
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

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64 Chs


Chapter twenty nine.

Flowers were put on top of the coffin by his family members after being lowered into the marble floored ground. Spriya eyes were covered with black glasses. She used her hankerchief to wipe the tears under the glasses.

Everyone paid their respect, one after the other after the place were ceramated . Everyone took their turns and left after paying their last respect.

After the burial , the Smittian mansion were buzzling with people who came to pay their condolences.

The Smittian mansion were filled with relatives and main family members.

Ma Smittian went into her room to rest and left the group of people. Broher and his wife remained to send the visitors off.

After everyone had left, Danvers and Tiga remained inside the burial ground. As both of them stepped out of the place . A young adorable girl wearing pink gown came running to them. Her hair was tied into two ponytails. She looked beautiful and adorable.

Her eyes were brimming with light. She ran towards them holding the hems of her dress with her hands.

"Big brother!" she called out to Danvers with her tiny adorable voice on getting to them .

Danvers hasted in his step. He looked at the tiny girl and bent his waist and raffle her hair.

" What's that?" Danvers asked

"Big brother, I saw a small girl crying."

" Small girl, where ?" Tiga asked.

" Beside the raw lake ." she said pointing towards the area .

Danvers bent down and scooped the little girl in his arms and said toTiga " let's go and find out."

The two of them rushed towards the place with little Sabel in Danvers arms.

He sighted his little sister from afar on stepping beside the raw lake.

The young girl's hair was cascaded down. Her hair moved in sync with the wind. Her beautiful pink lips pursed as she starred in a daze at the lake. Her small angelic face were smeared with tears. She sat down beside the lake with her blue pants and white shirt.

On seeing his sister's appearance. His heart ached. He dropped little Sabel on the floor as he rushed towards his sister.

Tiga followed behind them.

Danvers knelt down " Baby what is that? why are you here alone and why are you crying?" he asked tucking the strains of her hair beside her ear while weeping her tears.

The little girl turned towards his brother as he had his voice. She leaned into his arms and cried.

Danvers sat on the floor while carrying the little Tara." Stop crying, big brother is here." he said where patting her back.

" Big brother Danvers, where is dad?"

Danvers hand that was at her back froze. He was silent.

Tara rised her head and looked at his silent brother, before asking again " Brother Danvers, why are you not talking? Take me to dad. I want to see him. I haven't seen dad for many weeks. Mum has been crying secretly and great grand pa is in the hospital. "

Danvers clenched his fist and said " Dad travelled, he will be back very soon okay."

The little Tara seems as if she didn't believe him. She shaked her head and replied " Then, why is mum always crying. I saw her holding dad's picture crying. Why is people ..."

"Tara! Tara!" the four of them turned as they heard the panicky voice of aunty Usuey.

Tara waved her small hand and shouted " Ma'am Usuey am here." wiping away the traces of tears on her cheeks.

Aunty Usuey turned towards them, she released a sigh of relief . She rushed towards them and scooped Tara into her arms.

"What are you people doing here.?" she asked Danvers and Tiga

" Nothing , we just came out to play but since you are here . We gonna leave." he stood up and dusted off the dirt on his clothe.

He picked little Sabel and scooped her into his arms.

He turned around to leave. He has just taken one step, when he turned and said to Aunty Usuey "Please take care of my baby sister. Don't let her out of your site."

Aunty Usuey nodded and left with Tara in her arms. She might not understand the reason why Danvers mentioned that, but she knew there was something wrong.

"Let's go." he turned towards Tiga and spoke before scrolling out of the raw lake.


In front of Main Smittian mansion.

A young man was arguing with the security officers.

" Since you won't allow me to go inside while not send these message to the young master."

"No you are not welcomed Lea....."

"What is happening here!" a high pitched voice interrupted the security officers.

They turned around in shock, and bowed in curtsied towards the new arrived .

He was wearing all white just like the rest of the family members.

His hairs were combed backwards. The few strains of hairs was of his forehead elevating his handsomeness.

" What is happening here?" he looked at the man beside him and asked.

" Second young master, these man here is asking for audience to see our small young master." he explained.

The second young master turned toward the young man and questioned " Why are you looking for my nephew?"

"I want to send a message to him "

" What kind of message , must require his presence?"

"If you won't let me see him then forget about it " he spoke and turned around to leave. He don't want to continue to allowed himself to be interrogated. One thing was sure. He will still send the evidence whether he was allowed to see him or not. He must finish what he was send for.

" Wait! follow me." the second young master said in a commanding tone to the young man before turning to leave without giving him another glance.

The young man followed behind him but not without stopping in front of security officers that refused his entrance and looked at them with a sly smile before scrolling forward.

"Make sure you attend to him." He said to one the Smittian guards when he reached the entrance of the building. The expression on his face was unreadable. He is Vomaah's only brother.

After saying his pieces , he scrolled inside after giving the young man another glance.

The guard went towards the young man and greeted him before asking for what he was looking for without giving him an offer to take him to Danvers.

The young man looked at all the guards in front of him and sneered . He gave the red box to guard and asked him to give it to small young master without opening it.

The guard wanted to ask what was in it but he was not given a chance to talk because the young man had already left.

He stopped halfway and said " Remember to give these only to danvers. Him alone can open it and has the password to it and before I forget don't let anyone know that I gave these except Danvers." he left after that .

The man was stunned . Only by the looking at the young man. He knew that he wasn't ordinary and he knew martial arts.

He left with the box . Before handing that to the small young master at least he has to be sure that there was no bomb in it.

After it has been checked. He went in search of Danvers. What was inside wasn't his business but it must not be harmful.

He knocked in the underground room " Young master!" he called from outside.

"Come in." the small voice but magnetic voice of Danvers was heard.

What followed was the cracking sound of the opening of the door.

"Young master, someone gave us these to give you." he said after entering into the dark room.

The room was a little bit light with blue bulbs. Its mono colour in paint and decoration. It was painted with dark gray in total. It was very depressing to stay there.

The room has all different kinds of developing technology. It was one the things brought and transportated by vomaah. It was a place only main family members of Smittian and the loyal guards knew of.

Danvers legs were crossed over another. He sat on the single chair like a monarch emperor with glomming expression on his face. On the sofa, Tiga sat there browsing through some documents.

Both Danvers and Tiga were putting on white all through.

" What is inside it?" Danvers asked

" Sir I don't know, he asked me to hand it over to you. I checked it, there is no harmful material inside it." he wanted to hand it over but paused when he noticed the presence of another person.

Danvers saw his hesitation and looked at Tiga before saying him. " Just hand it over to me."

" Okay young master." he handed it over to him before leaving.

After the door was closed . Tiga sat up and collected the item from Danvers to check. after some time he gave it back it to him and said " There is no harmful object in it and I think only you can open it. come on open it let's see what it is inside."

Danvers looked at him, turned it upside down. He suddenly laughed glommily . " I know who sent it. One of my dad's spys. I don't know what he meant by these ."

He entered the password and opened it. A green object was seen as soon as it was opened. He removed what was inside it and gave it to Tiga " Put it let's see what is inside there ."


Spriya had been surrounded by people since after the burial of her husband . She excused herself after sometimes. She felt a slight pain in her lower abdomen as soon as she stood up. She wondered weather her menstrual cycle was coming. It suddenly dawned to her that she hasn't seen her menses since last month. After the disappearance of vomaah, she has been very disorganized but she has been using morning after pills after sex, if he did not use protection but she remembered specifically that he always uses condom .

She came to a conclusion that maybe it was a physocological problem.

After releasing herself. She was about to go back when she heard one the guards saying something that someone brought a mischievous gift to her son who was in the underground room.

Without thinking twice, she rushed towards the place ' I won't allow anything to happen to my family again.' she kept repeating to herself as she was rushing to the place.

Tiga collected it from him and sat in front of the computer after sometimes a video started to display.

In the video, it showed from when the military officers entered into governor's government house surrounded his father and pointed a guns at him.

His expression were unreadable at first but suddenly the temperature of the room began to drop. He gritted his teeth and clashed his fist in agony to reduce the pain in his heart.

Tiga crouched his chest in pain. His eyes were still focused on the video displaying on the screen. He wasn't aware he was crying until he felt tears staining his clothes. He used a hankerchief and wipe away his tears.

He was crying in pain. All of them knew that his hero, president vomaah was assassinated but nobody knew what transpired. He watched as his friend that wanted to defend him was shot and dropped dead immediately. He silently laughted in pain as he saw the great leader being tied under different armode vehicles after the shooting for one hour without penatration. As cracking sound of his bones were heard while the cars were moving towards the desert.

"No!!!!" a resounding voice was heard, followed by a sound of someone's fallen.

Danvers and Tiga turned and rushed out of the room, when they saw Spriya lying down on the floor crouching her lower abdomen with tears flowing down her cheeks.

Danvers knelt beside his mother who was crying and shouted " Mum! what is that?"

His panicky voice was heard. Anxiety were written all over his face. " Mum please talk to me!"

He turned to Tiga who was also crying " Go and call go the guards . Call ambulance. Go!"

Tiga stood up and ran off while danvers cried out in anxiety when he saw blood coming out in between her legs. "No! mum please don't leave me. You can't leave me like that . You have to stay alive.

You can't die now . Mum please stay awake . Don't die on me. Mum your Tara won't be able to bear it. Your Junya won't be able to bear it. I, your danvers won't be able to bear the lost again. Mum please." For the first since, he was two. Danvers cried like a three months old baby. Streams of tears flooded his cheeks.

Spriya face were full of pains and endurance. She held her son's hands tightly before slipping into unconsciousness .

"No !! mummy!" shouts of pain sounds were heard .

The main door of the underground were opened and people rushed inside . The whole Smittian family were astonished when they saw the state of Spriya.

One of the guards carried her up as they exited the place.

Danvers followed behind together with Ma Smittian , Broher and Lucia.

Broher and Danvers followed the ambulance while Ma Smittian followed in another car.

All the Smittian family members ( both main and other branches who came back ) followed in different cars.

The cars lined up as they left Smittian mansion.

Many nurses came out and helped to rush Spriya into the surgical room after they reached the hospital.

The nurses that were on night shift were astonished as they saw one of the most powerful family in the country in the hospital. They felt it was ironic. These afternoon, all of them gathered to send one of the family members off which was the great leader of the country . Now was his wife.

Last two weeks , it was there great grandfather and grandfather . Now it was the great leader's wife.

They wanted for one and thirty minutes before the light on the surgery room were off. The doctors came out.

" Doctor how it my mum." before anyone. Danvers has rushed to the place and asked.

" Doctor how is my daughter in-law." Broher and Lucia asked at the same time.

The whole Smittian family came close to hear what the head surgical doctor was about to said. All of them had different things going in their minds.

" I'm sorry we lost the baby. We have removed the fetus. She already had a miscarriage before you people rushed her to these place."

" Miscarriage?" Ma Smittian exclaimed in pain. Broher held her and consoled.

" Yes , miscarriage. She was pregnant, two months and few weeks. Just a week and it would be three months. she were passing through emotional and physocological stress. You people should take great care of her these period of time. " he left after he delivered the message.

Immediately Spriya was wheeled out the room shortly . Her beautiful face were pale frightening as never before.

" Mum!" Danvers shouted in pain. He held her hand. After some times, he was separated from her by broher and Spriya was wheeled into the ward.

After spriya was wheeled out . He rushed out of the hospital.

It was drizzling outside when Danvers came out of the hospital absent minded.

" Danvers!" Tiga called out . He rushed to him

" Danvers I have removed it from the system. " he looked at Danvers and noticed that his face were paled and he was crying while crouching his chest painful.

Tiga led him to a sit beside the entrance of the secret passage and helped him to sit down.

He held his hand and consoled " It alright . Thank God nothing happened to her. It going to be alright."

Both of them sat down and they watched as it started raining heavily. It was a drainful night that wont be forgetten between them in the future.

Danvers suddenly sat on the floor and crouched his hand on his chest as he suddenly cried painfully " My heart!"

Tiga face paled , he wanted to hold and carry him out when he had him continue " My heart is bleeding."

Tiga hasted in his step when he had that before he could shake. He continued " My heart is burning. It is burning!" he crouched his right hand on his chest before he continued.

He looked at Tiga and spoke while gretting his teeth in pain as tears flow down his cheeks " Tiga , my heart is burning in pain , it burning for revenge. My heart is burning and I will not give up until till I extinguish the flames in my burning heart."

" I will make all those responsible for my dad's painful death, my great grandfather's condition and the losing of my unborn sibling experience pain that I am experiencing now. I will make them experience the pain my mum most especially is experiencing.

I will make them fill the pain my great grandma and grandparents are experiencing now. I will make them and their family experience what is called disaster and pain. I will make sure them and their children experience the pain , I am experiencing right now.

The pain my dad experience before his death. I will multiple it for them. My dad served these country with everything he had but what was the reward killing him in a painful way."

He stood up and rushed out in the rain. He knelt down and allowed the rain to wash away his pain.

Tiga wanted to follow him but stopped midway. He sat down under the heavy rain and cried. He cried for his friend, he cried for his hero. Nobody will understand the kind of pain, he passed through.

Tiga closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the heavy rain drained his clothes and washed his tears away.

He opened his eyes and smiled, it is better for him to cry a little than cuppa the pain in his heart. Since his father's death, he knew he has been in pain but it was the first time he saw him crying

The beginning of revenge.