
Chapter fifty

(Matthew's POV)

"Someone better be dead, Mickey or you're gonna be it." I growl as I storm into my office, startling Sarah who mumbles an excuse under her breath and scurries out of my office.

I let her leave and turn my glare towards the Chihuahua standing by my desk who pulled me away from a nice drive with my mate.

"I wanted to tell you at home but this can't wait and it couldn't be said over the phone. Cassandra and her mother are going to have to move."

He's looking at me with worry in his gaze and it's starting to alarm me but his last statement gives me pause.

"What? I just saved them from being evicted from their house, risking her mother's wrath and now you're telling me that they'd have to leave anyway. Do I get an explanation?

It's a rhetorical question of course. I better be getting an explanation.

He comes to stand a few feet in front of me and takes a deep breath. " They've been signs of a rogue attack right on Cassandra's backyard."