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Usually no but it could happen if drugs are involved and a shooting occurs or some other incidents, at least think so 🤔
Thank you, there is more but i plan to stockpile some more before starting regular updates. It well have them
Me too i like that type of novels and its the reason im inspired to write this novel. It well I won’t spoil it for you but it has them
Ohh alright then😆 I'm in for the ride let's see where are you gonna take us and what you have in store 🫠🔥
I know and it would be boring if the mc always wins or have things go his way but i thought they would lose in the final or semi final not that im complaining but its just what i thought 🫠
I know and it would be boring if the mc always wins or have things go his way but i thought they would lose in the final or semi final not that im complaining but its just what i thought 🫠
I know and it would be boring if the mc always wins or have things go his way but i thought they would lose in the final or semi final not that im complaining but its just what i thought 🫠
Yea i hate this part of reading but ohh well 😆🫠
They lost 😭 saw it coming but was hoping it be a win 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Yea but its going slow after i caught up 🫠