
Chapter 148


Michael loosened his tie and swore softly. He had almost lost the bid on Kentucky Food to their chief rival, Lyon enterprise. He took a seat on his desk, gently inhaling the fresh air in the room, the boardroom had been heated. Bidding over Kentucky was a risk, an uncalculated one at that. Michael had always been certain of the odds when dealing and that was one of the reasons, he was a successful businessman. He was a risk-taker, but he took mostly calculated risks. This was one risk; he d been certain the odds were against him but still he had gone for it. It was the first time he left reason and logic behind and had simply acted on impulse. Impulse coordinated by his heart. All in the bid to protect someone he now realized too late he cares so much for. Perhaps more than he is willing to admit to himself.

A brief knock sounded on the door before it gently opened to admit Stephen in.