
The CEO’s Addiction

“You can’t go in there”, she gushes.“I can go wherever I want” his eyes flickered to her body, a cruel smirk along his lips “Even inside you”, Xander added and before anything else, she is giving him an hard slap across the face. *** Amelia Jameson works as a museum guide, and the little pay she gets she uses it to feed herself and her granny. When she meets Xander Sterling, a billionaire and the owner of the museum. Her world changes forever.

Lilyr4se · Ciudad
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34 Chs

I crave danger

Outside, in the cool night air, Xander turned to me with a half-smile. "You know, instead of sneaking into other men's homes, you should just follow me home. After all, you're my wife."

I arched an eyebrow at his unexpected claim, feeling a rush of something go through my veins. My cheeks warmed slightly, and I fought to suppress the playful bubbles that threatened to rise in the pit of my stomach. "Your wife? When did that happen?"

Xander's lips curled into a confident smile, his eyes dancing with a warmth that sent a flutter through my chest. He stepped closer, his fingers lightly brushing against mine. "Well, it's about time you accepted me, don't you think?"

I was torn between rolling my eyes and laughing at his audacity. "So you are timing me now?."

He winked. "Of cause. Let me know in advance if you are going to reject me"

His lips pursed as though thinking through something and I stole a glimpse at the way them. I didn't linger on it, to avoid shaming myself in front of him. "Spoiler alert. I'll still make you mine either way"


I knew that he is a jerk but one thing that I couldn't deny was that he was in fact the one causing and creating a mess inside of me. Well—crap.

Before I could think of a witty comeback, Xander's grip on my hand tightened, keeping me from turning away. My breath caught as his gaze locked onto mine, his eyes soft and undeniably warm. "Amelia," he whispered, and the sound of my name on his lips sent shivers down my spine.

I opened my mouth to respond, to demand an explanation, but words seemed to fail me in that moment. Instead, I settled for a somewhat indignant, "I'm angry with you, you know."

Xander's smile didn't waver, his gaze unrelenting yet tender. "Angry? Over what"

I scuffed, giving him that eyes. "You know what"

A rich chuckle left his lips, looking at me like I was some fragile doll that kept him intrigued.

"Oh that"

"I'm sorry for keeping you like a hostage in my house for so long."

The apology caught me off guard, and for a moment, I forgot to be annoyed. But then, my walls were guarded again, and I lifted my chin. "So, what are you going to do to make me forgive you?"

Xander's eyes gleamed with a challenge as he considered my question. "What do you want me to do?"

"I'll do anything. I mean, his hands went from my hands to rest on the top of my hips. "I've missed you a lot"

My lips failed to function for a while, his touch creating a sudden sensation within me. I couldn't let him cloud my judgement and so, I wiggled out his grasp.

I smirked, unable to resist the opportunity to test his limits. "Anything?"

He was quiet, nodding slowly at me and my smirk widened with an arched brow. "Anything at all?"


He muttered, but with a slight frown inside his eyes. Right, he knew me by now. I was an extremist.

"Quick notice. You said anything"

He cleared his throat, folding his arms in clear amusement as he watched me intently. I grinned, wiggling my two brows at him.

"Well, how about you let me hold you hostage for a change?"

I waited for him to deny knowing that there was no way in hell that he would go that far. Right, I was merely messing with him but to my surprise, Xander's lips curled into a broader smile, his eyes alight with a glint of mischief. "Okay."

Wait, what? Did he actually agree? I blinked, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected response. "Wait, really?"

Xander's chuckle was low and velvety, sending a intense shiver through me. "Sure. You can try."

I couldn't help but laugh, his playful challenge melting away any lingering frustration. "Alright then. I'll hold you hostage until I decide you've learned your lesson."

He leaned in, his breath brushing against my ear as he whispered, "I'm looking forward to it."

"And I won't lie. You've changed a lot since the last time I met you, Amelia"

He leaned away from me, his perfectly shaped brows arching at me and a glint of something surging into his eyes. He winked. "Could you have fallen for me?"

I gulped internally, looking away from him dismissing his 'silly' ideas instantly. Just then..

Did I realize how right he was. Two weeks ago I won't even breathe in the same room with him but here was I throwing words with him.

Was I really attracted to him?


I was.

How could I let myself fall for someone like Xender? That was only unwanted trouble.

With an easy smile, Xander gestured toward his car, jerking me out of my panic. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, the unwelcome butterflies in my stomach fluttering and exagerrating my nerves. As we walked to his car, I couldn't help but wonder what I was stepping myself into.


I shouldn't have allowed him to make this adsurb means of apology with me. It was trouble, really, but sometimes, what the heart craved was nothing simple but in fact, those things that brought us…

Pure danger.


As we rode down to my shabby house, I couldn't shake off the unease within me. Xander's presence beside me was both comforting and unsettling, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed Agnes' number, frustration building up. She picked up after a few rings, her voice anxious. "Hey, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone earlier. How did it go?"

I sighed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, just great. I had the pleasure of meeting the stranger"

Agnes audibly gasped. "Ah, him. He is handsome right?"

She said to my surprise. "Agnes!"

"Oh.. Sorry"

"I mean he wasn't annoyed right?"

"You bet"

I gritted out.

Agnes let out a nervous chuckle. "But seriously, how did it go?"

I shot a glance at Xander, his features relaxed as he stared out of the car window. "I'll fill you in later. Right now, I'm sort of busy.

"Alright, just let me know if you need backup. Love ya," she chimed before hanging up.

The car pulled up in front of my house, its worn-out appearance contrasting starkly with the luxurious vehicle we arrived in. Xander stepped out gracefully and walked over to my side, his charm emanating effortlessly.

"Is this your place?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

I glanced at the faded walls and peeling paint. "What? Feel like running away now?"

He gave me that 'look' causing me roll my eyes and change my statements. "Yeah, welcome to my humble home."

Xander's lips quirked into a half-smile. "It's got character."

As we entered, I called out for Granny, who shuffled into the living room with a warm smile on her face. She looked at Xander and her eyes twinkled with delight. "Oh my, who's this handsome young man?"

Suddenly her eyes beamed with realisation. "Oh.. You're the kind suitor."

Xander smoothly extended his hand, a charming smile on his lips. "I'm Xander, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Granny's frail hand shook as she accepted his handshake, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Oh, you're such a polite one. Come, have a seat, dear."

Xander sat down gracefully, engaging Granny in a conversation that had her laughing and reminiscing. He effortlessly won her over, and I had to admit, the sight was oddly heartwarming.

After a while, I took a deep breath, mentally preparing for what was to come. "Granny, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Her eyes twinkled, the joy of their conversation lingering. "Of course, dear. What is it?"

I shifted uncomfortably, my heart racing as I met her gaze. "Well, you see, Xander here... He's going to be living with us from now on."

Granny blinked, her smile faltering for a moment as she processed my words. "Living with us? But why?"

I looked at Xander, who leaned back casually as if he were discussing the weather. "I thought it would be a good idea for him to stay here for a while. You know, to make up for his previous acts."

Granny's brow furrowed, concern evident in her eyes. "Are you sure about this, dear?"

I sighed, looking to xender who didn't seemed bothered by anything in this world. "I know it sounds crazy, Granny, but I think it's time to give him a chance. He's been... trying, I guess."

Xander's eyes met mine briefly, unable to mask the hint of surprise and amusement in his gaze before he returned his attention to Granny. "I promise, Ms..

She filled in for him. "Daniels"

He carried on. "Ms. Daniels, I'll do everything I can to make up for my past behavior."

Granny studied him for a moment before her lips curved into a smile. "Well, if you're willing to try, then I'm willing to give you a chance."

Granny patted Xander's hand affectionately. "Welcome to the family, dear."

"Err… not to the family. He is merely living here nothing more"

I supplied but him and granny ignore my words and were exchanging themselves in good pleasantries. For a split second, I almost thought that granny was conversing to sell me off.

Xander's grin was genuine, his eyes reflecting a newfound determination. "Thank you, Mrs. Daniels. I'll do my best to make sure I earn my place here."


What the—

As the tension eased, I couldn't help but think of the adsurbed situation right now, Xander, the troublemaker, was now a resident of my home.

Good God.

What have I done?