
The Cannon Fodder and Her Mr. Right

Mo Yangyang, the fake daughter was kicked out of the family when the real daughter of the family returned. The real daughter demanded a good reputation, thus Mo Yangyang had to set her off by being the bad girl. She couldn't stand it any longer when she realized she was terminally ill. Even cannon fodder deserved to die with dignity. To leave no regrets behind, Mo Yangyang made a move on the man whom she was secretly in love for ten years, but she ended up being entangled with the man's uncle, the fifth son of the Xie Family whom every woman in Xiacheng was willing to squeeze their heads through a crowd just to meet in person, the man with the name Xie Xize. Mo Yangyang, "Don't worry, I'm almost dead anyway. Three months later... Mo Yangyang, "Why am I still alive? And why is there another life in my stomach too? Wouldn't Fifth Elder Xie murder me once he found out about it?" So she ran... Five years later, the little kid dragged his trembling mother to Xie Xize and said, "Take good care of your woman, don't make me have to worry about her always." Fifth Elder Xie, "How are you going to pay me back for kidnapping my son for so many years?" Mo Yangyang shuddered, "I can give you another child...do you want it?" The little kid, "I have a chance to start over again. I must take precautions earlier. With my father around, I won't have to worry that mom would be killed like cannon fodder again. It's time to teach those scum a lesson!"

Early October · Ciudad
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1584 Chs

He's Not My Father, Why Should I Like Him?

Traductor: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

Latiao was extremely cute. He was a little plump because Mo Yangyang kept feeding him on purpose, but his facial features were delicate. He looked adorable even when he was pulling a long face. 

He shoved Mo Yangyang's face away and took a step back, trying to even out the wrinkles on his bunny-ears sweatshirt. 

He lifted his gaze and said in a serious tone, "Miss Han Yangyang, please be more mature. I don't like a childish woman like you."

"Second, don't you call me Latiao again. One more time, and you'll do the accounts yourself." 

Mo Yangyang changed her surname to hide from Xie Xize. Her surname was now Han.

She pursed her nose and said pitifully, "Latiao, I burned my hand when I was cooking last night. It hurts." 

She reached her left hand out. There was a tiny red dot on the back of her pale hand.

Latiao frowned and shunned, "How...how stupid are you?" 

He turned around to grab the ointment.

Mo Yangyang happily kept her hand out and waited for her son to apply the ointment to her hand.

Five years ago, Mo Yangyang ran straight to the train station after she left the hospital. She bought a ticket for the earliest ride. She could not have cared less where it was going. She did not even grab her stuff.

She could not afford to stay in Xiacheng any longer. The Mo Family was looking for her, and so was Xie Xize!

Mo Yangyang was planning to wait for her death quietly, but it had been five years since then. She already gave birth to her son and she was still alive, what a relief!

Latiao's plump little hand adeptly applied the ointment to Mo Yangyang's burn. He asked, "Anywhere else?"

Mo Yangyang clenched her chest and said, "Mummy's heart is hurting. It will only heal with Latiao's kiss."

Latiao turned around and snapped, "Childish."

"Don't be like that, give me some face."

Latiao ignored her pleas. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television.

Mo Yangyang pursed her lips.

For some reason, her luck improved greatly after she left Xiacheng. She initially planned to move far away to the south, but she stopped at Jinchuan, which was not far away from Xiacheng instead. 

She used the money she had left to rent a room and waited for death.

However, she was still alive when her stomach grew bigger. She had even given birth to her son before she realized it.

She went to do a checkup. The doctor told her that she was not suffering from any terminal illness.

Mo Yangyang was overjoyed. The kid's father might be terrifying, but her son was her lucky star!

Five years later, they were still living a peaceful life in Jinchuan. Neither the Mo Family nor Xie Xize had found them.

It had been a long time since Mo Yangyang had a nightmare. Her heart was still pounding heavily when she recalled the dream.

Her fear of Xie Xize was still strongly rooted in her heart after so many years.

Mo Yangyang's biggest wish was to live a peaceful life forever. She hoped that no one would come and disturb her!

The only downside was… her son was too smart. He had fully inherited his father's intelligence and appearance!

Mo Yangyang tried her best to feed him to make him look less like his father. She ended up turning him into a plump little kid. The plump Latiao and his father finally did not look so alike.

Mo Yangyang heard something as she was having that thought.

"Professor Xie Xize and his team have used genetic engineering to invent a medicine that is effective against heart diseases. Xuanze Corporation's stocks have skyrocketed because of it. Professor Xie was chosen as the most talented scientist of the year..." 

Mo Yangyang's heart skipped a beat when she saw Latiao staring at the ever-brilliant man on the screen. She blurted out, "Latiao, let's watch some Peppa Pig. The news isn't interesting."

Latiao turned to her, "Don't you think he's impressive?"

Mo Yangyang asked cautiously, "Do...do you like him?"

Latiao shook his head, "Of course not, he's not my father. Why should I like him?"

Imagine your son calling you childish with a long face...


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