
The CEO's Hidden Legacy

Synopsis "Mummy, this place is beautiful, isn't it handsome uncle?" Tulip asked. Alynah froze while Kayden stiffened. "Right mummy?" Tulip asked again, staring up at Alynah. "Mummy I'm talking to you!" Tulip whined. Both parties were still frozen. Alynah's head was in a fuzz. This little brat! "MUMMY?!" Tulip pouted but then realization hit her. "Oh mummy, you told me not to call you mummy at work" Alynah became a single mother at eighteen. Her life scattered after a one night stand with an anonymous drunk man. She found herself pregnant to a stranger whom she didn't even see his face. The man who left the last legacy of his life, knowingly or unknowingly. Rejected by her family and friends, Alynah is determined to raise her child alone with love and care. She must navigate the truth, search for her daughter's father and protect her child from mockery and humiliation, and from those who knew the secret. But will she succeed in the search of her daughter's father? If she did, will he accept the daughter as his or reject her? Will Alynah find love, reunion and a new beginning?

twilight_giggles · Ciudad
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41 Chs


Alynah sluggishly packed her stuffs and left the hotel room. She boarded a cab and went straight to her friend's house, Lyra instead of going to her family's house. She can't face her family now, what will they think of her? 

Sniffling, she rang the doorbell and Lyra opened up. 

"Aly!!!" She exclaimed and hugged her. 

"Where were you? We searched for you last night but you just...you disappeared" Lyra asked, her voice was full of concern. 

Alynah stared at Lyra for a while then Burt's into tears. Lyra was shocked for a while, what's going on? She pulled Alynah inside and shut the door. 

"Have a sit" Lyra dragged her to the couch. Valerie was in the kitchen, she came to the sitting room when she heard the voices. 

"Alynah is back?!" Valerie rushed towards them but paused at the sight of the crying Alynah. They knew Alynah, she never showed her weakness to anyone, not even her friends. Even if she's hurt, she stays alone and cries in private. She was never the type to cry in front of anyone. Something must have happened.

"Alynah? Are you okay?" Lyra asked. 

"I...I'm... I'm ruined Lyra" Alynah said in between sobs and then burst into fresh tears. Lyra and Valerie exchanged looks. 

"Ruined? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Lyra was so confused. 

Alynah wiped her tears and narrated what has happened. 

"I don't know him, I don't know his face, I can't remember anything. I just woke up on a strange bed. A strange man took my dignity Lyra. I'm ruined!" Alynah cried. 

Lyra felt sorry for her and she slowly pulled her into a hug, cooing. 

"Sorry about that. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you there" 

"Alynah" Valerie crouched down and patted her. 

"We're really sorry this had to happen. Believe me if we knew something like this will happen, we wouldn't have forced you to come with us" 

Alynah looked up with teary eyes. 

"It was all my fault, not yours" she whispered. 

"Don't out the blame on yourself, sweetie. We forced you" Valerie stated.

"I said it was all my fault!" Alynah yelled and stood up. 

"Alynah?!" Lyra also stood up.

"Please stop this, this is not you. You need to be strong and calm. Everything is gonna be alright" she cupped her cheeks. 

Alynah shut her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. "What if I get pregnant?" She asked.

"No, that won't happen. We'll get you a contraceptive right away" Valerie chipped in. She quickly picked up her bag and scurried out. 

"Come on, stay calm. Everything will be over soon. Sit" Lyra pulled her to the couch again.

"Stay here. I'll get you something to eat, okay?" She asked. Alynah slowly nodded and Lyra left. 

She returned with a plate of food and a drink.

"Come on, eat" Lyra fetched a spoonful and gestured it towards her mouth. Alynah looked up at Lyra who gave her a reassuring smile. She slowly opened her mouth and Lyra fed her. 

When she's done, Alynah refreshed and Lyra gave her a new sets of clothes to wear. By then, Valerie is back. She gave Alynah the contraceptive pills that Alynah took instantly. 

"Now, don't think too much. All will be well" they comforted her.

"Will you do me the favor of keeping this a secret?" Alynah suddenly asked. Lyra and Valerie exchanged looks and nodded.

"Sure, sure. Your secret is safe with us"

And so, life goes on. Everything turned out perfectly well. She was cool with here family and friends. It was like nothing ever happened. 

One fateful day, Alynah began to have all kinds of pregnancy symptoms. She was so scared, she really hoped it wasn't what she's thinking. To clear her doubts, her friends suggested that she visit a doctor. 

She did as she was told, hoping this would be some sort of joke or nightmare but with the doctor's confirmation, Alynah felt like she lost it.

"Congratulations miss Alynah, you're two months pregnant" 

The words came as a loud bang on her head. Alynah felt her hope crumbling, her dreams shattering and her world spinning. This wasn't what she wanted. She didn't dream of this day, so soon. 

She's pregnant for a strange man whom she cant even contact. She doesn't even know him. Alynah felt her legs becoming weak and she lost stamina. She fell on the floor, crying out her eyes. 

She can't be pregnant now, she's not ready. But how comes she's pregnant even after taking the contraceptive pills? Something is wrong somewhere

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