
Chapter 18 His Note

When Emily was at the Black family before, she and Leif had met and had a conversation.

When Emily first arrived at the Black's house, her skin was dry.

From Emily to Kyle, her skin condition became better and now she looks like the snow-white.

Kyle didn't expect her ex husband has not recognized her, but Leif actually recognized her?

For a moment, she felt a bit flustered in her heart.

But she took a gamble and quickly refuted him "Did you make a mistake?"

"Ha, am I? "Leif was still studying Kyle.

She has blone hair and red lips, with a bright and charming temperament, it is indeed impossible to associate Alex's submissive little wife at first glance.

But her eyes are similar with Emily. When she doesn't speak, her big eyes don't have much feelings:

When Kyle’s eyes rolled, they looked too smart and clever, not like Emily.

Alex was also amazed when he first saw Kyle