
Chapter 01

[In Sita city one of the biggest and most populated cities in Fermont one of the world's best countries. In a certain private hospital, a man could be seen going back and forth in front of the delivery room filled with nervousness and anxiety because his wife suddenly started going into labor a week earlier than what the doctor said when he heard the cry of a baby marking the birth of their child their first son after three hours of waiting.

15 minutes after the baby cried, the doctor pushed the door open and said to the man congratulations your wife gave birth to a cute healthy boy both the mother and child are in good health and you can see them once they are transferred to their room.

Right after the doctor said that a nurse opened the door pushing a hospital bed the mother could be seen sleeping on it because she was very tired from delivering the baby, and another nurse behind her carrying their son sleeping peacefully in her arms.

When he saw them he immediately rushed to his wife and kissed her forehead after making sure she is okay, the doctor reassured him that she is then he takes the boy in his arms and said, I'm happy to finally hold you in my arms Alexander my son.]

"And this is the story of how you surprised us with your arrival Alex". Said, Michael when Alex asked him about his sudden birth for the tenth time already, that was when Julia came from behind the father-son duo carrying a fruit cake decorated with 5 birthday candles in her hand and asked, "Are you telling him that story again Mike?" while putting it on the table with the rest of Alex fifth birthday meal.

"But I love to hear it, Mommy" replied Alex his eyes sparkling with happiness after hearing the story, "the cake looks tasty July",

Mike said bringing Alex's attention to the cake and meal on the table.

"Of course, I have to make it beautiful and delicious it's a special day after all" replied Julia, then she asked Alex "Do you know why it's a special day today?" evidently wanting to teas the boy whose eyes glued to the cake telling her how much he liked it, Alex replied, "I know I know it's my birthday day right daddy?" while laughing.

"That's right it's your fifth birthday today Alex," said Mike replying to the boy's question, then he lit the candles and started singing Alex the birthday song together with Julia " Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Alex, Happy Birthday to You, From good friends and true, From old friends and new, May good luck go with you, And happiness too", after that Julia asked him to make a wish, Alex blew the candles while laughing happily after making a wish.

Then they cut the cake and gave him the first piece, Alex said" Waah it's so tasty Mommy, thank you", while eating his cake, "Thanks sweetie" Julia replied, after that they continued the party eating delicious food, singing songs and playing games until the time to give him the gifts come.

Both Mike and Julia prepared a gift for him Julia gifted Alex a new drawing set while Mike gifted him a book about business for children.

The drawing set feels normal right? But you would be wondering why would a father give his five years old son a business book?! Well, the answer is simple Alex or Alexander Royal is a gifted child and his parents noticed that when he was a few weeks old, but you would say how is that possible?! But it's quite easy to notice actually when your newborn sleep peacefully most of the time and only cries when he is hungry or needs a diaper change, is energetic and playful when awake, and doesn't cry when someone carries or plays with him other than you and your spouse or the people around him most of the time you will know he is special and you will sure about that when he learns how to walk earlier than most children his age when start talking picks up words at 9 months and by the time he is two he can speak and run like he is 3 or 4.

When he shows much interest in learning and curiosity about the world around him when he learns to read at two and write at three and keeps getting better as if he is in the 1st or second grade at four and by the time he is five he can read with grade 4 level books and answer questions from them then you for sure have a talented child, and Alex was exactly that.

The book was an introduction to business not for children per se but for young teens who are interested in the topic so Alex required the book from his dad since he is interested in business because his dad is a professional business manager and is the CEO of his client company.

But you would ask how he knows what business is to gain an interest in it?! Well, he is a curious child so whenever he sees his dad working he keeps asking questions until something else attracts his attention or you give him answers until he stops.

And that is the same reason he learned how to draw from his mom until drawing become a hobby for him, and he draws quite well for someone who started to learn drawing a few months prior only truly a talented child who was lucky to have parents who are patient with his unending questions, who support and motivate his growth.

Alex was very happy with the party his parents prepared for his birthday and with the gift they gave him, although he was a bit sad that his grandparents couldn't make it to the party, but they said they will be here tomorrow morning when his mom called them.

Well this is it for the first chapter folks hope you like it.

Short chapter parlay of 1k words and it toke me 5 hours, never thought writing is this hard.

Comment if you have any questions or suggestions I will read them all.

The authors who make a living by writing have my respect, this writing thing is so hard that I want to give up now (T ^ T)

Anyway see you in the next chapter when I start writing it after waking up since its almost 12 pm here and I haven’t slept yet since yesterday (@_@)

Manager_sancreators' thoughts
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