
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 35 – 36

Chapter 35 – So many new comrades!

Kamyu easily broke the spider webs that were binding him, and then he stood up.

He spread out his arms as he rushed towards me.

"Damn it!! Haines, we must stop him!"


As Ashton and Haines were nearby, they quickly reached for their scimitars.

But Kamyu was already right in front of me.

"Aah! Lord Heal!"

He said as he closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

Uh? Was he…going to grab onto me and kiss me?

Sensing the danger, I moved back.



Shiel had stretched to create a barrier in front of me, and so Kamyu was blocked.

And while his face looked like it was smashed against the glass, his eyes were still fixed on me, which was quite scary.

"Now! Let's get him!! Haines!"


And so Kamyu was immediately grabbed by Ashton and Haines.

"Hey! No need to be so rough! I don't know what I shall do if…"

Kamyu looked quite red as they pushed him to the ground.

But in spite of his words, he seemed to be enjoying the situation…

In fact, he had been able to break his bonds as if it were the easiest thing in the world. If he wanted to, he could have freed himself from Ashton and Haines as well.

And so it was not too surprising when Ashton turned to me with a rather pale face.

"Lo-lord Heal. I hate to seem indecisive, but perhaps there is no need to allow this one to stay here…"

"Hey, Ashton. Surely that is going too far… Kamyu, listen to me. Everyone who lives on this island must agree to be tamed…"

Kamyu's eyes welled up with tears.

"So you are not only going to help us, but keep us!? Well, for a man like you, it would be very welcome! Ah! It is too much!"

He said as he brushed Ashton and Haines off.

And then he got to his feet and…


A voice suddenly thundered.

'Mmm…' Kamyu crumbled to the ground and slept soundly.

The person who had unleashed the magic…


"I'm terribly sorry, Lord Heal… But it seemed that his fatigue was causing him to get excited. I thought it best that he get some rest."

Rienna said calmly.

However, I had seen the flash of rage in her eyes…

"I-I see… Well, I suppose I could start taming the other orcs then."

And like that, Sheorl welcomed its new residents.

While I thought of new names for each one, Kamyu alone insisted on keeping his old name.

This was because the Korbas chiefs had passed down this name for generations.

And he did not want it to die with his.

Though, Kamyu didn't have any children.

In spite of the tragedy that befell them, he seemed to get rather excited at the sight of men. Maybe it was due to a desire for an heir.

But…Kamyu was a man…right?

Well, regardless of that, it seemed like the orcs would be able to contribute much to the island.

They were very strong, especially with their arms, which meant they could do all kinds of jobs.

Furthermore, the Korbas were veteran sailors, so once we had a proper boat, they might be able to get us supplies from other places.

There was the one ship that Ashton and the kobolds came in, but according to Kamyu, this was more of a fishing vessel and was not fit for navigating through the treacherous seas.

In any case, it seemed unlikely that anyone was in a rush to get out there again…

The orcs had been very frightened when I tamed them.

At first, I thought that they were afraid of me, but apparently, they were afraid that the Leviathan would start moving again.

A fleet of a hundred ships had been sunk, and nearly 4,000 of their comrades had died. So it was no wonder that they were afraid.

However, Mappa led a team that started to work on taking the Leviathan apart. And so the fear of the monster began to lessen.

Mappa used a knife to take off the scales one by one.

Once that was finished, there was a pile of scales that was the same size as a house.

They were thick and durable, but also clear as glass.

The blue skin that was underneath the scales was also very strong.

However, there was one thing that made it different from the cow leather that was so often used in armor. The Leviathan skin was able to stretch.

And it also had a very smooth texture that made it comfortable to touch.

As for the meat, Mappa started to shove it down his throat while it was still raw. And so everyone else started to copy him.

Mappa insisted that I try it out as well. And though I did not want to at first, it ended up being quite delicious.

It had just the right amount of fat so that it melted in your mouth… I had never thought that meat could be eaten raw before, so it was quite the discovery.

Obviously, it was not an amount that could be eaten in a single day, so the cave refrigerator had to be expanded in order to accommodate it.

And lastly, the bones… This too had a use, according to Mappa.

There was currently a great mountain of the bones next to the smithy.

Baris said that while most bones were brittle, these were hard like metal.

They would not break if you hit the ground with them.




In any case, the result was that the island had an immense amount of food and materials now.

As for the orcs, there were about 140 of them, including those who were saved from the battleship.

That night, we had a feast that included fruits and Killer Bird meat.

We avoided serving the Leviathan, as it would likely bring back memories of the deaths of their friends…

However, the goblins, kobolds, and Cave Spiders had no such issue, and gladly gobbled down the Leviathan meat.

The slimes did not eat meat, but they joined in the feast by drinking water.

Perhaps because they had worked together on the Leviathan and on the rescue mission, but there were now a few who seemed to be getting along with each other, in spite of their race.

I stood by the entrance of the cave with Shiel and watched this scene.

I had been all alone when I first arrived on the island.

Well, in a way, I had been alone even when I lived at the royal palace.

…However, I now had so many comrades.

"There are so many people here now… To think that it used to be just us two."

Shiel did not answer.

However, the way that it moved its body just a little bit made me think that it was nodding.

Every day, Shiel seemed to learn a new way to express itself.

Maybe we would be able to have a conversation eventually…

I looked back at the others.

Baris had gathered the children and was teaching them how to read.

Ashton and Haines had given Erevan a large fish, which he gave to Fule, so she could throw it.

As for Rienna, she was making something in the kitchen.

Kamyu? He was snoring behind me.

We still had problems to deal with. But things were so lively now.

As I basked in these sentiments, I heard something fall on the ground right next to me.

When I turned to look, I saw that the baby kobold was panting as it stood in front of a pickaxe.

Apparently, it had tried to pick it up, but dropped it immediately.

It was no wonder.

Just the handle was three times longer than the baby.

And it was also many times heavier.

However, the baby would not give up. And it tried to pick it up again.

And so I picked the baby up and let it grasp the pickaxe as I held it.

"What's the matter? Are you curious about this?"

But it seemed to be more than curiosity. It was as if it had a specific motive.

It had been with me recently as I mined in the tunnels. So perhaps it was trying to copy me.

Maybe it would be a good rival one day…

Just then, Rienna appeared carrying a tray with steaming bowls.

It smelled nice… I believe it was leaves from the World Tree.

She said that she was sorry to keep me waiting, and sat down next to me.

Then she handed me and Shiel our tea.

"Hehe. Lord Heal, you seem very happy."

"Oh, it's just that this little guy. It suddenly has a strong interest in this pickaxe."

I said as I patted the baby on the head.

I had put the pickaxe on the ground in order to drink the tea, but the baby started to reach for it again.

"Oh, you're right. At this rate, it will not be long until its just as obsessed with mining as you are!"

"I hope so. …Oh, right. About a name, Ashton says he wants me to think of something. Do you have any ideas, Rienna?"

"Indeed… As it is a girl, a cute name would be good…"

I had not really thought about its gender. But Rienna often took care of it, so she must be right. This baby was a girl.

"I see. Since you spend so much time with her, I was thinking about something that starts with 'Ri.'"

"My-my name?"

She asked with a hint of embarrassment.

"Would that bother you?"

"No! Not at all! In that case, we can take the rest from your name… How about Ril?"

"Ril…hmm. I guess that's cute? …Ril. Okay, from today on, your name is Ril!"

I said, and Ril laughed happily.

Apparently, she liked it.

Rienna smiled as well.

"Hehe. I look forward to seeing her grow."

"…Oh, right…"

How she would grow…

And at the same time, what would become of this once empty island.

In any case, it would surely be a bright future.

I had nothing to base this on, but I would work hard with everyone in order to make that happen.

And so as everyone feasted happily, I thought about what Sheorl would become.




Chapter 36 – We opened a council!!!

"Wh-what's this!?"

Kamyu raised his voice in surprise when he lifted the Mithril axe.

"Is this really an axe? Are you sure it isn't hollow?"

Mappa didn't answer a single one of his questions.

He was just swinging his hammer and seemed to be making something.

And when it was finished, Mappa handed it to Kamyu.

"Is-is this…a saber?"

Mappa nodded.

From the blade to the hilt, everything was made of Mithril.

The pattern on the blade, the shape of the pommel, all of it was like a work of art.

And yet Mappa had created it in just a few minutes. His blacksmith skills really were amazing.

"What? This is for me…?"

Kamyu's eyes brightened as he accepted the Mithril saber.

He swung it lightly and felt its weight.

"It-it's amazing… I've never touched such a sword in my life. You're incredible!"

Kamyu said with open arms, but Mappa shook his hands in front of him as a clear rejection.

While most people gave him looks of distaste, Mappa seemed much more like a gentleman.

However, Kamyu looked all the more regretful.

"Hmph. You're just an old man anyway…who's naked!! I didn't even want a hug!"

Kamyu said as he turned his nose away.

He had been like this all day, ever since he got up to explore the island.

As for me, I helped the others gather the remains of the battleship and other boats, and build graves.

I had finished up and was on my way to where Baris was waiting.

"Kamyu and Mappa. Baris is calling you both. Come with me."

"Ah, Lord Heal! Of course, I'll go with you! So, that old man has business with me?"

"You're the leader of the orcs. Baris wants to gather all of the leaders of the tribes and hold a council."

While I said Baris, it was also my wish as well.

This was because I wanted to discuss a certain matter…that is, the use of the two Ascending Stones and the Substitute Stone.

Depending on how they were used, they could greatly benefit the island.

The Ascending Stone allowed monsters to evolve into any shape they desired.

For instance…

Goblins were unable to use magic because their bodies couldn't use magic energy.

However, with the Ascending Stone, they could evolve into a body that could use that energy.

Furthermore, the Substitute Stone could be turned into any other kind of stone.

That included the Dragon Sphere Stone, which could bring the dead back to life.

There might be someone with a particularly special ability that we could resurrect so that they could help improve life on the island.

Of course, it could also just be used as an Ascending Stone. And we could also save it as a substitute for a stone we hadn't discovered yet.

Still, I felt that the act of resurrecting people had to be done with extreme caution.

I liked to think that no one really died because they wanted to… But there could be exceptions… Maybe some were satisfied with their life and did not want to return.

It was not something that I could decide on my own.

Well, that was what I wanted to discuss. But Baris also had something that he wanted to discuss with the others.

And so, it was decided that now would be a good time to hold a council with the leaders.

A giant, round table of marble was set underneath the World Tree.

The Mithril Golem had made it under Baris's orders.

Apparently, Golems were quite good at working with Mithril, and this table was made in just a few minutes.

There were also marble seats prepared, and were it not for the fact that we were outside, this would have been considered a very fine council chamber.

Well, I doubted any would complain, given we were instead, underneath the branches of the huge World Tree…

Baris, Ashton, and Haines were already waiting at the round table.

Taran was also there, though, without a chair.

Goblins, Kobolds, and Cave Spiders, huh…

I would never have imagined that I would be living with such people on this island.

In the first place, I spent all of my time in the palace and the royal capital, so I never got to meet any monsters.

Rienna had prepared tea for everyone.

She was a goblin, but had used an Ascending Stone to turn into her current form, which was much like a human.

And she was more beautiful than any woman I had seen in the palace….

…No, I can't think about that now.

I shook my head to get rid of such thoughts.

That's when everyone noticed us coming and they got to their feet.

Baris bowed his head and the others followed.

"Sorry that we're late, Baris."

"No, no, Lord Heal. I'm sorry for having to call you."

"Well, I'm the one that asked you to arrange this. Alright, let's begin then. Kamyu, Mappa. Sit over there."

And so Kamyu, Mappa, Shiel, and I took our seats at the round table.

Now we could begin…or so I thought. But then I noticed that there was one seat that was empty.

"Now that I think about it, where's Erevan…?"

"Oh, the General is…"

Rienna's head turned in a certain direction.

Erevan was there and seemed to be talking to Fule.

He nodded with a serious expression before noticing that we were watching them. And so he and Fule came over to the table.

"Chief, are you sure about this?"

"Do you mean the Ascending Stone? Well, Fule dug it up herself. She doesn't need my permission."

"But it's such a valuable thing for someone like…"




Fule answered.

"I know… It's not like I dug this up myself. So I'm going to use this stone so that it benefits everyone. I promise."

"Fule… Very well. You can use it so that you can be more useful to the Chief."

"Yes! And of course, for you too, father!"

"Tsk. Don't get so ahead of yourself… Well, I'll have moderate expectations."

…It was clear that Erevan was actually very happy to hear that, but he did his best to hide it.

After this display of familial affection, Fule turned to me.

"Well then, Lord Heal. I will use this stone."

"I've said it many times already, it's yours. You don't need to hesitate. Just use it."


I answered her.

However, Kamyu looked like he wanted to ask me something.

On the other hand, Ashton and Haines must have heard of the Ascending Stone from Rienna. They gulped and watched Fule carefully.

"Okay…here goes."

Fule raised the stone into the air, and the area was surrounded by a bright light.

And when it died down…

"A-a human!?"

That was the first thing that Erevan said.

Indeed, the person standing there had light skin.

The girl, who appeared to be about the same age as me, slowly opened her eyes.

She had short black hair that hung over one eye, and her eyes were just as dark.

Furthermore, she was on the slender side, but shapely and had toned arms and legs and developed abdominal muscles.

Everyone was looking at her in surprise. Why was she human?

Kamyu was especially shocked. His jaw was open so wide that I thought it might dislocate.

As for the kobold baby, Ril, she seemed quite puzzled over the sudden disappearance of the old Fule.

As for me, I was the only one…who covered my eyes.

Fule sounded uncertain as she asked,

"Uh-uh…what happened?"

"What happened? You turned into a human as well…"

Erevan said.

"What? Really? A mirror…oh. Thank you, Shiel… Oh, it's true."

Shiel must have stretched out its body like a mirror for her.

Fule seemed to now be aware of her current form.

As everyone muttered to each other, Erevan's voice echoed.

"What does this mean? …First the Princess, and now Fule. Are the Berdan somehow related to humans?"

"No… I have never heard of that being the case… Still, Fule. What were you hoping for when you used the Ascending Stone?"

I could hear Baris asking her.

"Huh? Uh… I simply wished that I could become strong, like Lord Heal."

At these words, everyone seemed to be satisfied.

Baris answered.

"I see. So that's why your hair, eyes, and height are similar to him. Was it the same for you, Princess?"

"Me-me? Indeed, I might have wished along similar lines!"

It wasn't like Rienna to answer so vaguely.

However, Baris seemed to understand her perfectly.

"Hmmm. Hmm. I see."

I thought that I did as well.

The Ascending Stone allowed the user to evolved into something that allowed them to have the shape and abilities they desired.

Rienna and Fule wanted to use magic, so it was no wonder that they had my image in their head.

Well, my own face wasn't as pretty as theirs after evolving…

"Wh-what…so this is the Ascending Stone…"

"I have never seen such a thing…"

Ashton and Haines sounded very impressed.

And then I said,

"I see. You must be very happy, Fule."

"Uh, ye-yes! This is thanks to you, Lord Heal! …But, why are you hiding your face?"

"Huh? Uh, it's a long story… In any case, could you put on some clothes?"

"Hmm? Okay!"

Fule said, and I could hear her running off.

Apparently, she was gone now.

And so I opened my eyes.

Rienna seemed to understand, but the others were a little puzzled by my actions.

As for Kamyu he had been staring at the ground for quite a while now.

"Well, so there you have it. The Ascending Stone. Ashton, Haines, Kamyu. You understand now, don't you?"

Ashton and Haines nodded.

However, Kamyu was shaking.

"Th-that's impossible… Such a stone exists… This must be a dream…"

Apparently, he could not believe in the effects of the Ascending Stone.

Well, it wasn't the only stone that defied belief…

"In any case, I want to talk about these stones now."

And so everyone sat down, and the meeting began.