
Chapter 12

Feeling fear sink deeper into his core, Andrew resorted to covering his head with a bedsheet, hoping to conceal the fact that he was slowly transforming into a Gorgon, with snakes for hair.

The weight of his impending fate hung heavy on his heart as he anxiously paced the hospital room, awaiting the arrival of his friend, Ethan.

Finally, the door swung open, and it was Ethan who's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Andrew's obscured face.Ethan couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of Andrew's chosen to put bed sheets on his head.

With a forced smile, Andrew revealed the seriousness of the situation,

"Listen bro I think we are in deep problem"

But Ethan, lacking comprehension, made light of the peculiar scenario.

"Yes I can see that you are putting our bed sheets on your head"

Andrew Grows increasingly frustrated, Andrew struggled to make Ethan understand the gravity of his predicament.

Before he could intervene, Ethan, driven by curiosity, reached out and yanked the bedsheet from Andrew's head.

Shock washed over Ethan as he beheld the serpentine transformation of Andrew's once-human hair.

In a cruel twist of fate, Ethan himself began to feel a strange rigidity creeping up his legs, turning his flesh to stone. As Ethan solidified before his eyes and turned into a stone,

Andrew was thrown into a panicked frenzy, uncertain of how to reverse the petrification. Desperate for help, he reached out to Sofia, his last hope in this bizarre ordeal.

With trembling hands, Andrew dialed Sofia's number, pleading for her urgent assistance. Minutes later, Sofia arrived, her eyes widening at the petrified figure occupying the hospital room.

Sofia was Bewildered, "what is this"she demanded an explanation from Andrew, who struggled to articulate the fantastical events that had transpired.

In a hushed voice, Andrew confided in Sofia, "This is Ethan and I have accidentally turned him into a stone cause am also becoming a gorgan" emphasizing the critical need to restore Ethan to his former self.

Sofia started Surveying the stony statue that had once been Ethan, Sofia's mind raced with possibilities. After a moment of contemplation,

she proposed a plan to relocate Ethan onto a bed and transport him away from prying eyes.with the hope of freeing Ethan from his stone prison.

Andrew and Sofia sat in their room, staring at their Ethan petrified stone. Andrew was panicking, unsure of what to do next. Sofia, always level-headed, assured him that there had to be a way to bring Ethan back to life. As they brainstormed,

The stone that was Ethan began to crumble little by little, a glimmer of hope shining through as they saw Ethan's eyes moving. Relief washed over them as Ethan slowly started to move, still not fully transformed back to his human self.

After a few tense moments, Ethan had fully returned to normal. Thirsty and disoriented, he asked for water, which Sofia quickly provided. Ethan then turned to Andrew,

"What was that?"

Andrew nervously answered "I think am turning into an gorgan"

Ethan continue to question him on how he had become a gorgon. Andrew, shaken, explained how he had been bitten by one of Medusa's snakes in a cave and detailed his harrowing experience to Ethan and Sofia.

As Ethan absorbed the information, a look of determination crossed his face, but also one of uncertainty.

"I think we should seek some help from Mr. Hangrave".

Andrew and Sofia were skeptical,

Sofia speaks out "no we can't, what are you going to tell him that Andrew is turning into a gorgan because we went into a dark creapy cave"

"But we have no other choice on less any of you have any other ideas, I know you don't like the idea but Mr. Hangrave might hold the key to our predicament and be able to help us out"

Resolute, Ethan headed to Mr. Hangrave's office. Nervously, he knocked on the door and entered to find Mr. Hangrave looking weary but intrigued. Ethan explained his situation and asked "Sir am sorry to bother you but I have an assignment that am really struggling with"

Mr Hangrave told him to continue

"Is there a way to turn a gorgon back into a human".

Mr. Hangrave's demeanor shifted, his expression turning ominous as he questioned the nature of Ethan's assignment.

Undeterred, Ethan persisted, claiming it was a personal endeavor to develop himself further. Mr. Hangrave relented, pulling out a book that detailed the destruction of a gorgon originally written by Ethan grategrandfather (Magnus the great). Handing the book to Ethan,

Ethan hurried back to his dorm, clutching the ancient book tightly in his hands. His heart raced with a mix of fear and hope as he prayed to find a solution within its yellowed pages to save his friend.

As soon as he entered, Andrew and Sofia gathered around him, their eyes reflecting the same desperation and anxiety. They spent three intense hours combing through the book, scanning each word, hoping for a glimmer of a solution. Suddenly, Ethan's eyes lit up as he stumbled upon a passage detailing the process of reversing a gorgon's curse. With bated breath, he read aloud,

"To break the curse and be free from the gorgon form, one must obtain the human blood of the gorgon within two days of the transformation."

Andrew's shoulders slumped in defeat, "Now am really fucked" he said as tears streaming down his face.

The weight of his friend's condition bore heavily on Ethan's conscience, fueling his determination to find a way out of this nightmare. Feeling a surge of responsibility, Ethan made the decision to return to the cave where it all began, hoping to uncover a clue that would lead to Andrew's salvation. Sofia, refusing to let him face this alone, offered to accompany him, standing by his side as they braved the darkness once more.

Ethan and Sofia stood at the entrance of the cave again, the one place where hope lingered dimly hopefully they can find something to reverse the petrification that had befallen on Andrew. They went deep within the cavern's belly, they found themselves face to face with a petrified Medusa, a grim reminder of the fate that awaited Andrew.

They realize that extracting blood from a stone statue seemed impossible. As Ethan Was looking around the cave hoping to find something.

Sofia, undeterred by the seemingly insurmountable challenge, "I think there's a way to save Andrew but it a really dangerous one but I don't think we have much choice".

Ethan hastily asked "How"

" Follow me." She said Without hesitation, Sofia led Ethan back to the school dorm and sought out Alex, With a sense of urgency, they arrived at Alex's door Sofia knocked and Alex opened,

"We need your help," Sofia implored, her voice filled with desperation. Alex, skeptical yet intrigued, invited them in. Sofia shared her daring plan to travel back in time to when Medusa was still human, before her dreadful transformation into a gorgon.

Ethan and Alex were taken aback by the audacity of the proposal. Memories of past time-travel mishaps flooded Alex's mind, causing him to hesitate.