
The CEO’s Addiction

“You can’t go in there”, she gushes.“I can go wherever I want” his eyes flickered to her body, a cruel smirk along his lips “Even inside you”, Xander added and before anything else, she is giving him an hard slap across the face. *** Amelia Jameson works as a museum guide, and the little pay she gets she uses it to feed herself and her granny. When she meets Xander Sterling, a billionaire and the owner of the museum. Her world changes forever.

Lilyr4se · Ciudad
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34 Chs

I'm held down

He had asked me to follow him, and I did. We made our way toward his shiny car outside, and he opened the door for me. We drove for a while, in silence, the passing scenery a blur as exhaustion finally caught up to me, pulling me into a restless slumber.

When I woke up again, I squinted at the place, expecting to find myself in my worn-out apartment instead. Instead, I found myself in a luxurious room. I felt disoriented and blinked against the sudden light and everything around me. The extravagance of the surroundings was almost overwhelming, and I took in the elaborate furnishings and elegant decor with a mix of awe and discomfort.

Slowly, I stood up and walked to the door, my footsteps muffled by the plush carpeting. Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of a maid standing outside, a tray of clean clothes in her hands. She addressed me as "Miss Master." Confusion colored my features as I tried to process what was happening.

"Miss Master, Boss Xander is waiting for you downstairs," the maid informed me with a deferential tone.

My brows furrowed, and I found myself at a loss for words. How had I ended up in Xander's house? And why was I being treated like some sort of guest? I glanced at the clothes she was offering, not making a move to take them from her.

Politely declining her offer, I retreated back into the room, closing the door behind me. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door, and I stared. My heart raced as Xander's voice reached my ears, his words both a command and a threat.

"Amelia, I'm coming in if you don't respond."

Gasping, I rushed to the door and locked it, my back pressed against the wooden surface as if it could shield me from the unexpected turn of events. I finally managed to find my voice, my words shaky as I asked, "What am I doing in your house?"

His reply was calm and collected, carrying a hint of amusement. "Come downstairs, and we'll discuss everything."

As I stood there, my heart pounding against my ribcage, fear and resistance coursing through my veins, I wanted answers, but I was wary of stepping into a situation I didn't fully understand. And yet, I couldn't stay locked in this room forever.

When I heard his footsteps slowly fade away from behind my door, I heaved a sigh of relief. I opened the door gradually only to see that he had left the earlier clothes in front of the door. I bent toward them and picked up the clothes. I moved back into the room, going into the bathroom to clean up, and after about ten minutes, I walked out of the bathroom. I changed into the casual clothes from earlier, but there was a little problem. The dress was more revealing than I was accustomed to, and I tugged at the hem, feeling self-conscious.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way down the stairs, my footsteps echoing through the spacious entrance. As I reached the bottom, my eyes landed on Xander, dressed casually and looking far more approachable than the powerful figure I had come to know him as. Yet, my gaze lingered a moment too long, my heart quickening at the sight of him. For some stupid reason, my gaze moved over his features, his perfect collarbone, his defined jaw, then the annoying smirk playing on his lips before resting back on his grey eyes.


It was almost so easy to forget that he was a jerk.

With my heart beating hard against my chest, we locked eyes, and there was a glint of something inside his. A faint flush colored my cheeks, and I quickly averted my eyes. He smirked, his tone teasing. "You're not so disagreeable after all."

I didn't respond, my emotions a tangled mess as I moved to a chair, putting some distance between us. The urge to maintain a semblance of control propelled me forward, even if my heart seemed to be pulling me in a different direction. Xander raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Why are you sitting all the way over there?"

I cleared my throat, forcing a small smile. "I'm fine here."

He shook his head, his expression shifting to one of amusement. "Come on, don't be shy."

His words made my heart race, but I stood my ground, refusing to let his casual charm affect me. When I still didn't budge, he leaned back and crossed his arms. "If you won't come to me, I'll come to you."

Before I could react, he was by my side, his strong arms effortlessly lifting me from the chair and placing me on the one next to him. My heart pounded in my chest, and I struggled to keep my composure.

I cleared my throat, my voice a touch shaky as I finally asked, "So, what's your proposal?"

He leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed. "Oh, that. Well, I've already hired someone else for the consultant position."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "What? But you—"

He shrugged casually, cutting me off. "I realized that I didn't want you doing those jobs. Instead, I have a different proposition for you."

My brows furrowed as frustration simmered beneath the surface. "And what might that be?"

He fixed me with a direct look. "I want you to live with me."

I let out an exclamation of disbelief. "What? Are you out of your mind?"

He shrugged again, as if it was no big deal. "I think it's a reasonable offer. You won't have to worry about money, and you can focus on other things."

My frown deepened. "Live with you? You expect me to just move in with you?"

He leaned forward slightly, his voice taking on a serious edge. "Amelia, it's not just about convenience. There's something about you that draws me in."

I was about to protest, about to declare how absurd the idea was, when suddenly he stepped closer, his presence almost overwhelming. He towered over me, and his fingers gently tilted my chin up to meet his gaze.

"You, Amelia," he said, his voice a low growl. "I said I want you."

My heart raced as he continued, his words dripping with possessiveness. "And whatever I want, I get."

I grit my teeth, pushing against the wall he was trapping me against. "Not this time."

My voice wavered as I tried to escape this suffocating situation, to regain some semblance of control over my life.

But he didn't back down, his gaze unwavering. "I don't think you understand, Amelia."

His voice was a seductive whisper, his breath warm against my skin as he leaned closer. "I don't like to lose. And I always get what I want."

I tried to push him away again, but suddenly, the men in black uniform that I had encountered before were back, their presence as imposing as ever. My eyes widened as I looked from Xander to them, my mind racing.

"What now?" I exclaimed, my voice a mixture of shock and frustration. "You want to cage me down in your house?"

I exaggerated, but then Xander wasn't saying anything; instead, he is wearing a smirk. My eyes blinked with my heart pounding hard against my chest. He chuckled, his smirk widening. "You're very smart, Amelia"

My heart raced, and my eyes widened as the realization dawns on me. He was going to keep me here.


I was now entangled in something far bigger and more dangerous than I ever imagined. And Xander Sterling, with all his charm and power, was at the center of it all.