
Chapter 11

5 years pass.

The past 5 years have been pretty normal, I would think.

The last month was hectic as hell though.

Let's start with the first, I got another new sub-system.

After some discussion, Snow agreed to adopt Kid which we properly named, Yanlin, and I decided her new nickname would be Swallow.

When that happened I unlocked a Father system which basically assisted me in dad stuff.

Bringing up Swallow was a new experience, and I couldn't help but spoil her a bit which resulted in Snow being the more stern parent.

The other thing that happened of note was something that had happened within the last month.

On a more passionate night of dual cultivation, the universe that we contained merged.

I won't go into details of how but we gained each other's insights into everything.

We essentially shared our insights in full with each other, and so our strength skyrocketed immensely after that.

However, that isn't the biggest news.

Snow got pregnant.

Since Snow and I aren't fully expecting kids, we didn't suppress our bloodlines so having a kid was insanely lucky, if luck was even involved.

The difficulty of Autarchs having kids with one another could not even be described with rare.

Our kid was the first.

Looking at Dao Immortals, the level immediately below ours, even they have problem conceiving children without suppressing their bloodlines.

With some asking and poking around, it seemed like the birth rate for Dao Immortals was close to one in a trillion.

Maybe the merging of our universe allowed for the miracle?

Since Snow was pregnant I quickly devoted myself to helping her the best I can, and of course she was really irritated and grateful, but really irritated.

Well, my talents didn't really allow me to alleviate her work so I called in some favors.

Over the course of the months, the baby got bigger and bigger, in fact it had a perfectly normal growth rate.

Which was scary to say the least.

Babies of stronger bloodlines grew slower, a lot slower. Some even took up to millennia to be born.

After some consulting with more experienced people and investigating on my own, it turns out the talent of the child also factored into the growth.

If the child's talent was on the level of his bloodline, he would grow normally. An upset on either side would prolong the growth.

Which of course meant, my child, was a certified genius. Hehe.

Back to the present, I immediately was back into the crazy hustle that is going on.

Swallow was asleep in her room, sealed off from the noise.

Various female experts ran in and out of the room, and in the middle of the buzz I was finally allowed to enter.

Watching Snow in pain on the bed hurt me to my core, I quickly rushed to her side and tightly held her hands.

Snow couldn't use her cultivation, it would endanger the baby.

I was in a daze watching her and time passed slower than anything I had experienced.

Eventually though, the child was born.

However, things weren't over yet.

Messages from the Father system quickly appeared before me.

[Congratulations! You are the father of the first ever child born from the union of two Autarchs!]

[Congratulations! You are the father of the first child born with the Universe Physique! Due to this, all functions of the Father system is immediately unlocked.]

[Warning! Your child's universe is about to undergo the big bang! If not contained, the child would likely die. Best course of action would be to seal the universe immediately.]

I acted quickly, guided by my instincts.

The words didn't register in my consciousness even by the time I acted.

The essence of laws emerged from my body, rushing towards the baby. Snow was thankfully passed out, so she hadn't need to see this.

With the best of my ability, I sealed off the concept of time within her universe.

Time would not move and so her universe would not experience its birth, the big bang.

I quickly scanned her body afterwards, thankfully nothing life threatening had happened. However some streaks of her hair would be discoloured.

Compared to her life however, I would easily take that decision over any.

Due to the speed that I moved at, none of the other people in the room caught on to what happened.

They simply felt a suffocating amount of energy for the quickest of instants, that and the baby disappeared from the midwife hands into mine.

The baby was still really dirty though, so I gently washed her off with the instructions of the midwife.

Snow was really exhausted from the event and took a few days to recover.

I explained the situation to her and we investigated our child's physique together.

At the same time, we officially named our child Qinyang.