
The CEO’s Addiction

“You can’t go in there”, she gushes.“I can go wherever I want” his eyes flickered to her body, a cruel smirk along his lips “Even inside you”, Xander added and before anything else, she is giving him an hard slap across the face. *** Amelia Jameson works as a museum guide, and the little pay she gets she uses it to feed herself and her granny. When she meets Xander Sterling, a billionaire and the owner of the museum. Her world changes forever.

Lilyr4se · Ciudad
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34 Chs

I’m heart broken

The days at Agnes's place passed in a blur of sorrow and massive pain. I couldn't shake off the image that had shattered my heart—the picture of Xender with another woman, a kiss frozen in time. It felt like a cruel betrayal, and the pain was too raw to ignore.

I had been avoiding Xender's calls, unable to face him or even hear his voice. Agnes had been a constant support, lending me her shoulder to lean on and offering words of comfort. But I couldn't escape the lingering ache in my heart.

Then one afternoon, as Agnes and I were sitting on the couch, lost in our thoughts, a knock echoed through the room. Agnes looked towards the door, surprised. "Who could that be?"

She got up to answer, and my heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice—the voice that used to make me feel safe and cherished. Now brought constant tug of pain on my heart. Xender's voice, pleading and desperate, reached my ears as he begged to see me.

Agnes came back into the room, her eyes wide. "Amelia, it's Xender. He's here, and he's begging to talk to you."

I felt a mixture of emotions—anger, sadness, longing—but most of all, I felt conflicted. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face him, to hear his explanations, or to confront the reality of what had transpired.

Before I could make up my mind, Xender was there, standing in front of me, his eyes searching mine with a vulnerability that I hadn't seen before. He looked like a man whose world was crumbling around him, he looked worse than me, and for a moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

"It's not what you think," he said, his voice shaky. "Those pictures were taken out of context by some gossip bloggers. We weren't kissing, Amelia. I swear to you."

I stared at him, my heart torn between doubt and the desire to believe him. He took a step closer, his arms opening as if to embrace me, but then he hesitated, as if afraid that I would reject him.

And then, in a moment of desperation, he closed the distance between us and enveloped me in a hug. I couldn't return it, I tried to push him away but his arms were strong and annoyingly warm around me, and I couldn't deny the flood of emotions that surged through me—the memories of our time together, the connection we had shared. "Please"

He voice was low and honest, trying to make me understand and my hands came to an halt, retreating from struggling against the fabric on his clothes, when he muttered. "Trust me, Amelia"

Trust me.

Those words rang in my head like a bell refusing to tune down. I didn't know if I could trust him. He was Xender Sterling after all. No one could blame me for being this confused and hurt.

I slowly looked up at him, our eyes meeting, and I saw something in his gaze that I hadn't noticed before—a raw sincerity, a plea for understanding. I took a deep breath, my heart warring with my mind, and finally, I managed to whisper, "Okay, Xender. I believe you."

Relief washed over his features, and he pulled me into an even tighter embrace. "Thank you, Amelia. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain."

As we held each other, the weight of the past few days began to lift, and I realized that maybe there was hope for us yet. Xender stepped back slightly, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Amelia," he began, his voice steady now, "there's something I want to tell you. I want to take you to meet my mother today."

I blinked in surprise, not expecting his words. "Your mother?"

He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yes. I want you to meet her. I want you to be a part of my life, officially."

"I don't think I can wait any longer"

He confessed, his arms steading against my hips as though I could disappear out his grasp the next moment.

My heart skipped a beat, and a mixture of emotions swirled within me—excitement, nervousness, and a glimmer of hope. "I... I'd like that."

Xender's smile widened, and he looked genuinely happy. "And there's something else. I want to make our relationship public, Amelia. I want the world to know that you're mine."

I blinked in astonishment, feeling a rush of emotions at his words. It was a bold step, and it meant that he was serious about us, about fighting for our connection despite the obstacles.

I smiled back at him, my heart swelling with a newfound sense of happiness. "I'd like that too, Xender."

As I looked into his eyes, I realized that while trust had been shaken, it wasn't irreparably broken.


The car ride to Xender's mother's place made me both excitement and nervous. My mind raced with thoughts about meeting his mother—what she would be like, how she would react to me, and whether she would approve of our relationship. Xender held my hand throughout the drive, his thumb brushing soothing circles on my skin, offering silent reassurance.

As we arrived at the grand estate, I couldn't help but feel a wave of intimidation wash over me. The mansion was even more impressive in the daylight, with its elegant architecture and sprawling gardens. Xender guided me towards the entrance, his grip on my hand tightening as if to offer support.

The moment we stepped inside, I was greeted by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Xender's mother, Lady Isabella, stood in the foyer, her presence commanding yet gentle. She had an air of elegance about her, with a kind smile that reached her eyes.

"Xender, dear, you've brought a guest," she said, her voice melodious and soothing. Her gaze shifted to me, and I felt a mixture of awe and nervousness under her scrutiny.

Xender squeezed my hand reassuringly and stepped forward, introducing me with a proud smile. "Mother, I'd like you to meet Amelia."

Lady Isabella's eyes crinkled in a smile, and she extended her hand towards me. "Amelia, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Xender has spoken quite highly of you."

I took her hand, feeling a warmth in her touch that immediately put me at ease. "It's an honor to meet you too, Lady Isabella."

She chuckled softly, a twinkle in her eye. "Oh, please, call me Isabella. We're practically family now."

As we exchanged pleasantries, I couldn't help but notice the genuine warmth in her behavior. She was graceful and charming, making it easy to converse with her. Isabella's questions were lighthearted, ranging from my interests to my background, and I found myself opening up to her without hesitation.

Before I knew it, we were seated in the elegant living room, sipping on tea as the conversation flowed effortlessly. Isabella's eyes twinkled mischievously as she leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a softer tone. "You know, Xender has always been a bit of a mystery to me. But seeing the way he talks about you, I can tell you've had quite an impact on him."

I blushed at her words, feeling both flattered and slightly embarrassed. "He's been wonderful to me too. I've never met anyone quite like him."

Isabella's smile widened, and she leaned back in her chair, her gaze thoughtful. "He has also always been a passionate soul, even from a young age. He's driven, determined, and has a heart that's fiercely protective of those he cares about."

Her words resonated with me, and I found myself nodding in agreement. "Yes, he's shown me that side of him."

Isabella's eyes twinkled mischievously as she leaned in closer again. "And I must say, Amelia, you've brought a certain light into his life. It's been quite some time since I've seen him so genuinely happy."

I felt a flush happiness and humility at her words, my heart swelling with a newfound affection for Xender. "I'm honored to be a part of his life."

She chuckled softly, her gaze softening. "Well, I can see why he's drawn to you. You have a warmth about you, a genuineness that's hard to find. And I have to say, I'm quite fond of the way you two look together."

I couldn't help but blush at her words, feeling my cheeks heat up. Isabella's playful teasing was unexpected, yet it added a layer of comfort to our conversation. She was welcoming me into her world with open arms, and it was a feeling that I cherished deeply.

As our conversation continued, Isabella shared stories about Xender's childhood, a time-frame that painted a picture of a young man who had always been passionate and determined. She spoke of his dreams, his aspirations, and the person he had become—a man who had overcome challenges and had a heart capable of great love.

As the afternoon sun began to cast a warm glow through the windows, Isabella rose from her seat, her smile radiant. "Amelia, I'm truly glad to have met you. You've brought a spark into Xender's life, and for that, I'm grateful."

I smiled back at her, feeling a genuine sense of connection. "Thank you, Isabella. It means a lot to me."

She stepped closer and embraced me warmly, her motherly affection evident in the gesture. "You're welcome in our home anytime, my dear."