
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
100 Chs

Chapter 103-104

Chapter 103 – We chose a diplomat!

"Wh-what is this old man!?"

The other humans that came to the island with Leila were watching Mappa swing his hammer at the smithy. And their jaws had dropped.

"This is most surprising… Though, the giant tree and various monsters were also surprising…"

"So he wasn't just a half naked old man and a talented dancer…"

I understood how they felt.

While Mappa was a dwarf, he looked very close to a human.

However, Mappa was currently hitting metal with his hammer at a speed and precision that was impossible for most living creatures.

Even those that did not know much about smithing were in awe as they watched.

However, when they saw the finished product, which was a detailed bronze statue of Mappa himself, they looked a little taken aback.

Mappa proudly stood next to the statue and posed for them.

Leila watched this with her usual, emotionless expression, and then she turned to me.

"So it's not just food and weapons. You have workers and crafters. I wonder, how did you accomplish all of this?"

It wasn't a joke, and she did not laugh. She really was a calm person…

"Indeed… I guess you could say that my crest, 'Cave King' was a really good fit for this island…"

Without the combination of Cave King and Sheorl, none of this would have been possible.

In fact, I would have been dead a long time ago.

But then again, I would never have been sent here if it were not for the crest, so perhaps it was all fate.

Leila looked down at the crest on my hand and muttered.

"The crest that they all mocked you for… And Sheorl was seen as such a worthless place."

"Yeah. You really never know what will happen in life…"

"If my imprisoned father knew about this… He would be filled with regret. Regret over annulling the engagement."

I could hear a little irritation in Leila's voice.

Judging by the way that she had been talking, it seemed like she had no intention of rescuing her father, Duke Barleon.

"Maybe you're being too harsh on him…it's not just your father. No one would have wanted their daughter to be engaged to me."

"Whatever you say, in the end it just means that none of them had a good eye. Well, except for me. I knew."

It didn't seem like she just wanted to act tough, or mock her father.

Her crest was 'Prophet.'

This crest…allowed her to predict the future. Well, it wasn't as accurate as that. It was closer to fortune telling, and she only understood things vaguely.

However, Leila had predicted that I would be king one day.

In other words, I would overtake my elder brothers and take my father's position…

I had thought that such a thing was impossible, and indeed, it had not happened.

But I had become the leader of a country in the end. Though in a very different way…

"Well, I suppose your prophecy came true after all…"

"You agree? To be honest, my prophecies are wrong more often than right."

Perhaps she herself didn't see her crest as being much more than fortune telling.

"Prophecies are just prophecies. So, about the underground of this island…"

"There is something amazing, isn't there? An old man called Baris told me about it earlier."

"You've already heard?"

"Yes. And about how you met the residents here."

Leila was someone that I could trust.

And so I had told Baris and Rienna to tell her what she wanted to know.

"Even if we ignore what was decided in the meeting earlier, you should continue to dig in the caves."

"You don't need to tell me that. Besides, it would help the island grow."

"Yes. And I want to help you."

"We'd be happy to accept your help. But…I don't really know if there's anything you can…"

"How rude of you. I can do anything, be it farming or mining. However, if I were to have a choice in the matter…I do have a suggestion."


"Would you make me your diplomat? Aside from Sanfaris, other countries will be hostile towards you. However, some may also want to enter an alliance with Sheorl…"

"I see…diplomacy…"

As we were a remote island, we didn't share borders with any country.

However, Sheorl could still use the seas to trade with other countries.

Furthermore, if Sanfaris were considering attacking us, having allies would be a good deterrent.

On the other hand, allies could also act as mediators when making peace treaties or agreements.

"Yes, it will probably be necessary to have diplomats… But we will all have to decide together on who we will form relationships with. If you will talk with everyone about it before deciding, then I would like for you to take on that role.

Leila was the daughter of a duke, which meant she had a lot of clout on the continent and in the social world.

Besides, her family once ruled an empire. And so she was well known and had some authority.

But more than anything, Leila always remained cool and did not show her emotions.

So she was perfect for the job of a diplomat.

Leila listened to me and nodded.

"Leave it to me. I will always get permission before starting negotiations. And I shall leave a record of conversations and the results… Yes, there will be a proper department for it."

"I see. Then I have nothing to worry about then. The position is yours, Leila."

"Thank you. I'm sure that I will be able to build relationships that will be beneficial to this island."

"Yes, thank you… I know. We might as well decide on the official cabinet ministers as well."

In fact, we had very general roles given out already, such as Baris being Prime Minister, and Kamyu being the Minister of the Navy. However, if we were going to call ourselves a country, it would be good to make everything official for the outside.

Leila gazed at the island and opened her mouth.

"In that case, you should have buildings made for each department."

"That…well, Baris is in charge of construction now. They are going to build a palace. So if there is any facility that you require, you should tell Baris or Rienna."

"Very well. I have to speak to Rienna about something anyway. I think I will go now."

"Ah, oh… By the way, Leila. About the engagement…"

It was best to make it clear.

I had a lot of respect and even affection for her.

However, the engagement was something our parents decided.

Surely there was so much to see and learn first…

However, Leila ignored me and quickly started walking in the direction that Baris and Rienna were.

"…Well, a few days with me and she'll change her mind."

After all, I was an indecisive man. And easily swayed.

Leila was quite the opposite. Always calm, but quick to assess the situation and make swift decisions. She was smart.

…We were so unalike. We couldn't be more different if we tried.

It was with such thoughts that I prepared to go to the storage houses with the Ryukin.

From this day, everyone was working on the island in order to increase the number of 'humans' here.

First, Kamyu set sail for the Amolis Republic in order to gather emigrants.

Furthermore, Ril and Mel studied magic in order to disguise themselves as humans.

On the other hand, a single ship left the docks of Sanfaris.

It was headed towards Sheorl.




Chapter 104 – We sent an envoy!

"I'm not sure if anyone will want to move here…"

Kamyu said in front of the ship that was docked near the wharf.

As part of the plan to increase the number of 'humans,' I was sending Kamyu out to the Amolis republic.

The plan was to invite emigrants from other lands.

However, Sheorl was known for being in the middle of nowhere, while Amolis was a rich country.

Even if Berfalt had spread stories about this island, it was unlikely that there would be many who wanted to move here immediately.

Still, there was another reason that we were sending out this ship regardless of that.

We wanted to attract the Duke's people who were against Sanfaris, and were defecting to countries all over the world.

Leila had written a letter, and it would be sent to all of them through Amolis, inviting them to come to Sheorl.

And there was one other thing that was important.

As a diplomat, Leila wanted to bring Amolis into the fold as soon as possible.

Aside from a letter to the Governor General, she would also send some money to all the powerful nobles.

According to Leila, this country was filled with merchants, and sending gifts was a good way to become influential.

Well, it seemed like a nice way of saying bribery…

That being said, creating allies for Sheorl was a very important matter.

Even if Amolis didn't become an ally, they may still act as a mediator.

While Amolis had a very weak army, their navy was almost as strong as Sanfaris's.

And since they were separated from Sanfaris by a sea, they were slightly more likely to side with Sheorl, compared to other countries of the Barleon Continent, who constantly cared about Sanfaris's mood.

As for the person who was going to be doing all of this diplomatic work in Amolis…

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

A well-dressed Leila appeared next to Kamyu.

Leila was to go to Amolis directly, and act there.

Aside from Kamyu's ship, the Barleon Principality's ship that Leila had arrived in would also go to Amolis.

As Leila was the daughter of a duke, she was well versed in how to act in the social world.

I myself had rarely met with other nobles, but she was very accustomed to talking with them, and I had no worries in that regard.

I had said it before, but she didn't let her emotions show on her face, which meant she should be good at negotiating.

Leila was currently wearing a necklace that was extravagantly studded with emeralds and diamonds.

This accessory had been made with precious metals and stones from Sheorl.

And so while Leila's dress had been rather plain, she now looked quite different.

"…Hey, Lord Heal? You didn't react the same way to me."

"Ah, uh. You look good too, Kamyu. That suits you."

I answered, as Kamyu looked at me with a cool expression.

Kamyu was also wearing the dress of a noblewoman and had similar accessories.

Of course, she would change into her usual naval officer coat, once they had set sail.

As for why she was dressed like this, well, it was also a matter of diplomacy.

Appearances were very important in high society. This had nothing to do with vanity or luxury…

Well, maybe just a little, in Kamyu's case.

She kept touching her hair and adjusting her clothes before looking this way.

"I-I'm sure the people of Amolis will be quite astonished."

"You really aren't very smart… Well, that is also what makes you charming, Lord Heal."

She said with an exasperated look. But she quickly became serious again.

"…Now, Amolis itself can easily be reached by traveling east. It's not hard to catch the wind, so I shall be able to return rather quickly. Also, I will be leaving about half of my orcs, so if you have any questions about the navy, you can ask them."

Next, Leila opened her mouth.

"I will also leave a number of people that I trust. So if someone else from home comes here, they will be able to deal with them."

"Very well. I'm sorry to have to send both of you out…but I'm counting on you."

Leila and Kamyu nodded to me and then headed for their ships.

"Well, I'll be going now… Ah, that's right."

Just as she started boarding her ship, Leila turned to look back at me.

"I talked to Rienna and Kamyu about it. We'll hold a ceremony upon our return. So be prepared."

"Yes, yes. It will be a great affair, so I'll buy lots of food and musical instruments for it."

Kamyu said with a happy expression.

…I suppose it was to celebrate their return. They were leaving Sheorl. So of course, I would want to celebrate the return of the crew.

I just hoped we finished a lot of the work we had to do before then.

"It depends on the situation, but it would be nice to do something very big. Yes, we'll be making preparations here as well."

I said. Leila looked calm and Kamyu smiled. Then they turned away.

And like that, our first envoys set sail towards Amolis.