
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 27 [Going Home With Him]

After school Yuan Wei was walking back home when he noticed a car following him. For a moment he just stood there and stared at the car before he shook his head and he kept on walking.

"Feng, an idiot is following me how about I blow up their car?" Yuan Wei said as he held out his ready to summon fire.

"Are you crazy! Killing is against the law! You stupid idiot!" Feng shouted.

"Boss, maybe is someone who knows you?"

"Babe get the car I will take you home."

Yuan Wei just stared at Isaac before he turned around and started to walk away he really didn't want to bother with this guy. For the past day he has been following him around he even swished to all his class how did he even do that!

"Babe come on."

"Host Wei doesn't mean his being nice and giving you a ride don't forget your motorcycle is being fixed you can't drive at the moment and you aren't about to walk for four hours are you?" Feng asked.

Yuan Wei turned and opened the front car seat and down in the nice leather seat he looked around and he wiggled his nose.

"Jessica was in this car?"

"Yes she did-"

"Get out."

"Huh alright babe what is it."

When both of them got Yuan Wei blew up the car and she felt quite happy about that. Isaac on the other just stared at him dumbfounded.

"You blew up my car."

"Yes, she sat inside it which means her smelly body was in that car and I won't take it come on we can spend money and get new car if you want."

"No Babe it's alright my driver is coming," Isaac said and took Yuan Wei who almost pulled away but in the end didn't pull away.

"Young Master Isaac this is?"

"Friend," Yuan Wei said bluntly and held out his hand he shook the driver's hand before he sat inside the car and crossed his legs. Isaac was unhappy. Feng and R2 notice that Isaac demonize energy was raising up.

"Say something nice to him his unhappy."

"What happen this time?"

"Isn't it you?"

Yuan Wei clenched his fists together and he turned around and turned Isaac around so they were facing each other.

"Like I told you, when you do what I promise I will allow you to take me out one time," Yuan Wei and held finger out which Isaac grabbed and grinned happily.

"You promise babe!"


"Yaaaa!" Isaac shouted and threw his arm around Yuan Wei and kissed his cheek. Yuan Wei didn't push him away he pointed where he was living and they notice the word Rose Golden Palace.

"I thought you were poor."

"I was poor," Yuan Wei said he grabbed his backpack and he walked out of the car. Isaac followed him inside Rose Golden Palace.

"You can go now."

Isaac shook his head going home with him It was his best idea he wants to live with Yuan Wei be with him all the time but he can't do that if he is always staying away from him. Why he also indifferent, emotionless and cold to everyone he looks like he doesn't care about anyone he just does what needs to be done he is so blunt with his words and reckless.

"Mr. Yuan welcome home."

"Wow they know you."

"Of course they do I am their boss, I own this entire building," Yuan Wei said it cost twenty billion dollars but that was alright it just means that he has eighty billion more dollars to waste.

"This entire place is owned by you?"

"Um, yes I bought it, it makes me lots of money," Yuan Wei said and held out his hand as his hand was scanned the door opened.

{Welcome Boss.} 

A robot voice said and Yuan Wei smiled.

"R2, how is everything?"

Only R2 is out and is able to talk with Yuan Wei who sat down on the couch and let out a yawn.

"You came in my house now you can go."

"Host Wei maybe you should something else!"

Yuan Wei frowned and he looked at Isaac.

"You want something from me right if I give you that will you leave my home?"

"Um," Isaac became shy. Yuan Wei grabbed Isaac hand and dragged him up the stairs the next moment he was pushed down on the bed and Yuan Wei touched his chest as he ran his finger down his bare chest and smiled. Isaac was breathing hard and his face became red.

"Isaac, I give you a hand job you leave my home," Yuan Wei whispered and unblocked Isaac belt. Yuan Wei hand went under his pants and grabbed Isaac crotch. Isaac let out a moan. Yuan Wei face so just cold he has the same parts as a man so he wasn't bothered by this.

"Boss this so hot!" R2 said.

"I know right it's so spicy," Feng said and fanned himself. Yuan Wei moved his fast Isaac tried to hold but when he was ready he grabbed Yuan Wei by the neck and pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips.

For so long all Isaac wanted to do was kiss these soft pink lips. Yuan Wei pushed him off him and Yuan Wei stared at his hand and he sighed.

"Boss are you feeling weird?"

"No it's just strange why must it bight look," Yuan Wei said and showed R2 and Feng the cum in his hand without a second thought he walked inside the bathroom.

"You finished that way too quickly!" Feng complained.

"How many favorite present did I get."



"Feng, R2, didn't you two say that if I give him a hand job it will reach 90% but only 5% does that mean I wasn't good enough?" Yuan Wei said.

"Maybe you were to fast, I mean don't you jerk off yourself."

"No why would I need to do that."

"Oh my gosh you are hopeless what kind of romance life have you ever had?"

"He hasn't had any in the past ten million years has worked for our system."

"That long no wonder his dense about romance let's forget," R2 said.

Isaac was down the stairs sitting in the living room He couldn't believe that Yuan Wei gave him a hand job. He wished it would last long but he could feel his fingers and hand he clenched his jaw damn it how is he supposed to calm down. Yuan Wei who walked down the stairs he only wore a robe his hair was wet and messy he wore his glasses he looked so handsome yet so beautiful.

"Aren't you going to live? I gave you a hand job and you promise to leave." 


"Out," Yuan Wei said indifferently and grabbed Isaac hand and shoved him out.

"See you on Monday."

Yuan Wei turned around and he grabbed the red wine he turned a the related tv show he smiled at himself now he can relax and watch handsome man and beautiful woman fight over each other.

Knock, knock.

Who is here is so annoying. Yuan Wei held his red wine glass when he opened the door.

"Babe I am here you said to leave but you never said I can't back right now."

"Isaac, you are cheating me!" Yuan Wei snapped.

"Babe, come on I just want to stay with you," Isaac pushed himself inside because Yuan Wei was holding a wine glass he couldn't fully use his strength,

"Fine stay if you want!"

"Babe, can I move in."

"Little Sport don't push it!"

"Babe, you finally gave me a nickname I love it!" Isaac said goofy look. Yuan Wei sighed and he rolled his eyes and he sat back down as he started to watch the show.

"Oh you are watching Fight Or Love."

"Yes it's truly outstanding why they fight over these people, it's strange but I like the part were they are rejected," Yuan Wei said.

"Host, Boss don't say something like that!" Feng and R2 snapped.

"Babe, have you ever loved someone?"

"Loved someone?"

Yuan Wei frowned and clenched his jaw tightly and then he nodded his head before he shook his head. Once again he can't even remember who is why would even want to know if he loved someone he touched his chest.

"I think I once loved someone but I don't remember the person he was kind and every warm my happy place, yes I think that was it, if that's what love then I did once had a lover but, he dumped me I think who knows whatever , I am enjoying my life now," Yuan Wei said.

"Babe, I will make you fall in love with me, and you won't remember your other lover at all."

"Little Sport, you want to make me fall in love, I want to see you try, make me laugh, and smile if you can do that, I will know I have some emotion of my own," Yuan Wei said and held on Isaac chin who wrapped his around Yuan Wei and pulled him closer.

"Alright Babe, I will do that for you, I will make you laugh, smile, and make you a new future with just you and I."

"Hehe alright I will wait for that day to come then."

Both just stared at the screen and Isaac smiled brightly.

A horn went off and Yuan Wei jumped he grabbed Feng and shook him.

"You reached 90% well done host!"