
The CEO's Rebellious Woman

Evina Chen is a young career woman who is not afraid to defy her superiors. She would even risk her personal life to defend her colleagues from tyrannical bosses. Meanwhile, Gabriel Yang is a ruthless dominant CEO who would sacrifice anything for the sake of the growth of their company. He would crush anyone who would dare stand in his way. She hates authorities. He hates rebels. Is it possible for love to spark between these two in their endless clash for power? ****** NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: > Photo is not mine. > Forgive me in advance for the mistakes. I don't have an editor yet. :') > Feel free to get in touch with me at FB and IG @7arabella7 > Thank you for giving this story a chance. I hope you like it! :*

AraBella · Ciudad
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14 Chs

The Sharp Stilettos

"You know how much I want you, Evina," Julian said in a husky voice, completing the frightening ambiance in the car.

They were still in the parking lot of an abandoned building where Julian had brought Evina. Still in a daze, Evina froze as she couldn't believe what was just happening.

It was only a few hours ago when he visited her in her unit, together with her older sister, Maria. He told her that he knew of a job opening in their company, which made her come with him.

"L-let's go, Julian. They must have been waiting for us," she unconsciously blurted out, her eyes frantically searching for a sign that they were indeed in Julian's company. And he would not do what she was thinking that she would do.

But the lights continued to flicker, casting shadows on Julian's threatening face. Evina pulled back until her whole body was stuck on the car door.

"I've been waiting for so long," He drawled in between breaths. His eyes started drinking her body from her lips down. He gulped as his throat suddenly thirst for something that no water could satisfy.

"I know you're still a virgin, Evina. I promise I'll be gentle with you," Julian pressed on her in a raspy voice. His hand groped her thighs. He was about to glide it through her groins as his lusting lips were about to ravage hers. But with Evina's quick thinking and moves, she was able to strike his neck hard with her elbow.

"Arrgh!" Julian winced in pain. His body yanked back as he tried to breathe.

"You jerk! I shouldn't have trusted you!" Evina screamed. She was so disappointed in him. But more so, in herself, for being deceived by his cunning lies.

In a flash of lightning, she unbuckled her seatbelt and frenziedly unlocked the car door. She was about to open it and jump out. However, Julian managed to pull her back in, even as he was coughing.

"You have ignored me for years. You could never leave this place without your body being wasted by me," he laughed cruelly as he caged her in his brawny arms.

Evina has never been in this situation before. There were times that she thought about possibilities of this happening. That's why she tried to learn some self-defense techniques. However, she did not expect that a person whom she personally knew would attack her in this way.

"Let me go, you filthy bastard!" Evina butted her head with his, making him slightly loosen his grip on her. Then she used her foot to kick on whatever part of his body it could possibly hit.

"Argh! You, *%#*!" Julian screamed as he held on his groin. He completely let go of Evina. His hands focused on frantically checking out other injuries the fighting woman has inflicted upon him with her sharp stilettos.

"Come back here! I'm not done with you yet!" He roared with all his might. But Evina was already running away at breakneck speed, away from the horrendous building.

Evina was hyperventilating as she took off like a deer that managed to escape from a lion's claws. Her skin was colder than the coldest season of the year. However, teardrops fall like warm bath water on her cheeks.

"Help! Help me!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, hoping there would be someone who would come to her rescue. Unfortunately, it seemed like Julian had found a good spot. Even the streets were empty.

She was about to check her phone to see her exact location. However, to her dismay, she left it in Julian's car. Her eyes frantically darted from left to right. There were no vehicles passing by the area either.

Evina removed her stilettos and threw them away. With her bare feet, she continued to run and trace how they got there. As she did so, she heard the screech of a vehicle nearby. Evina quickly hid at one of the alleys, thinking that it was Julian who was just looking for her.

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest as the car drove near her. In quick speed, she hid in one of the trashcans nearby. From there she could see the car and its driver, as it passed through the alley where she was at.

And she was right. It was his car, and it was Julian who was searching the area for her whereabouts.

"Evina! Where are you?" His car window was opened as he shouted her name. Evina clamped her lips, hoping he would not have an idea of getting out of the car and searching the alleys.

"I'm sorry, okay? The devil got a hold of me. Just come out and I'll take you home. You can't go back. I have your phone and wallet with me here," Julian coaxed her as if he knew that she was just around, and she could hear him.

Evina bit her lips as beads of sweat formed in her forehead. Julian seemed to be back to his normal self, unlike the beastly man he was just a few minutes ago. But could she really trust him? He has already deceived her once.

She thought hard about how to get out of that place. But he was right. How far could she possibly go without her wallet or her phone? And she must be in a remote area, without any sign of help that could take her back home.

Just as she was about to leave her hiding place, Julian spoke again. And this time, his voice sounded like he was back to the monster that he was when he almost raped her.

"I don't know what you find so repulsive in me, Evina. I could have married you, if you would just give yourself to me," Julian taunted her.

"Does he have a split personality?" Evina froze at where she was. Her shoulders caved in as she tried to hide all the more.

"I know you're in here, Evina. I could see your lovely shoes," he sneered. Evina winced as her foot rubbed her other one.

"I should have not left it there," she muttered to herself as she fought the urge to peek at where he was now. Or he might see her.

She was a strong woman as far as she knew. But given the situation, she wondered why it seemed like she was very scared at that moment. It was as if she was about to suffer the greatest pain she would ever feel in her entire life.

Still, she had to know where he was at and what he was planning to do. She decided to snatch a glimpse from behind the can. Unfortunately, she made the wrong decision.

Julian was sniffing her shoes with a bizarre smile on his face when he saw Evina's head popping up from behind the bin.

"I got you!" He taunted as he ran at lightning speed to where she was.

"Aaah!" Evina shrieked as she desperately dashed, at full throttle, away from the dreadful brute that was bolting towards her.

"You can not get away from me, Evina Chen! You are mine!" Julian screamed.

Evina continued to run as fast as her legs could carry her. She would rather die than allow herself to be molested by this inhuman freak!

She continued to run and run. For a moment, she wanted to stop. She was already having a hard time breathing. However, Julian could not outrun her. And he has no choice but to catch her with his own two feet because the alley was too small for his car to pass into.

To her joy, she could finally see the end of the alley. She fastened her pace, so she could get out of the area as soon as possible. At last, there was hope.

As soon as she got out of the tunnel, she decided to take a momentary stop and looked back to see where her perpetrator was. To her surprise, he could not see Julian.

"D-did he just went back to his car?" She gripped in between breaths. She decided to rest, even for just a few minutes.

However, it seemed like it was a bad idea as darkness started to envelop her surroundings. She felt her head spinning, and she knew she would collapse any minute.

With all her strength left, she walked forward until she reached the main road. Fortunately, a car was passing by. She waved her hands frantically in the air. As it was closing in on her, she noticed what kind of car it was.

It was a luxury car with a dent on its side.


At any given moment, you have the power to say to yourself:

This is not how my story is going to end.

Who's having a hard time breathing while reading this chapter? Me too! Haha Thank God for the car with the dent. ;)

Hope you could give me something that could inspire me more. A vote or a gift perhaps? hihi

Thank you so much! Have a safe and lovely day!

PS. It's not a bad idea to learn some self-defense techniques, don't you think? ;)

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