
The CEO's Lovely Wife

October is a woman who was cold and devoid of emotions. This was true, until she met Lexus who let her experience a whirlwind of emotions she never thought she had with a gift she never thought she'll receive. Lanna October Park is the calm and charismatic Assistant Director of the Halo Company. She talks only when needed and was not yet seen smiling by her colleagues which made her known as the Halo Company's Ice Director. But unknown to them, she was in fact the eldest daughter of the Park Real Estate Empire of the whole City D. Indifferent with her family's wealth, she decided to be independent and climb the ranks in the business world using her own capability but her stepmother is more threatened by her and so baked a lot of schemes to bring her down and make her unfit to inherit the business. Because October let her guard down for just once, she fell for one of her stepmother's schemes and was then became the talk of the city the very next day. Unbeknownst to her stepmother, the man she was with was in fact the notorious CEO, Lexus Song. Getting her innocence was one but getting pregnant was another making her career and work credibility being questioned. "I'll take responsibility." He said. "No need. I'm already responsible enough to take care of my child." She rejected and turned to leave but was then yanked back and bumped into his hard chest. "Then take responsibility to me." He said shamelessly as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "You took my innocence so you have to take responsibility, dear wife."

Marielle14 · Ciudad
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291 Chs

54 Crisis In The Company

I would if I wanted to, okay?! Do you think I want to stay here?!

Assistant Yu wanted to complain but swallowed his words with difficulty instead. If he said that, he would be dead before he even know what had happened to him.

"Yo-Young master, there's a problem." Assistant Yu said with a quiver in his voice, showing how scared he was confronting his young master's piercing gaze. He cursed those dimwitted advisors and directors who pushed him in front to be their spokesperson. Because of them, he will have the ire of their devil-incarnate boss.

October glanced for a moment on the shaking Assistant Yu. He looked pitiful. However, she can't help much. The problem might be about Lexus' company.

With that, October finally finished fixing herself. She acted will full indifference as she turned her attention back on to eating her food. But she still kept her ear open to listen in on their conversation.

"What was the problem aside from you interrupting us?" Lexus snapped as he helped October fix her hair into place.

Assistant Yu wiped his sweat from his head before continuing, "I'm really sorry about that, young master. However, there was just a problem that really needs your attention."

"Speak." Lexus coldly asked, gesturing for Assistant Yu to get closer. He then leaned on his chair and draped his arm over October's shoulders.

"Young master, the company's stocks are being bought." Assistant Yu started as he adjusted his tightening tie.

"So what?" Lexus got irritated. Isn't that a common thing? How can that be a problem?

"It's because he stocks are being bought at an unreasonable prices. And when I say unreasonablde, it is at an exorbitant prices." Damn those old geezers! Why did he have to be the one to report this stuff to his boss?

Lexus looked at Assistant Yu with raised eyebrow but he didn't say anything. Instead, he let his assistant continue what he was reporting.

"At first, it aimed at the small shares but it then targeted the top shareholders' shares and are offering them prices beyond the stock price. It only started early this morning but it had already bought 20% of the shares."

"Hmm...and?" Lexus nonchalantly sent a fleeting glance at Assistant Yu before resting his gaze on the woman beside him obediently eating in silence. He knew that she was listening just basing on her eyes with an unsual glint.

How can his boss still be this arrogant and indifferent? Can't he see that his company was slowly being swallowed by an unknown organization? "Young master!" Assistant Yu felt really helpless. He turned to his new young madam trying to ask for help but unfortunately, the woman was just like his young master, equally indifferent. She didn't spare him a fleeting glance and was being treated as air.

"Young master." Assistant Yu called again. He was really desperate.

Lexus gave his assistant a blank look ans there were no changes on his facial expression. It was like his face got frozen.

Was he immediately got influenced by his young madam? Assistant Yi wondered.

After a long while of silence, Lexus opened his mouth, "Did you get someone to check on which it was?" He then took his glass of water and took a sip.

"Yes, but---" Assistant Yu flinched right after he received Lexus' cold gaze. "...b-but we still didn't get his exact name. Just that it is from City A."


October dropped her meatball and bounced to hit her empty cup.

Seeing this, Lexus looked at her but didn't comment. He then turned his attention back on his assistant and said. "Ask 'him' to trace it for me. I want it when it in an hour."

"By 'him,' you him him?" Assistant Yu exclaimed. Then a face suddenly emerged in his mind and hair stood up. "Young master, does it really have to be him?"

Lexus smirked darkly and said in a dismissing tone, "You can't find who it was so it has to be him. Now, get out of here."

October thought if it was as she expected to be but will he really do this? But then again, she knew that he was capable and will do things if he really wanted to.

October fell silent and turned to look at the serious business face of Lexus. That handsome face, his gruff voice that can make her soul shudder, and his deep gaze that makes her think of being in the deep ocean, all of these that makes her heart quiver belongs solely to this man.

Ah. She really can't believe that such a man was her husband. But what's worrying her more was that she was surprisingly able to accept and adjust to her situation quickly.

"My wife, you can look at me as long as you want but there's no need to drool." Lexus jokingly said as he wiped a nonexistant drool from October's lips.

October slapped his hand away and glared at him but Lexus only deepened his smile and eyes filled with a gentle light. She zoned out again just by staring at him.

Assistant Yu silently slipped away as he saw that he was completely forgotten by the two ans was at their own worlds. But, he left with a dejected look as he thought of contacting 'him'." Goosebumps immediately trailed down his spine.

While staring at October, a shimmer caught his eyes. He then looked down and there lying softly at her pale milky skin was a sapphire necklace. His eyes let out a flash of surprise but then replaced with satisfaction. He knew that it would look good on her but looking at it now made it more brilliant but what

October pushed Lexus away and stood up to walk toward the door. She needs to buy some things. Might as well do some groceries.

"Where are you going?" Lexus stood up and hastily followed October. Catching her by the waist, he asked.

She gave him a side way glance and replied, "Groceries."

"You can make my assistant do that for you." Lexus furrowed his brows. Why does she go about doing it herself?

"I'd rather be the one to do it." October's lip twitched and pushed his arms away. Thankfully, he didn't put much force on it as she easily got away from him.

"I'll go with you."

"No." If you'll come with me, there'll be a commotion that will happen in the market. It'll be troublesome.

Lexus frowned and grabbed her arms to drag her upstairs and into their room. "I'll go with you." He said in a firm tone. No matter how much October refused to be accompanied by him, he gritted his teeth and stubbornly insisted. Thus, October can only sigh.

She doesn't know that what Lexus was worried about was that his wife, who was just cute and gorgeous, can make every man turn to look at her. Just thinking about it makes him eat some vinegar.


Published: 28 Nov 2019

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