
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 155-156

Chapter 155 – We had a tea party!

"It's sweet…"

The words naturally spilled from my mouth as I set the cup down on the table underneath the World Tree.

The flavor of the tea and honey spread throughout my mouth…it was amazing.

I had assumed it to be almost sickly sweet, but that was not the case. It wasn't too strong. It had a refined taste that adults would enjoy.

The others were drinking the tea too, and they also had expressions of bliss.

"Hmm. I don't usually care for sweetness in drinks, but this is exquisite."

Baris said, and Erevan nodded.

"Aye…I thought it would be something for children, but it's not bad at all."

"Father. Why are you pretending that you didn't always have a sweet tooth? You aren't being very honest."

"Shu-shut up! I'm just saying that it tastes good!"

Erevan retorted as Fule looked at him smugly.

She then turned away from her father and said in an impressed voice,

"Oh, but it really does taste delicious. It has the perfect balance…"

"It's made from tea leaves from the World Tree and honey that Heath made from the tree sap. It is no surprise that it tastes good."

Rienna said. And then Heath bowed her head modestly.

Part of it was because she was embarrassed by the praise, but she also hadn't forgotten about the drunken state she was in earlier, and there was the whole affair with the giant bee, Garuda, that followed.

Garuda was without a doubt, an acquaintance of Heath…no, a very close friend.

Heath was frantically waving her arms as if to say something.

"I think…she's saying that she'll continue to make more honey? Thank you, Heath."

I said, and Heath nodded.

"But it only needs to be a little. I'm worried that it might make you feel strange again."

Heath pointed at the water. It seemed like she was insisting that she would be fine.

She could always ask her children or Garuda for help. That way, she wouldn't suck in too much of the tree sap herself.

"Well, don't push yourself too hard… Still, this is first-rate stuff. I'm sure that merchants who visit this island will like it. But…"

There was one thing I was still concerned about. The tentacles that had been wriggling in Garuda's stomach.

One of the pieces was currently being kept in a room in the cave.

"Baris. Were you able to learn anything from talking to Garuda?"

"Yes. Apparently, Garuda had come here in order to look for an old friend, Heath…"

As soon as he said this, Heath covered her face with her wing.

Garuda also looked a little bashful.

"However, as he flew through the blue, northern sky, everything suddenly turned as black as night. And it was then that he lost consciousness… It was only after we removed the tentacles that he finally regained his consciousness."

Garuda nodded as Baris explained.

"I see. So he was being controlled by the tentacles."

"Yes. However, even while he was being controlled, he saw Heath in a dream…where she was doing the courtship dance…"

"I see…"

Heath began to poke Garuda in annoyance.

So…that strange dance she had been doing was a courtship dance.

And Garudo's instincts had guided him here. That was impressive…

"Still, a black sky, eh…?"

To be attacked by tentacles while flying in the sky…I had never heard of such a thing happening, and knew of no monsters that could be responsible.

However, I had sensed immense magic energy from Garuda, and the tentacles had been the source of it. There was no mistaking that they were incredibly dangerous.

As for the black sky that appeared during the day…

Could that be related to the Devil Hoppers that we saw before?

"…Baris. As for this tentacle, it must be kept under strict supervision. And if there is any change to it at all, I need to know about it immediately."

"I understand. I will ask Mappa to increase the durability of the room. And I will also have Golems guard the door."

"I'm counting on you. I have a bad feeling about this…"

It was possible that I was just being paranoid…

However, the prophecy that my father talked about came to mind.

The prophecy of the end of the world… No, surely it couldn't be true.

However, when I looked north, in the direction of the continent, I felt an unease in my chest.




Chapter 156 – I discovered a gate!

"Thank you for the food! …Now, let's start the day's work!"

I said as if to rouse the others after we had finished eating breakfast.

"Aye! Let's go digging!!"

Fule and Taran raised their pickaxes into the air.

And like that, the monsters moved out from under the World Tree and headed towards the cave. This time right after breakfast was always incredibly lively, and many were busy putting away the dishes.

It was my custom to say a few words to Rienna, who was the overseer. After all, if something happened on the surface, Rienna and Baris would be responsible.

"I better talk with Rienna first. There was that incident with the tentacles, after all… Wait, huh?"

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Rienna usually wore a white dress, but she was currently wearing a very comfortable looking pair of overalls.

She walked towards me now with a look of slight embarrassment.

"Rienna… Are those new clothes?"

"Y-yes! Do I look odd?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. They really suit you."

Indeed, she looked very cute. Her usual more ruffled clothing was nice, but these simpler clothes that fitted her looked great as well. Actually, she looked good in just about anything.

"Th-thank you…"


Rienna looked like she wanted to say something.

In the past, Fule had told me during a conversation that I should always compliment girls when they change their clothes. And so I had… But perhaps merely saying 'it suits you' was too plain an answer.

As I stood there puzzled, Fule spoke up.

"Lord Heal. The clothes."

"Huh? Clothes that are easy to move in… Wait, Rienna. Do you want to go digging with us?"

Rienna nodded.

"We-well, I don't mind. Baris did say he would be staying on the surface today. And there isn't any pressing threat that I know of."

Besides, we could easily go back if we used the railroad. And then there was the Teleportation Stone. We could be back in minutes.

"But, why? Of course, I am happy to have you."

"It-it's…just…there is something that I want…a precious stone."

"Precious stone? But there are plenty of…"

"I want to dig it out myself. As it's to give to someone important…"

"I see… In that case, let's go and dig out some precious stones today! Fule has marked out all the best places for them on a map. Fule, can you guide us?"

I asked. Fule looked at Rienna with a grin.

"Ahhh… I see how it is. No, I won't go with you. I'll give you the map, and you can take the princess. Besides, there's a place that I want to check out with Taran."

"I see. If that's the case, the two of us can manage."

"Yes! You two have a good time together!"

Fule and Taran waved their hands as they went off to the cave. While it was just for a split second, I thought I had seen Fule wink at Rienna.

"Clearly, she is signalling something. What…what is she planning?"

"Oh, I don't think so at all! Fule would never try to put us alone together! I mean…!"

Rienna's face turned red as she covered her mouth.

From far away, I could see Fule had an expression that looked like she was saying, 'oops!'

"You really aren't good at lying, Rienna… Well, I think it would be nice to spend time together once in a while."

In fact, there was something that I wanted to tell her.

About the future. Some of it was about the island, but I also wanted to talk about the confession on that day.

When Rienna showed me her old form with the Ryukin.

I had not been able to contain my feelings, and declared that I loved her.

Well, perhaps it was time to follow up on that. Wasn't it time to propose…? Such were my thoughts.

I hadn't felt embarrassed about it at all, at first, but thinking about it started to make my face feel hot. Perhaps I was getting too tense. That was no good. I had to be natural.

And so we went to the railroad…the iron carriage, and got in.

"Ri-Rienna. By the way, has anything changed while I was gone?"

"Yes! Last night, a Goblin and an Orc became a couple! They are going to get married! Married…marriage…"

Her voice trailed off. She looked quite red. Was she feeling alright?

"A-are you alright? Do you have a fever?"

"I-I'm fine!"

"I-I see. Still, marriage…huh…?"

Speaking of marriage, we should… Was this my chance to bring it up?

However, that's when it happened.

The carriage suddenly stopped.

Apparently, the driver had stopped it as we had reached the spot on the map where the most precious stones could be mined.

"We had reached your destination, Lord Heal!"

"Thank you."

I thanked the driver and we got out of the carriage.

Hmm. I had missed my chance. But…more importantly…

"A Goblin and an Orc, huh? Was anyone against it?"

"No. No one would be on this island. I and everyone else gave them our blessing. And we told them that we would have a great celebration."

"I see. Yes, I will help too."

As this was a marriage between different tribes, I had assumed that someone would object to it.

However, perhaps that was due to the values I had been raised with as a human.

But Rienna looked at me seriously as she continued.

"It would have been unthinkable in the past. Indeed, it's all thanks to you and this island, Lord Heal."

"I didn't do…"

"No. They would not have become bound together if they didn't come here. If they didn't meet you."

"I-I'm not sure…"

I was starting to feel a little embarrassed, but perhaps it was true that it was something that could only happen here.

After all, had I not fallen for Rienna myself? It was my hope that we would get married.

"And it all started…with just a swing of a pickaxe like this. I had just wanted to make a place to sleep."

I said as if remembering. And then I began to swing the pickaxe.

"Yes, you were holding a pickaxe when we first me, Lord Heal. I don't wish to be rude, but back then, you looked very…"

"Frightening? Oh, but they tell me that I still look like that sometimes. So I have to be careful."

"Hehe. But I think anyone would look like that if they became so absorbed with digging that they forgot to sleep or eat."

"Yes. But you make the most delicious food, Rienna. You've saved me in various ways since coming here. And so…"

The words were just at the tip of my tongue. And I was going to say them.

Just a few words. Let's get married.

However, that's when it happened.

The pickaxe that I had swung suddenly hit something.

"Huh? What is…"

As the rock wall crumbled away, a golden wall appeared in front of me.

I had seen this before when we found the winery… In other words, the Orichalcum wall.

According to Shiel's report, there were other undiscovered facilities. She said that most of them had been lost when meteors fell.

"It seems like there is some kind of facility on the other side… I can't detect any magic, so it should be safe to open it from here."

"Yes! I will cast Shield."

"Yes, thank you."

I left the defenses to Rienna and swung the pickaxe.

And then the Orichalcum wall crumbled away…

"…What is this place?"

In front of our eyes, was a place that looked like a temple.

And in the far back, stood a giant gate.