
The CEO's Rebellious Woman

Evina Chen is a young career woman who is not afraid to defy her superiors. She would even risk her personal life to defend her colleagues from tyrannical bosses. Meanwhile, Gabriel Yang is a ruthless dominant CEO who would sacrifice anything for the sake of the growth of their company. He would crush anyone who would dare stand in his way. She hates authorities. He hates rebels. Is it possible for love to spark between these two in their endless clash for power? ****** NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: > Photo is not mine. > Forgive me in advance for the mistakes. I don't have an editor yet. :') > Feel free to get in touch with me at FB and IG @7arabella7 > Thank you for giving this story a chance. I hope you like it! :*

AraBella · Ciudad
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14 Chs

The Ruthless CEO

Present time...

"Evina Chen," Gabriel's lips curled up as he flipped the card. He put it in the inner pocket of his coat while he walked towards the Sapphire Co. Building.

It was noonday, and he was expecting the CEO of Sapphire Co. to have free hours during his surprise visit.

But he was the one who was stunned to encounter a feisty young woman who seemed to have gotten on the nerves of her superiors.

He was furious at her for wrecking his car and attempting to kick his shin. But there seemed to be something in her that made him want to see her again.

"Or not," he resolved to himself as he stretched his sturdy shoulders. He then entered the main door of the building.


Some employees were on the reception couch when one of them noticed him. He immediately bolted up.

"It's Mr. Yang!" he slapped his forehead in response. "This spells trouble," he whispered to his colleague.

"How could he be trouble?" his coworker giggled, "He looked like he's an angel who just came down from heaven to bless us." She covered her blushing face while staring at him.

It is not common for them to see him around since he was not an employee nor a boss in Sapphire Co.

However, some staff members recognized him. Gabriel Yang was known in the business world as "the youngest and most ruthless CEO in the IT industry. They quickly shuffled to their feet and formed a line to greet him.

"Good day, Mr. Yang," the other staff members who knew his position immediately went behind him. They tried to keep pace with him as he walked to the elevator.

"We are honored to be visited by the CEO of The Elysian Inc., our parent company and the number one corporation in our country." Mr. Li greeted him warmly. "To what do we have this honor, sir?" he asked in a courteous manner as he walked behind him.

This is the second time that Mr. Li met Gabriel Yang. The first one was at the launching of Sapphire Co. as a daughter company of The Elysian Inc. two years ago.

With his first impression on him, he knew that Sapphire Co. needed to be on his good side. He must not see any blemish in their company.

However, it seemed that their visitor has no plan to see anyone in a positive light. He continued to walk without even casting him a glance.

"I am here on behalf of the Chairman. Is Mr. Zhang here?" He answered with an aloof expression, as he looked at his ID for identification.

"Of course! I'll be glad to assist you to his office." Mr. Li immediately bowed down to him. "This way, sir."

In a matter of minutes, they were already inside the Board Room of the Sapphire Co. Building.

"Would you like to have some coffee or tea while waiting, sir?" Mr. Li offered to him as soon as he sat down. He still has to call a client.

But Mr. Yang was way more important than him. He is VIP.

"No, thanks," The boss uttered in a blunt manner as he checked on his watch. He then glanced around the room.

The walls were decorated with pictures of the company leaders, logos, awards, plaques, and other markers of company pride and prosperity.

Anyone who would visit it would believe that it is a company worth investing on.

Mr. Li smiled, proud of the accomplishments that Sapphire had acquired for the past few years. He was expecting Mr. Yang to compliment them.

But he was shocked to hear what his question was.

"I heard an employee just got fired today. May I know the reason behind this?" he asked in a straightforward manner as his body tilted towards his direction.

Mr. Li's eyes widened in horror as he thought about how he could possibly know that. To be honest, he was still shaken at what happened to Evina.

He knew that day would come. But not this day that Mr. Yang would pay them a visit.

One could hear the drone of the air conditioning as Mr. Li thought of what to say.

"It was just a misunderstanding, sir. It's not a big deal," he stammered as he looked at the door with anticipation, hoping Mr. Zhang would come in at any minute.

"Termination is a big deal. What is the problem?" The CEO of The Elysian Inc. stated in a matter of fact tone as he stared at him without even moving an inch. His hands were clasped together as he waited for his answer.

At a quick pace, Mr. Li went to the other side of the room to get himself a glass of water. In his confusion, he didn't even bother to ask their guest if he wants one.

He has no idea how much information Mr. Yang knows. So he decided to answer him truthfully. Though he didn't give everything away.

"O-off course, Mr. Yang. Our employee has accused one of our superiors. But it's nothing that you should concern yourself with, sir. It's just a misunderstanding," he assured him as he nodded at him with a huge smile on his face.

However, it seemed that he would not let it pass. "Well, are they true?" the CEO asked him with his eyebrows furrowed, making Mr. Li scratch his head in response.

Mr. Li contemplated on what he was about to say next, "If I lie, and he would investigate about this, I would surely lose my job."

He cleared his throat before responding, "There is this folder that she sent me -"

"Let me see it," The superior in front of him cut him off as he swiveled his chair to face the table.

"S-sir?" Mr. Li gulped. His hand grabbed on the air near him for support. He could not see those files!

However, the dominator of the IT industry in their country has opened his palms. "I am waiting," he persisted in an impatient tone.

It looked like Mr. Li had no choice. He could only expect that Mr. Zhang would come right away.

But it seemed like he, too, was skulking away from the dominant CEO. And he could not keep him waiting.

"Right away, sir!" Mr. Li decided with a salute before scampering away to get the files.


You have nothing to fear

If you have nothing to hide.

Let's see what Gabriel would do to Director Zhou or to Mr. Zhang in the next chapter. :)


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