
Big day

"How about this one- mia figlia? Assorted with the chosen accessories, it wil sure look- bellisima." said Catherina, vicenzo grandmother while showing me a hideous cowboy hat for my bridesmaids.

"Madre, what are you saying, this one is better" voiced Esmerelsa my soon to be mother-in-law."Emma, -mia bella what do you think?" she asked with a smile, turning the focus on me as she stared with her piercing green eye, one that Vicenzo, my fiancé, inherited.

What i think? Looking at how things were going i could tell for sure that this marriage was to be anything but MY dream wedding.They disregarded all of my idea while not so subtily imposing theirs, my simple but class theme was tossed away for their agenda because it wasn't italien enough for them, or should i said not Casano enough. I just wished to find Vicenzo for he is the only one able to calm his family, both grandmother, mother and aunts.

" Sorry family i need a moment." i said as calmly as possile before walking out of the church in order to find that fiancé of mine and not let out the storm in myself.They were great people who have been nothing but good to me for the last year but with the planning of my wedding , one who was scheduled in 6 mouths, i feel as though they were nothing but a great calamity. The sunny wither of central park warmed my body but did nothing to my heart. Soon, i will be Emma Casano , offivially leaving the Warner familly for good though my 19 year old ass had been with