
Chapter 15

During the past 18 years, I haven't been spending it totally listless and slowly learned how to manage sect affairs to help Snow out.

One of them was to learn who was affiliated with us, after all we are one of the biggest sects so smaller sects would usually fight each other to get under our umbrella.

There were a total of four sects that were fully under us.

The Demonic Ice sect, Demonic Saint sect, Demonic Moon sect and the Orthodox Blizzard sect.

Ah, also the world's factions are split into four, originally three about four million years ago.

The Demonic faction used to be actually evil and stuff, but after some in-fighting and what not it broke down.

A civil war within the demonic faction, between the Demonic Martial Artists and the True Demons.

Eventually, the Demonic Martial Artists gained the Orthodox's support and drove out the True Demons.

The four factions are the Orthodox, Demonic, Monsters and Unorthodox.

The Orthodox have the 'righteous' people, though they are still plenty terrible they at least try to be good and at the very least doesn't kill wantonly.

The Demonic are the most obsessed with cultivation. They basically do everything they can to get stronger. Their sects are extremely hostile and competitive, but it drives them to be stronger so it works.

Monsters are composed of only the sentient monsters, beasts who have cultivated to a high enough level to gain intelligence. Naturally, due to its high demands it's the smallest faction.

The Unorthodox has the evil people, no air quotes this time. They cultivate cause they find joy in killing or whatever. Basically the kind of people to kill babies and rape kids or such. Evil people, evil.

Which reminds me, the other day some people came together to clear an Unorthodox base. It was going well and everything, but apparently they had an above average Dao Immortal in there.

I was passing by, so I couldn't do nothing.

I stepped out the void and kinda 'rushed' at him, at a speed which he could react and perceive.

So when he reacted and blocked my blade I countered that block and swung his sword out the way, then grabbed him by the shoulder and flung him into the sky.

I moved my Ki, a silvery white energy flowed out of me.

I pointed upwards at the Unorthodox Immortal and my Ki moved, in a moment a giant pillar of white energy covered him whole obliterating him.

From a little distance away, it looked like a giant sword poking out the ground.

It was a great morale boost for the attacking side and they quickly cleaned up.

These days, the Unorthodox faction has quickly been dwindling and their status and influence dropping faster than a pebble in water.

My only worry about it is that they might be planning something.

I can't tell fully what or how they might retaliate, from the reports I read they had completely given up on defending and has just been putting on a facade of resistance.

Dealing with them directly is extremely hard too.

At this point, all of them are experts at hiding. Unless I actually check every single living thing that passes my senses it'll be annoying to find them.

Of course, if they came into my line of sight they would stand out like a blaze in the darkness.

Part of my many multitudes of abilities as an Autarch is the capability to see things outside of my domain, which are swords.

Namely seeing Karma or Fate.

Usually, only Dao Immortals or maybe lesser if they are equally proficient can see such things. But since I am an entire universe and am the heavenly laws, I have the access or authority needed to see such things.

In most, fate is usually a small thread leading out from their soul and fading after a short distance. It dictates what they would have done if they continue on their path, but a simple change of mind could change the thread.

Karma was basically how the heavens viewed the person according to their own set of rules.

The rules of Heaven and Earth are messy and convoluted and rarely changes.

Figuring it out is hard and annoying to do, but bad person to us people are usually bad people to the heavens.

So their Karma is overwhelmingly negative, a purplish to black kind of colour.

Comparatively, normal people usually have a neutral or slightly good karma so the Unorthodox members stand out really badly.