
Chapter 133

"I know you will be back for me," she said with conviction. But until then, have this to keep you warm.

She was rather fast, placing her lips on his before he could do anything to avoid it, Michael tried to pull away, but she held on even tighter, wounding her body around his like a coiled snake wounding up to a tree.

And just at that moment, the door opened.

It was Mitchell.

"Hell no," He breathed. Finally succeeding to push Anabel away.

Anabel only smiled when she realized who their company was and had even dared to give him a peck on the cheek before she turned to leave with a satisfied glint on her face.

"Hi," she said, stopping in front of Mitchell who was still standing not far away from the door. Her face was expressionless.

"Hi." She replied, calmly

"I told you he d be back for me, didn t I? I figured you already bored him out so soon" she said, swinging her hips.