
The Butcher of Sargon (LoL x Arknight Fanfiction)

A story of a man with the soul of Renekton, the Butcher of the Sand, reincarnated into the world of Arknight If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon. Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon https://www.patreon.com/Thatsnakegirl

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Volume 1 Chapter 26: How To Make a Baby

The Abyssal Hunters is composed of many different companies, and the second company to which Laurentina belonged was considered to be having the fastest member among the other Abyssal Hunters.

While the captain of the company, Gladiia, moved very fast, but Laurentina was also able to move fast, not enough to rival her Captain, but as long as it's in the sea, her speed is enough to surpass many land walkers.

Despite her anger, the moment she came into an actual combat situation, she quickly regained her calm.

Suppose we describe Laurentina's reckless rush into the Sea Terror group, attacking a Seaborn at a speed exceeding a hundred meters per second, and then dragging its corpse away as a calm strategy.

As of right now, Laurentina is indeed acting quite calm.

She knows that her speed is much slower than her captain Gladiia's, so she has to give it her all to keep up with Gladiia's pace.

After all, unlike her captain who has decades to train and fought against the Seaborn, she has only been an Abyssal Hunter for four years.

In the first year, she fought with Seaborns like an ordinary Abyssal Hunter until one day, after losing contact with her teammates in a battle, she was swept ashore by ocean currents.

Tracking the traces of Seaborns, chasing one that had ventured deep into a river, she arrived at the cliff below the Acahualla Highlands.

Almost inexplicably, she climbed the nearly kilometer-high waterfall.

And after climbing it, there, she met a crocodile person named Garde.

For the next three years, she came to the cliff bottom time and time again, crossed the kilometer-high plateau repeatedly, and arrived by the side of the crocodile person.

A Seaborn surpassed the surrounding Sea Terror and attacked her.

To lure the surrounding Seaborns, she had to slow down, and inevitably, advanced Seaborns would catch up to her.


Another figure rushed out, blocking the Seaborn attacking her. The black sword effortlessly beheaded the Seaborn.


"Captain Glaadia asked me to help you."

Skadi said indifferently. She wasn't good at assassinations because her speed wasn't fast enough. However, when it came to luring a group of Sea Terror not yet accustomed to land, her speed was sufficient.

"Captain Glaadia asked us to conserve energy as much as possible. Killing Sea Terror now will only burden that crocodile."

Because of the Sea Terror group controlled by the main brain, they would actively devour the corpses of their deceased comrades for evolution.

Ordinary Sea Terror couldn't pose a threat to Garde.

The Seaborns Elite might pose a different challenge.

"I'm just wondering, even though we are Abyssal Hunters, why make him responsible for the most dangerous part?"

"You like him."

"I do."

There was no embarrassment. The fact that Laurentina from the second company had fallen for a land dweller was well-known within the squad.

"Do you want to have children with him?"


Even she couldn't admit such things openly in front of others.

"His body is healthy, and yours is too. If you can have healthy children, the Family Planning Committee won't mind that he's just a land dweller."

"Skadi, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it? You like him, and surely, you want to have children with him. Isn't that the implication of liking someone?"

Skadi frowned, as if contemplating a serious matter.

Laurentina had to interrupt her, "Skadi, do you even know how to have children?"

"Of course!"

Skadi wore an expression as if saying, "How dare you underestimate me."

"As long as you get a marriage certificate from the Family Planning Committee, your belly will gradually grow, and ten months later, the child will be born."

"Skadi, have you ever attended a biology class?"

"Biology class? What's that?"

Laurentina felt she shouldn't discuss these things with Skadi, who seemed to be academically challenged.

"But talking with you has improved my mood."

No one knows what the future holds, and instead of overthinking, it's better to go with the flow.

"Little Skadi, do you have someone you like?"

"No, it would be troublesome to fight while pregnant."

Laurentina thought for a moment and decided not to tell Skadi the truth; explaining would be too challenging. Besides, the child of an Abyssal Hunter would undoubtedly be an Abyssal Hunter.

Laurentina didn't have many thoughts about becoming an Abyssal Hunter. She saw the recruitment notice, underwent a medical examination, signed the agreement, and after a nap, she became an Abyssal Hunter.

But subjecting her own child to the same fate was something Laurentina couldn't bring herself to do.

After going in circles, she found herself back at square one.

As long as the Seaborns existed, she had no future.

"The Sea Terror is slowing down."

"Now they are just slowing down?"

Coming back to her senses, Laurentina realized they were almost at the agreed-upon location.

If they could completely free the Sea Terror group from the control of the main brain, their evolution and consumption rates would slow down significantly.

If they got too close, could Garde alone stop them?

"Laurentina, Skadi, we need to go!"

In the distance, Gladiia's voice arrived. Once the Sea Terror group was led to Garde, the hunters would turn and head towards the Seaborn main brain.

Garde would stay behind, becoming the new target for the Sea Terror group.

When Laurentina turned around, she saw only Garde standing on the high ground, and Seireya was nowhere to be seen.

The tide-like Sea Terror group swallowed Garde.

Laurentina stopped in her tracks, wanting to turn back.

"Laurentina, remember your duty!"

Gladiia's stern voice echoed in Laurentina's ears.

"Only if we kill the main brain can he survive. Every second you waste here consumes his life!"

The hunters left.

Garde also didn't let Seireya stay, as she wouldn't withstand the upcoming battle.

No defense, no logistics, no supplies, no support.

Only Garde.

If he could endure, he'd live.

If he couldn't, he'd die.

Now, Garde was starting to regret. If he had called all the people from the tribe and built a defensive line when they first arrived, things would be much easier now.

But who could have known that in just two days, the Sea Terror group would already be on the shore?

Of course, Garde never fought a battle without assurance.

In the four years, he had never truly lost his temper. Even if he went crazy once, he would surely come to his senses, right?

At this moment, Garde inexplicably hoped that there was someone by his side to fight alongside him, even if that person had a dog's head and was weaker than him.

He wouldn't be so lonely.

<+ >

Tn: Garde is talking about Nasus