
The Cashier Lady

Lisa Anderson a girl who is abused by her father she tries escaping her life by working.what happens when Lisa meets Audrey Diaz a ruthless mafia boss who is nothing but heartless.little did you know the 'heartless lady' turns out to be a softy to lisa only lisa. Mandy Davenport a successful business women who owns a lot of companies but she only full time in the cafe just to see Lisa. she is not just a arrogant rich women but she's also a rude rich boss to her employees but sweet in Lisa the employees got used to it. only lisa knows how to calm Mandy when she's angry it turns out that it is Lisa who can calm her.it turns out that it's only Lisa who can boss these women without getting hurt. little did Lisa know that Mandy isn't as good as she seems to be. what happens when Lisa realise she has crush on both women but she loves the other for her attractiveness and love the other one for they're soul and heart.who is the lucky women that will get to own her heart. will Lisa choose Audrey Diaz or Mandy Davenport?

zaima_zee · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 9

"let's go to your new home"Audrey smiled.and I got up and followed her leaving the hospital.

"don't worry I signed everything"she reassured me."thank you"I whispered as I got in the car.

I was nimb,sad, guilty.i was all over the place.

I just lost mandy.but she's the person that saved my life.yes she doesn't know that.but she's the one that gaved me a job.she's the one that would always made me smile or laugh.she's the one that had been with me from the start, before Audrey."hey, we're here"

Audrey smiled and gave her a sad smile. we entered her house and she showed me my room.i just got in and locked the door."angel you good in there?"Audrey asked me softly.

"what are you expecting me to be.i just got raped by my dad and Mandy left because I was selfish and unfair to her!"I shouted."I know you're angry at me for ghosting you.and trust me.i'm terribly sorry"she said."just leave me alone!"I shouted.amd she said good night and left.what's happening in my life.i started crying my heart out.i kept crying and wiping my tears.then started crying again.i should go shower.after I finished bathing I layed in my bed then started crying again.


"lisa,I made you break fast wake up"Audrey shouted softly.i got up took a shower.after that got dressed.thsn got out of the room.

I didn't feel like doing something.and Audrey left.i putted the food in the microwave then left for work.i can't believe i cried myself to sleep."mam we're here"the driver said.i smiled and thanked her.i went inside the cafe.so Mandy is really gone.i called her but she didn't pick up my calls.i went to my office.i started working on some files.it was now lunch break.

but I didn't feel like eating so I continued working until it was 20:30.i packed my things then locked my office.and saw Audrey waiting for me."why are you here?"I asked."I heard you didn't eat the whole day"she gaved me a sad smile."I don't have a appetite"I said honestly.

"okay, let's go home"she smiled and I think I have been unfair to her.we got in the car and she drove us to her house."hey, Audrey"I said.

"yes,angel?"she smiled."I'm sorry,for everything"I said."don't be I deserved that"she kissed my cheeks and I just smiled.we reached her house and I was about to go to my room but she called me."let's get you something to eat and we need to watch this movie. I just can't let you suffer alone when I'm around"she said."Okay,we started eating and watching"thank you for everything Audrey I appreciate it.i smiled looking at her eyes.

"and she just looked at my lips"I didn't even think twice it kissed her.our kiss was enjoyable but it didn't have love and affection.

"that was amazing"she breathed out."I agree it was enjoyable"I added.i went to my room and took a bath after that I got dressed then went to sleep.but that's the thing I couldn't help but thinking about mandy.i texted her 'I need you'.

and within a minute, she called."what's wrong?"she asked coldly."I just miss you"I said honestly."let me make it clear.call me or text me when you need me"she hanged up.

gosh why is she such a bitch.i just went to sleep.

I woke up feeling tired and my whole body hurts.i asked Scarlett to take care of things for me.i went downstairs to see Audrey in her shorts and sports bra."ain't you going to work?'i asked her."no, I'm not,you?"she asked.

"I'm not"she smiled."let's go shopping it's on me"she smiled."let's go get cleaned then"I smiled going to my room.after I was done i went downstairs to see Audrey waiting for me."girls really do take time getting ready"she Shaked her head.and I just laughed.we both got in the car and drove to the mall.i told her she will find me in a Gucci shop I couldn't wait for her to pack her car.i saw Mandy talking to this pretty girl.the girl kept touching her and she didn't mind."let's start shopping!"Audrey said catching Mandy's attention.and I just kissed Audrey and she gladly kissede back.

the girl who was talking to Mandy came to us and Mandy followed annoyed."hey lisa, right?"

she Said makinge stop kissing Audrey.

"yes?,how do you know me?"I asked."ohh, I'm Mandy's cousin and she always talk about you but not anymore.i got curious why,but I goty answer"she smiled.and mandy looked at me with disgust and disappointment.i hate myself for what I just did to Mandy."bye"they left me feeling ashamed."so you kissed me because of that,wow!"Audrey left.amd I followed her to her. car she got in and so did I."I'm sorr-"she cutted me off."save it"she gritted her teeths.

we reached the house and she packed her car in the garage and went straight to her bedroom.great just great!!.I tried calling Mandy but she blocked me and I went to apologize to Audrey but she didn't respond.

I called Scarlett to ask how is she handling the cafe.she didn't answer maybe she's busy.

"Audrey I'm sorry please forgive.please talk to me"I said softly.but I got no response."please Audrey I'm sorry"I apologized."she opened the door.i hugged her."I'm sorry Audrey"she just smiled."it's okay,I forgive you but can I ask a question are you inlove with me or you just love me?"that question made my smile drop.