
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 163-164

Chapter 163 – Turned away at the gate!

"Th-this is incredible. We're already here!"

Princess Alyssa of the Arancia Kingdom shouted as the giant spider ran through the streets, faster than any horse.

The people that we passed all look up in amazement.

Every single one of them was thin. And I did not see anyone that looked well-fed.

Also, nearly all of the civilian houses were made of stone materials alone.

It reminded me of the early days of Sheorl.

Sheorl had been an island of nothing but gray.

And so both the people and the city streets made a very depressing sight.

Rienna turned to Alyssa.

"Miss Alyssa… Is it true that there are thirty thousand people living in this city?"

"Aye. No, if I am to be precise, there are another three thousand…"

"So it's thirty-three thousand?"

"No, it's thirty thousand…"

Rienna tilted her head but then nodded.

"Very well. Thirty thousand."

Thirty thousand did not seem like a whole lot considering the size of the city.

However, even Sheorl would have trouble securing enough food supplies for thirty thousand people.

Right now, Rienna was probably thinking hard on how much we could afford to give them.

As we continued down the streets, the tower that had been connected to the Temple of Silence came into view.

Alyssa looked up at it and said,

"We just have to go straight down the street behind the tower! That's where the palace is!"

Taran ran in the direction that Alyssa pointed.

As we moved behind the tower and went down the main street, the buildings suddenly cleared away in front of us.


Rienna was stunned at the scene that spread out before her.

All the buildings we had seen up until now were incredibly sad to look at.

However, what we were looking at now was glimmering and beautiful.

It was all protected by a high iron fence. And behind it, we could see a large lake.

In this area, there were plants growing everywhere, and we could see a series of resplendent buildings with white walls as well.

The fences themselves were imbued with magic… I wondered if it was something like Shield.

Rienna muttered.

"So, there is some nature here after all…"

"Aye. It's the last place on the whole continent…"

Alyssa answered with a conflicted expression.

So this lake was like what the World Tree was for us.

But unlike in Sheorl Island, the common people were not allowed access to it.

Aside from the fence, there were so many guards standing watch as well. It seemed almost excessive.

Not only would children stay away, but it was clear that no one from the outside would be able to enter it with ease.

The World Tree of Sheorl was open to anyone who was a resident…

There was also something I noticed about these guards.

Unlike the soldiers on the walls, they were covered entirely in iron plate armor.

And there was even one, who was likely a captain, who was wearing golden armor.

Their weapons were also impressive.

Giant shields and elaborately decorated halberds.

There were even archers behind the fence.

I hadn't known, as it was all behind the tower. But I wouldn't have guessed that the scenery would be so different from the rest.

And so I couldn't help but mutter.

"…Alyssa. If you have such a fighting force as this, why don't you have them protect the walls?"

"I-I…too think it is wrong…but…"

Her voice trailed off, and the mystery only deepened.

"Then why do you do it? Oh…"

Taran stopped just as we arrived in front of the gate.

This was because all the guards had pointed their weapons towards us.

Alyssa got off of Taran and shouted at them.

"These people are our guests! They have come from the Temple of Silence! Let us through!"

"Princess Alyssa! Even though they may be your guests, we cannot let any non-humans come through! In the first place, no one who brings such monsters with them should be allowed into the holy place!"

The guards said as they pointed at Taran and Shiel.

Upon hearing this, Taran and Shiel just stared back at them without moving.

However, it did not feel right to Rienna and I. Taran and Shiel were important friends. And they weren't going to be allowed to go through because they were monsters?

"Y-you! Such insolence! These people offered to help us! They were defending the walls just a moment ago! Apologize to them now!"

Alyssa shouted at the guards.

However, none of them listened to her. Not only that, but they looked at her with strong distaste.

It was then that a man in a fancy coat appeared from the other side of the gate.

He was a young man with long, golden hair. And his body was decorated with numerous accessories made of precious metals and stones.

"Princess Alyssa! So you finally chose to return to the holy place?"

"Rulat! These people appeared in the Temple of Silence! They have offered to help us!"

Apparently, this man was called Rulat.

"Hmm. So this is who the guardians were talking about…"

Rulat inspected us for a moment and then snorted derisively.

"All I can see are peasants. They don't seem any different from the people outside. Not only that, but just look at these ugly creatures they brought… All of you, hurry up and get out of my sight! You have done enough, deceiving Her Highness like this!"

I was too exasperated to even be mad after hearing those words.

And so I quickly turned to Rienna and the others.

"Alright, let's go. There is no need for us to cooperate with such people."

They all nodded.

"A-all of you! Please wait! I swear! I'll make these insolent fools apologize!"

Alyssa said as she bowed her head and then glared at Rulat.

"How can you be so rude! Rulat, these people saved us!"

Alyssa insisted. But Rulat answered with an irritated expression.

"You don't need to raise your voice with me, I can hear you perfectly fine. Besides, we don't need these people in order to protect the walls of Alanberc."

"How can you be so sure!? More than a thousand have already died! The attacks become worse every day… Even the holy place…it will all be over if the wall behind it falls!"

"You think the holy place is in danger? Hahaha! This ancient holy land will never be penetrated! And we have plenty of food."

"Rulat, you don't understand anything! And even our food supplies are practically exhausted!"

"The people have plenty of mushrooms to eat. Oh, I know. You've grown tired of them, haven't you, Your Highness? Well, it can't be helped."

Rulat said. He then produced a red apple from his pocket and showed it to Alyssa.

"See? It's your favorite, isn't it?"

Rulat threw the apple at Alyssa's feet.

However, it broke in half and splattered all over the ground.

How could he do such a thing…wasting food like this.

This apple could have put a smile on at least one child's face.

However, there was no trace of guilt on Rulat's face.

He just smirked and continued.

"Go ahead and eat it if you want. We have plenty of other food in the holy place! So you might as well come back!"

"I don't want it! Rulat! Apologize to them now!!"

Only a moment ago, Alyssa had been drooling by the mere mention of food. But she showed no interest at all in the apple.

Not only that, but she looked angrier than ever.

And so I pulled her by the arm.

"…Alyssa. I think I understand the situation now. It's fine."

"B-but, Lord Heal!"

"We have no intention of helping people like that… But don't worry. We'll help the people on this side."

Alyssa looked astonished when she heard these words.

On the other hand, Rulat, who had been listening to us, burst into laughter.

"How can someone who is dressed like that help anyone? You make me laugh! Princess Alyssa! You do not live in the same world as them! You must hurry up and return to the world where you belong!!"

Said Rulat. And with that, he returned to the realm they called the holy place.




Chapter 164 – A Remarkable Person!

"Please accept my apology! It was not my intention for you to be insulted like that!"

Princess Alyssa of the Arancia Kingdom bowed deeply in front of us.

"No, please don't be worried about that. Most of the royals and nobles that I know…are just the same. But more importantly, I now understand the situation that this country is in."

Rienna nodded in agreement.

"Yes. A small group of people that include royals and nobles have taken exclusive possession of the remaining nature and food…"

"And they also have better quality weapons and armor than the soldiers protecting the walls. This holy place is prioritized when it comes to the use of many things. Just so they can maintain their luxurious lifestyle."

Alyssa had said that the population of this city was thirty thousand. However, she had also muttered something about three thousand people. That must be the population that lived in the holy place.

Alyssa bit her lip upon hearing my words.

"It's most shameful…but it's the truth. That is the current situation of the holy country of Arancia."

And even if you wanted to change things, what could you do when the walls were so difficult to defend?

The people had no choice but to accept their fate.

I had seen many nobles like Rulat.

However, what about the king who ruled the country…

"Alyssa. Does your father know about this situation?"

"He is old. And so for these past few years, it is Rulat's father, Grand Duke Bilene, that has been in charge. In fact, I haven't seen my father in over two years."

"So…this Grand Duke Bilene…?"

"He knows… That being said, while we may be living in the same country, the outside and inside of the holy place are entirely different worlds. The people have no money to pay taxes. And so the royals and nobles feel that there is no need to help them."

Alyssa looked towards the holy place and continued.

"The holy place is our ancient inheritance. This land belonged to the Arancia royal family. No matter what disaster befell the world, it is supposed to be safe. As long as the population doesn't rise, they can live there for eternity."

In fact, I was able to detect the magic energy in the fences. Perhaps there was some kind of defense mechanism inside.

And so I asked Alyssa.

"In other words, the defensive walls outside of the city are just for decoration?"

"Ultimately, yes."

"I see… So Rulat wasn't exaggerating when he said that they lived in a different world."

That being said, could they really keep living in this holy place forever?

Something about that made me think of Sheorl in the future.

According to the prophecy, Sheorl would also be saved, even when the world was ending.

And we now believed that this prophecy could be true, and were trying to increase the mass of 'Sheorl.' Perhaps we could connect it to the Elto continent.

But then again, if the prophecy was true, there was no guarantee that the people of Sheorl would also be saved.

If the disasters hit the sea as well, we wouldn't be able to catch any fish. If the sky became dark, the plants would die. We might run out of food.

We might have to do much more to survive the days ahead… Perhaps there were things we could learn from them.

"…Still, what made you leave that place, Alyssa? If you stayed there, you would…"

Alyssa looked towards the city with a serious expression.

"I couldn't just stand there and do nothing… I could hear people crying on the other side of the fence. When I was inside and eating cake, outside, they were sharing tasteless mushrooms. And even if we couldn't share food, we had well-crafted swords…"

"…That was very honorable, Miss Alyssa."

Rienna said. Alyssa shook her head with an embarrassed expression.

"No. I'm a completely useless wretch who was raised in an environment that indulged me. Besides…when I left the holy place, the people of the city accepted me warmly…and yet I've not been able to live up to their expectations."

I looked at Rienna.

There was no point in expecting anything from the people of the holy place now. They didn't need our help, and I didn't want to help them.

However, we did want to help Alyssa.

"…Alyssa. Those others can do as they please. Who needs a king that won't protect his own people? If the holy place won't help you, we will."

Alyssa looked at us with an apologetic expression.

"Re-really? But we don't have anything to offer you in return…outside of mushrooms."

"Actually, we don't have mushrooms on our island. Isn't that right, Rienna?"

"Yes! Many of the residents on Sheorl came from the forest. And they will be delighted to be able to eat mushrooms again."

Rienna agreed.

"Both of you…thank you!"

"In any case, you must come and see the island. And then we can discuss what must be done."

And so we decided to take Alyssa with us and return to Sheorl for now.

We separated from Taran at the gate, so she could go and meet up with Fule, who was still searching for Mappa.

In the meantime, Alyssa told the tower guards about us, and that they shouldn't be scared.

However, once we left Arancia and returned to Sheorl, a scream suddenly rose into the air.

"AHHHHHH!!? …Huh? Chief?"

Erevan was standing there with a confused expression. He was with a group of armed monsters. The Kobolds, Ashton and Haines were also with him.

It seemed that Number 15 had called them.

"Everyone. I'm sorry to have alarmed you… Thank you, Number 15."

"Chief! What is this ridiculously large gate… And who is this lady?"

Erevan said as he turned to her. And so Alyssa explained.

"My name is Alyssa. I was invited here by Lord Heal."

"I-I see. So there are people living on the other side then?"

I nodded at Erevan's words.

"Yes. But don't worry. They won't attack you just because you are monsters."

"I told the others about you, so please do not worry."

Alyssa assured them. And so Erevan and the others put away their weapons.

"I understand. Well, I think I would still like to keep guards here."

"Yes, you should do that. We don't want children from both sides going through and getting lost. Speaking of children… Ashton, Haines. I have a request to make."

The two rushed forward at this.

"What is it, Lord Heal?"

"You look very anxious."

I nodded.

"We can't find Mappa… He followed after us, but then disappeared while we were fighting on the wall."

Ashton tilted his head to the side.

"Hmm… But this is Mappa. Surely he'll reappear somewhere?"

"It was like that the last time, in the underground city. He always appears and disappears like that. I bet he's just fine."

As Haines said, maybe we didn't need to worry about him…

"But a lot of time has already passed. And Mappa is still a child… In spite of that beard. And he's in a foreign land."

I said worriedly. And then Ashton nodded.

"I understand. Mappa is like the symbol of Sheorl Island. And so we will go and find him."

"Brother, you didn't just say that with a serious face, did you? Well, nevermind. I am curious to see what is on the other side of this gate."

And so they both agreed to go.

"Thank you, both of you. Fule is currently searching for him. And Taran should be helping as well."

"Understood. We will go and meet Fule and Taran first."

"Leave it to us. My brother and I will find him!"

They said. And then they jumped through the gate like wolves.

"Alright, we should head for the surface then. Erevan. While we're away, you might be visited by guardians of the gate. Could you tell them that Alyssa and I have headed for Sheorl?"

"Understood. I myself will go and take a look at what's on the other side."

Then Rienna added, 'We'll be counting on you.'

And like that, the rest of us headed up for the surface.