
The Celestial Shift

In an unexpected twist of fate, death propelled me into purgatory. Alone and longing for freedom, I chanced upon a absorbing essences of souls. Tapping into their memories, I uncovered a remarkable mysteries—heavenly demon cultivation. Hope sparked inside me, as I realized I could be reborn in a new world. ... .. . . Yet, to my bewilderment, why am I in a girl's body?

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16 Chs

Chapter 8 - HDA

I don't know what to do right now, lying here with this predicament. My body feels heavy, and I remember when she disappeared, she touched my soul. I don't know what she did to my soul, but I guess there's nothing to be afraid of.

Cling clang, the building reverberated. It seemed like only a moment had passed since I spoke with Lumenia. I no longer feel scared; I just want to live.

The room no longer bears any gruesome bodies or bloodstains, only cracked veils and broken tubes.

It seems traces of Lumenia is gone and disappeared.

I don't know what's happening to my body right now. After meeting with Lumenia, all of my being feels heavy.

"Sir, we found someone here," said a man dressed as a knight. I only catch a glimpse.

My hearing and senses return to normal human levels, no longer feeling overpowered.

As I lie there, helpless and unable to move, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the room. My heart skips a beat, and I can sense a familiar presence. It's my father, a powerful knight renowned for his prowess.

As I lie here, I hear someone said "Atthy, it's okay. Everything's going to be alright," My father who dressed in a brilliant knight outfit says to me.

It seems my father has come to rescue me. I don't know what happened to the grey hooded man. Remembering him makes my anger boil.

I could feel his trembling hand as he picked me up, cradling me in a gentle embrace. Despite the quivering, his eyes were full of unwavering focus.

Time passed slowly as we found ourselves in a camp nestled within the woods. My father had kindled a fire to keep me warm, and the knights surrounding us guarded with vigilance, ensuring our safety and privacy.

"You're awake, I'm so glad," he said, his face showing deep concern.

In my mind, I wanted to reassure him, to say, "I'm okay, it's fine, Dad," but my body refused to respond. I could only watch and slowly tilt my head.

The weight of my situation seemed to burden him, but he tried to stay strong. With a trembling hand, he retrieved a necklace from his armor, revealing a cherished photo.

"This is you and your mother," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "She's doing well now, you know. We've missed you so much."

"I remember when you used to run around, eat, and jump around, always making us laugh with your antics," he slowly chuckled.

He gently patted my head, recounting stories of my usual behavior and updating me on our mansion's situation and my mother's well-being. As time passed, I gradually drifted off to sleep.

As I asleep, my mind remained awake, and I found myself in my mind palace. It had been a while since I last visited this place.

In the void, I used to consume energy directly and take memories, but now my mind palace seemed somewhat disorganized.

I carefully placed the scattered books back in their respective places. Despite the chaos, the structure of my mind palace remained strong; I just needed to tidy it bit by bit.

Recollections of all the memories from my previous life flooded my mind as I delved into the depths of my consciousness.

I remembered the bustling streets of the city, filled with people rushing to and fro, each one lost in their own world.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the neighborhood café, the sound of laughter in the park, and the warmth of the sun on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Recollections of family gatherings flooded my mind - Thanksgiving feasts with family gathered around the table, exchanging stories and savoring delicious meals; Christmas mornings filled with excitement and joy as we unwrapped presents beneath the twinkling lights of the tree.

The memories of reading novels on cultivation also rushing back. I recalled the tales of martial prowess, the cultivation of mystical energies, and the pursuit of immortality. The intricate world-building, epic battles, and the pursuit of enlightenment left an indelible mark on my imagination.

Indeed, arriving in this world has proven to be far from the idealized fantasy I once imagined. The harsh reality of being experimented on and the turmoil that now consumes me have shattered those naive expectations.

Tidying up my mind palace and focusing on cultivation might be the path to reclaiming control over my destiny. It won't be easy, but perhaps I can shape my own fate and find a way to rise above.

I remember there are two memories of cultivation paths that I absorbed before in the void.

The first is the Heavenly Phoenix Art, and the second is the Celestial Demon Art. Although both seem contradictory to each other, the concept is to utilize the essence through your body, astral body, and soul.

The difference is that Celestial Demon Art draws essence from the outside, consuming blood and flesh. Practitioners must take what is necessary to adapt and use killing to refine the essence.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Phoenix Art refines your phoenix essence, slowly transforming your body into the essence itself. Eventually, you will become a divine beast, the phoenix.

I don't want to be just a divine beast or a killing machine. Maybe I can combine these two cultivation paths.

As I pondered over these seemingly opposing cultivation paths, a daring idea began to take root in my mind.

Why couldn't I seek a balance between the two? My ambition was not to become solely a divine beast nor a merciless killing machine.

In the depths of my mind palace, I contemplated the merging of the Heavenly Phoenix Art and the Celestial Demon Art. The challenge was immense, for their essence was diametrically opposed.

I envisioned a new path, one that balanced both powers, harnessing the strength of both the celestial and the infernal.

This synthesis would give birth to a new cultivation, which I would name the "Heavenly Demon Art."

I realize that this fusion of cultivation requires a profound mastery of both arts.

To become a true practitioner of the Heavenly Demon Art, I need to embrace both the consuming darkness of the Celestial Demon Art and the purifying flames of the Heavenly Phoenix Art.

Instead of drawing essence solely from the outside like the Celestial Demon Art, or refining my body into a divine beast like the Heavenly Phoenix Art, I realized that I could channel the essence from both within and without.

By tapping into the depths of my own inner phoenix essence, I could draw upon its purifying powers while simultaneously embracing the primal might of the Celestial Demon Art.

This combination would allow me to utilize both life-giving and life-taking forces, creating a potent fusion of light and shadow.

I envisioned myself as the bridge between worlds, balancing the delicate dance of light and darkness.

For now, I remained within the sanctuary of my mind palace, perfecting the harmony of the Heavenly Demon Art.

After contemplating on how to cultivate the heavenly demon art in my mind palace, I gradually woke up. Although I yearn to practice this art, the current situation isn't conducive. I need to regain control of my body, slowly mending the broken parts and then proceed with my cultivation.

Time seems to have slipped away while I was in my mind palace, and it feels like more than just days have passed. Now, I find myself lying in a warm bed, the gentle sunlight enveloping me, and the melodious songs of birds reach my ears from outside.

As I turn my head, I notice a woman sleeping while sitting on the floor, her hands resting on the bed. I recognize her as my mother, tears marking her face from excessive crying.

As the moments pass, I remain motionless, unsure of what to do and not wanting to disturb her slumber. Then, a knock on the door interrupts the silence, and a maid enters, carrying some food. In her nervousness, she accidentally drops the food and tableware.

"I'm sorry, young lady," the maid stutters, surprised looking at me "I didn't know you were awake."

My mother stirs from her groggy state, her eyes filled with surprise and happiness as she swiftly embraces me.

"Atthy, atthy, atthy," she calls my name while crying, relieved that I've finally awakened.

Though I genuinely want to reassure her and say, "I'm okay, mom," not a single word escapes my lips.

I apologize, Mom, but I can't respond to you right now. It seems I still need some time to heal.