
Bonus chapter!!



Few moments later~~~~~

Charlie and Eve returned and joined them and the party began. The party was in full swing with everyone enjoying themselves, worry free.

"I have something to say to all of you" Charlie clicked his glass with a fork that has not been used. Everybody turned to face Charlie.

"Well first of all, thank you for the support you have shown to us for these past few months" Charlie said.

"You are welcome!" Everybody said.

"And also I want to use these medium to announce that I and Eve have decided on the name we are going to name our child" Charlie said.

"Which name have you both decided?" Mark asked.

Charlie looked at Eve and Charlie said, "you can tell them."

"We have decided to name him Mark Jr." Eve said.

"Really? I am not dreaming right?" Mark asked. Drops pd tears came out of his eyes. He was beyond happy that his son decided to name his grandson after him. This is really the best day of his life.

"You are not dreaming dad, I named your grandson after you" Charlie said. Mark stood up from his chair and went and hug Charlie.

"Thank you son" Mark said hugging his son. He then released Charlie and turned to Eve and said;

"Thank you Eve. Thank you for making me a proud and happy father and grandfather" he said and hugged Eve.

"Thank you for making me experience been a very pampered daughter-in-law" Eve said and everyone laughed, including Charlie.

"Of course! You need to be pampered because you deserve it and more, my dear" Mark said patting Eve's shoulder.

"That is very true! Or do you prefer not to be pampered?" Sue asked.

Eve looked over at Sue and said "of course I want to be pampered and lots and lots of it" Eve said using her hands to describe how big she wants.

"That is my girl! Enjoy your marriage" Nars shouted.

"Speaking of marriage, what are you and Sue waiting for to get married?" Racheal suddenly asked.

"We are waiting for the right person" Sue said pouting her lips.

"Yes we are and I bet you we would get to meet them when the time comes.... Mmmph" Nars frowned and folded his hands.

"Okay, be fast with finding the right person because we can not wait to eat delicious food and desserts" Racheal said.

"And also god sons and daughters" Ginger added.

"And also lots and lots of vacations" Nars said.

"Speaking of vacations, why not we go for a vacation?" Mark said.

"Okay!" Everybody agreed.

"Do you have anything to say wifey?" Charlie asked as he noticed the look and hesitation of his wife.

"Yes, I have" Eve said nodding her head up and down.

"What is it you want to say dear? Go on" Mark asked with a loving and caring voice.

"Nothing much. Firstly, I just want to thank you all for your support in bringing my uncle and his family to justice. Putting an end to my uncle's bad ways. Lastly, I want to thank my adopted parents for helping me and training me. If not because you both trained me, I would have not been able to achieve whatever it is I have achieved now and for that I am really grateful" Eve said.

Mr and Mrs long who were sitting next to Eve held her hands. Mr long said;

"We are the ones that are supposed to thank you for coming into our lives."

"You brightest up our lives Eve. When we have not found you, we were childless and very sad but you light up our life especially mine so you don't need to be thankful to us dear" Mrs long said.

"Thank you mom, thank you dad" Eve hugged them.

"You deserve all the good things in life babe" Sue said.

"And I will make sure you get all the good things, I tell me if you need anything just let me know and I will go extra miles to make sure it is available" Charlie said.

"Thank you Hun and I will make sure I be a better wife and mother to you and our son" Eve said and both of them kissed.

"Hey! There is a child here!" Victor said and everyone laughed.

Everybody enjoyed themselves. Everyone ate, drink and played to their satisfaction before going back to their various homes.



Kona coast resort~~~~~

Everybody is in Hawaii for the vacation. Everybody gathered and are by the pool enjoying themselves. Sue was enjoying herself before someone walked up to her.

"Hi! I am Jason" Jason stretches his hand for a handshake which Sue accepted.

"Hi! I am Sue" Sue said and accessed Jason in her mind, 'he is not bad' Sue thought.

"I have been watching you and I like you and I would like you to be your friend" Jason said.

"Okay sure but you have to tell me about yourself" Sue said.

"Sure, what do you want to know about me?" Jason asked.

"Let us start by you telling me about what you do" Sue said.

"Okay" Jason said. Both of them continued to talk and they found out they have so much in common.

On the other hand, Nars meetsa fun guy named, James and they began talking also.

Few hours later, they all gathered together and Mark said to everyone; 

"To happiness!" Mark shouted.

"To happiness!" Everyone repeated and clicked their glasses with each other.



This story has come to an end and I enjoyed the journey through out the period I was writing this book and than you all for your ratings and comments.

I know there have been times that I was not able to update everyday and I am sorry for that. I am so happy because this is my first ever book on light reader and I completed it! Wow! I still can't believe I would be able to finish this book.

I am starting a new book named 'BAREFOOTED IN THE FOREST' soon and I would like you all to check it out

 Thanks and bye!!!🤗


AUTHOR>> Hope you guys are enjoying the story?☺️

Comment your answers in the comment section and don't forget to give my story 5 stars🙏🙏. Your opinions will be appreciated, thank you.

Please continue to read, rate and comment on my story. I will try and make sure new chapters are updated everyday🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Thanks once again.


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Random question for the day 😊:

Turkey pepper soup 


Croaker fish pepper soup 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing appetizers ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite appetizer in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies!🤗