
The CEO's Hidden Legacy

Synopsis "Mummy, this place is beautiful, isn't it handsome uncle?" Tulip asked. Alynah froze while Kayden stiffened. "Right mummy?" Tulip asked again, staring up at Alynah. "Mummy I'm talking to you!" Tulip whined. Both parties were still frozen. Alynah's head was in a fuzz. This little brat! "MUMMY?!" Tulip pouted but then realization hit her. "Oh mummy, you told me not to call you mummy at work" Alynah became a single mother at eighteen. Her life scattered after a one night stand with an anonymous drunk man. She found herself pregnant to a stranger whom she didn't even see his face. The man who left the last legacy of his life, knowingly or unknowingly. Rejected by her family and friends, Alynah is determined to raise her child alone with love and care. She must navigate the truth, search for her daughter's father and protect her child from mockery and humiliation, and from those who knew the secret. But will she succeed in the search of her daughter's father? If she did, will he accept the daughter as his or reject her? Will Alynah find love, reunion and a new beginning?

twilight_giggles · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Graduation Dinner

Alynah watched from the balcony as her family packed out. Presley was about entering the black G wagon but paused and turned to the balcony. Her eyes met with Alynah's teary ones. Presley, with a sad face waved at her. Alynah sobbed and waved back. She watched them hop on the car and they zoomed out the compound. She's left alone in this mansion. 

Alynah cried day and night. Her phone was filled with Lyra and Valerie's non-stop calls and messages, but she refused to pick or call back. 

Just then, she heard the doorbell rang but she didn't even move. The doorbell rang again and again but Alynah didn't move. She's not ready to welcome whoever is at the door. 

"Open up, Alynah!" She heard Lyra's voice, yelling. Alynah sluggishly stood up and went to get the door. 

Lyra's heart sank as she saw Alynah's puffed red eyes. Her entire face was swollen from crying. 

Lyra didn't say anything, she only pulled Alynah into a hug. "It's alright, it's okay Aly, don't cry" 

"They rejected me" Alynah cried. Lyra shut her eyes and hugged her more tightly. "I'm sorry" she mumbled. 

"Come on, have you eaten?" Lyra asked as they walked in. 

"I can't eat" Alynah replied. "But you must!" Lyra snapped. She sat beside Alynah and took her hand. 

"Listen Aly, you must be strong. You have a life inside you, you have to be healthy to give birth. Don't think as if it's all over now, you can't give up now. Stay strong for your child. You can start a new life with your baby" Lyra comforted. 

Alynah lowered her head and heaved a deep breath. She then looked up and nodded with a gentle smile. 

"Thank you, Lyra" 

"Don't mention. I'm here for you all the time" the two friends hugged again.

Lyra placed her palm on Alynah's flat tummy "hey cutie, eagerly waiting for you. Come to the world healthy and happy" she whispered and the duo giggled. 

"Where's Valerie?" Alynah asked and as of Valerie heard them. The door opened and she walked in

"I'm here!!" 

"I brought some goodies, let's have some fun!" Valerie added. 

The three friends had fun, playing games and doing crazy stuffs. They're really good at making Alynah forget all her worries. 

"Our graduation dinner is tomorrow, you won't go right?" Lyra asked. 

"Stay at home and rest. You can't stress yourself" Valerie added. 

Alynah was quite for a while but she replied... "I'm going"

"Alynah!?" The two friends called. 

"You know I'm really a significant student, an important figure in the school. If I didn't attend the graduation dinner, people will be curious and maybe, my secret will be revealed" Alynah stated. She really made a point, that could really be true. If she didn't attend, people will be curious, they'll investigate or maybe spy on her and reveal her secret. 

"You're right. Well it's just a class dinner with our mates. Nothing reckless will happen" Valerie said. 

"Let's go shopping then, all bills on me" Lyra suggested.

Next Day...

The delicate sun pierced through the window and Alynah's eyes opened like black butterfly wings. Her brown irises peeked out of her chestnut brown locks. 

She rolled on the bed and sat up remembering today is another day to be strong. She placed her palm on her tummy and smiled sadly.

"I'll be strong for you" she muttered. 

She spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing games. At least, she's becoming less worried. 

At night, Alynah dressed up for the dinner. She was clad in a white knee-length dress with mint green flowers imprinted on it. Her chestnut brown hair was styled in neat curls, some parts covering her forehead. She wore a matching mint green high heeled sandals and took a small white handbag. She looked chic and beautiful.

She boarded a cab that took her to the venue. It's taking place in a five-star restaurant. 

As Alynah walked in to the restaurant, she met Lyra just ahead of her. The duo then went to the table together. 

In the third floor of the restaurant, the group of the graduating students were sitting behind a large round table, filled with different foods, drinks and pastries. They seemed to be a cheerful atmosphere as they chatted. 

All eyes turned to Alynah and Lyra as they walked in. 

"Oh see who we have here" one of the queenly girls, Valentina stated.

"The almighty daughter of Mr Grayling" another named Ashley answered. 

"Hey guys" both Alynah and Lyra beamed. 

"Miss preggy is here" Valerie stood up, smirking. Everywhere went tensed. They all have shocked expression written on their faces. 

"Miss preggy?" 

"Valerie?!" Lyra called, in shock. Alynah stood their stuff, frozen and speechless. Valerie betrayed her. She broke the bombshell, she spilled out her secret. 

"Oh yeah, you guys didn't know? Alynah is pregnant to some strange man" Valerie added. They all gasped in shock. 


"How comes?" 

"That can't be true" they kept commenting.

"Oh c'mon, have I ever blurted something like that about Alynah before? The daughter of the business man is pregnant" Valerie stated. She folded he arms and turned to Alynah.

"Can you deny it, Aly? Tell them it's a lie" Valerie smirked. 

Alynah stared up at her, she was glaring at her. "Valerie, how could you?" Disappointment was clear in her voice. 

"Oh hhhh, oh my goodness" Valerie laughed out and faced her. "you thought you could hide your shameful act hunh? I'm glad the contraceptive pills didn't work" She said, smirking evily. That was her plan, she gave her a fake contraceptive pills.

"What's all these, Valerie?!" Lyra stepped forward.

"Oh Lyra, you can't cover her up. She's bursted. There's nothing you can do about it" Valerie groaned.

"I can't believe the pure Alynah is now carrying some stranger's bastard" Valentina suddenly stated, smirking. 

"Don't call my child a bastard!" Alynah yelled, breathing heavily. 

"Oh so, it was true?" Valentina stood up also. 

"No one really believed she could do something shameful like this" Ashley chipped in. 

"If you've agreed to date me, nothing like these will ever happen" a black haired guy, Adrian said. He was grinning from ear to ear. 

"But it's late now, I won't date a pregnant girl, I can't raise a bastard!" Adrian added.

"I said don't call my child a bastard!!" Alynah yelled and charged at him but Lyra held her back. 

"Calm down Aly" Lyra cooed. 

"I trusted you Valerie, how dare you betray me!" Alynah continued yelling, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"Trust? Did you even trust yourself, huh Aly?" Valerie asked. 

Phaaa! A brain resetting slap landed on Valerie's cheek. Everyone gasped and the environment became tensed. 

"You don't know who you're messing with" Alynah gritted. She wiped her tears and stormed out of the room. 

"Not friends anymore, mdfk" Lyra glared at her and ran after Alynah.