
The Camping

A short story about a girl who moved on from her crush, that soon became her boyfriend.

Your_Author_DessA · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Third Person

Days past, and the moment that they have been waiting for. The camping day has arrived. Everyone brought their things with them.

They brought pillows, blankets, toothbrush and other kits. Also, they would never forget their twenty pesos for the entrance fee.

They also brought the waiver that their parents had signed for.

Then they started the activity.

They did an activity with groupings first. And they did good on the first game. Actually, all the groups were good at the game. They are enjoying everything that they are doing, until they proceeded to the next game. Which is more on running, and other physical activities.

Lastly, they have been sent to their camping sites to have a good night sleep and rest from the activities earlier.

Everyone was already asleep in some sites. Except the sites of Dyne, Rean and Jhon's group who are still active, even if they are tired from the earlier activity. Some sites are still active too, also talking about what they did earlier.

"Waaaa!!! What was that?!" Shouted one of Dyne's team, in a scared voice.

"What?! Where?!" Questioned another one from the group. Then all of them went pail except Dyne.

"I was just kidding guys. Don't be so serious." The one who shouted laughed while saying those lines.

"Did you actually think that was funny?!" Asked one of the group, who is a boy.

"Yes it was... Hahahaha, you should have seen your faces." The one who shouted said and laughed again.

They continued bickering until Dyne felt like she needs to shower the plants. (She needs to pee guyz.)

So she told everyone that she needs to go to the bathroom.

"Watch your way there, Dyne. Some ghosts might be following you around." Jhon said, trying to sound scary, but failed to scared the latter.

"Ok, try scaring me more Jhon. Do everything to scare me, but I believe in no ghost." Dyne said and walked outside.

Actually, she felt scared right now, but ended up facing her fears.

She often tells herself. "Face your fears, or you will not be able to pee." She said and continued walking.

On The Other Site~

Another group was active and someone needs to shower the plants too. But this time, he is a boy. Just like Dyne, he told everyone about what and where he would go. Then comes the scarying, but just like the latter. He doesn't believe in ghosts either.

So he went outside to go to the comfort room. But when he was halfway on the route, he saw someone at the end of the court.

It was looking left and right, maybe watching if someone is there.

And out of curiousity. He followed the shadow, and hide whenever it was looking at his direction.

"Who could it be?" He asked, his voice low.

To be continued~