
Chapter four

(Matthew's Pov)

Today was quite fruitful. The deal with Winfred Winepress was successful and now I'll be working closely with them.

At the moment, I was going through the file for future projects when Michael barged into my office with a big grin and bright eyes.

"This isn't my home office Mike, you should have at least knocked and why are you smiling like a loon?" I asked as I closed the file and gave my best friend my full attention.

"Guess what?" he asked as he plopped himself on the chair in front of my desk. He looks like a happy goofy baby and there's only one thing I can think of.

"You found your mate," I said and his smile grew wider.

"Exactly!," he exclaimed and jumped up. "I found my mate and she's so damn gorgeous. Goddess, I'm so lucky," he gushed and his burgundy-colored eyes turned yellow, signifying his wolf's excitement.

"Congratulations bro," I said and went around my desk and hugged him tightly.

I'm happy for him. Out of our whole friend circle, he had always been the most hyped up about finding his mate. I won't be surprised if he was celibate at the moment.

I was about to let go when I perceived a familiar addictive scent on him. It was faint as if the touch was a brief one and would fade away any second.

My eyes turned into a dark green color which was the color of an Alpha wolf's eyes and my fangs extended.

"Why do you smell like her?," I growled and tightened my grip on him, turning it into a punishing hug.

"Dude, dude what the fuck!!," he croaked as he struggled against me, which was futile and just made me angrier. I think I heard a rib break.

"You touched my mate," I growled again and pushed him to the wall with half of my strength and speed, still retaining enough common sense to not maim my best friend.

"Answer me before I lose control, Mike." That scent, I miss it so much.

"Oh my god, you broke my rib. I don't know why I smell like your mate. I only met like a hundred dozen people today genius, so I might have passed by her and we touched by mistake," Mike wheezed and stopped struggling which was a great idea since my animal side was quite unreasonable.

I let him go and combed a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry. It's been a week and I just miss her scent so much. I've been growing restless and I get this itchy feeling from time to time. It's driving me crazy Mike," I groaned and walked back to my desk.

I undid my tie and the first three buttons and rolled up my sleeves above my elbows.

"So tell me about this mate of yours?" I said as I forced my eyes to turn normal. I need to distract myself with something else before I find myself sniffing Mike's sleeve like a dog.

"I met her at your mate's college, we bumped into each other but let's leave that for now. Are you okay? you look more tired than usual and the bags under your eyes are very prominent. Have you started working through the night again?" he asked with hands on his hips.

He looked like a mother hen at this moment. His concern made me smile warmly.

"You can't blame me. I've been thinking about that bloody woman for days now and I cannot close my eyes without seeing her in a see-through nightgown, lingerie, a bikini, or even nothing at all," I said the last part in a whisper. "I'm getting hard just thinking about it." I groaned and leaned back on my desk, tightly holding onto the edge.

"TMI Alpha, TMI," Mike gagged. "Why don't you just go see her, even if it's from afar," he suggested.

I was about to turn down the idea but thought better of it. I need some sleep.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay?, Seriously?!." he asked in surprise.

"Yes duck face," I growled. This scent is getting to me and it's starting to fade away. I don't know whether to be happy or heartbroken.

"Waw, I thought I'd have to involve auntie B," he mumbled, referring to my mother and I scowled.

"Anyway, we could make it a double date you know. Although I can't date her now since I'm a teacher there, oh fuck no!." he wails, looking like he was regretting his life choices.

"Well, if she isn't in your department then there shouldn't be a problem," I say and look at him, like really look at him.

"Did you meet your mate while wearing that?" I ask in amusement. He was wearing an oversized white T-shirt and a brown sweater vest over it with black flannel pants.

He looks at himself and groans. "I look like a fucking dork but I didn't know I'd see her and besides this is a teacher look. Gosh, she is so beautiful, I mean drop-dead gorgeous. I wanted to talk to her but her friend dragged her off. She's quite cute though but no one compares to Michelle." he says dreamily and I almost roll my eyes.

"Whipped," I mumble.

It's kinda weird that we're both mated to humans but it's quite common so whatever.

"Oh please. At least I know her name and I almost touched her hand but her friend beat her to it and when I was about....,"

"Wait, did you say that you touched her friend's hand directly?" I ask.

"Yes, a handshake. Why?" he asks and his eyes widen along with his lips in realization.

"She's my Luna!. Dude our mates are close friends, this is awesome!" he exclaims and heads for my mini-fridge. "This calls for a celebration," he said as he brought our two cans of Sprite since we don't drink alcohol.

The intercom on my desk blinked and I press the connect button and my secretary's voice filters through.

"Mr. Benson, your five o'clock meeting is five minutes from now and a few of the representatives are already in the conference room."

"Thank you, Sarah," I said and disconnected.

I roll down my sleeves and take the gray suit jacket for the back of my seat and wore it as I head out the door.

"You can drink mine. I'll be back in two hours in case you want to wait." I say and stop by the door and turn towards him.

"Naah, I'll be going home soon. The college is having a seminar for their students in the food science and technology department, which is my Luna's department by the way and I told them that you'd love to do it so be ready by Monday."

I stare at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to call off the joke.

"You're serious? and you are telling me this now!" I exclaim in annoyance.

"Well, you are going for a meeting so you won't have the time to chase me or refuse since it's Saturday tomorrow. It's a win for me because I get to leave here with a bruised rib and nothing more," he says and drinks from his can as he stands in front of me with a cocky smirk.

"You! You!." I huff and walk out of my office. That sly bastard.

"Keep up Sarah." I bark at the mid-twenties woman who is struggling to match my strides.

I said I want to see her and I meant from a very far distance but now... I growl in exasperation.

I'm so fucked.