or they never left .

At the very least he could now understand them as the whispers grew more frequent. It was evident , the voices...they tried to guide him and would put seemingly random thoughts and images in his head showing him what lied beneath. So what was beneath? Well that he didn't know ,but he was pretty sure he was heading in the right direction.