
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs


Chapter seven

Vomaah looked at his anxious face , he raised his eyebrows and smiled

He looked at the untouched refreshments in front of him and pushed it to the other side.

"Colonel Dunga, why are you afraid? don't worry I will give you a very lenient punishments, so relax."

Vomaah stood up from the chair and moved towards the door. He was about touching the door knob however, he paused in his step. He turned towards Colonel Dunga and said " Always remember to be cautious when dealing with some people."

He opened the door and left. Colonel Dunga looked towards the closed door and collapsed on his chair.

He murmured under his breath "Am finished."

Vomaah came out of the office and looked towards the sky smiling

He walked towards the cars, while the soldiers followed him. Some were at his left, some at his right , some behind him while others were standing beside the each car waiting for him. Immediately he reached his car. It was opened and closed as he entered inside the car.

He gazed at the soldier in the drivers side and leered before commanding "To the office."

"Yes sir."he replied before starting the car.

After some time , the young soldier in front of the car asked "Sir I thought you are not going to the office today?" he asked in a respectful manner.

"I have some things to do at the office today. Do you have any problem with it."

"No sir, not at all." He replied immediately . He turned and focused on the road.


At the golden school.

Danvers was beside the window , staring into the space . He was in his first grade in highschool. The golden school comprised of Nusery , primary and highschool but were in different compound.

The highschool was far away from the Nursery and primary school. It was the highest school in the city but it were owned by the military.

Even due, Danvers and his siblings identity were hidden. It did not stop people from suspecting his ( Danvers ) identify. As he was a replica of his dad, anybody that saw him will identify him as the president's son.

Apart from the school authorities. Nobody knew of him as the president's son. Even due , many already knows without informing them because of his face.

Danvers has been unable to focus on the day's lecture. His mind had been running over his father. The amount of enemies he had and spies hollowing around the villa in camouflage of one his father's soldiers. He thought of what to do to them secretly without bringing attentions towards himself.

He was slowly pulled out of his thoughts by the entrance of the teacher.

He looked up and saw his geography teacher with a young handsome boy beside him. The young boy was chubby. He has a pointed nose and brown eyes. His hair was cut and combed neatly to the left side. His school uniform was neatly ironed .

He was about to look away when the teacher cleared his voice " Good morning student, with me here is a new student. He will be joining your class from today. Make him feel comfortable and also make him your friends."

He looked at the young boy beside him, who also lifted his head to look at his teacher . "Introduce yourself to your fellow classmates."

The young boy looked around the class before saying "Good morning , my name is Tiga . l am 9 years old. I am from the family of....

The teacher waved his hands dismissing his unfinished words . " It is enough. All of you should treat him nicely. Tiga go and sit beside Danvers . "

He looked at Danvers and said " Make a space for him to sit on. Help him and make him feel at ease." Danvers were occupying two spaces alone.

Danvers looked at him and nodded . Danvers looked at the young boy for sometimes before returning his gaze outside the window.

Tiga looked at the teacher and thanked him before settling beside Danvers. He cleared his throat to gain his attention but failed as the young boy was deep in thought. After serial failed attempts . He softly tucked his clothes .

Danvers felt someone tuck his shirt . He turned and looked at the boy beside him but the young boy's next action surprised him.

Immediately, Danver turned towards him. He hugged him tightly.

Danvers froze immediately he was hugged. He don't let people touch him anyhow. Before he could react he withdrawned from him and streched out his hand. " I am Tiga and you.

Danvers looked at the him and shaked his head and thought 'what a weird boy' before looking out of the window again.

Tiga was embarrassed and he slowly withdrawned his hand. He looked at the boy in front of him and tucked his sleeve again before saying "Even if you don't want to talk to me. please can you answer my question. Are you General vomaah's son. I love him so much. He is my hero ."

Danvers looked at him and shaked his head. He was about turning again but stopped as if he remembered something.

" If you will sit here better stop talking."

Tiga looked at him and blinked twice at his cold voice but suddenly thought of something . He looked at him and smiled "Tell me your name or at least answer my question and I promise I won't talk for the next 30 mins."

Danvers looked at him and leered. He thought 'it is like I have meant an opposite of me. A talkative who can't close his mouth for once.'

He looked at him and smiled before looking out of the window again.

Tiga was about to talk again when Danvers stood up from his seat and looked at him before saying "If you disturb me again. I won't think twice before beaking the school rules by breaking your legs."

He turned around and left. Despite all, Tiga still stood up and followed him slowly out of the class giving him 4-6 meters space without invading in his space

When Danvers came out of the massive school building . He looked around only to be greeted by a mighty commotion outside the school environment.

He rushed into the CCTV camera room which only the management had access to. He put his hand inside his pocket and brought out a spear keys which he got after stealing it from the man in charge of the CCTV camera office. He gave the key to a key designer to make exactly the same key. He returned it before the man could noticed the absence of a missing key.

He slowly opened the room and he went inside . He already knows that someone had been following him behind and he knew there is no other one than Tiga the new boy. Everyone in the school gives him space because of his cold attitude and the way he embarrasses them without baiting an eye.

On a certain occasion , a young little stalker that owns the name Shea had been following him up and down fighting her way to be his friend but God knows he hates stalkers . On several occasions he neglected the young girl but one day, he couldn't bear it and embarrassed her by making her to be bath on the ice cream she was enjoying. The young girl was really a jovial type but after that little embarrassment incident. She learnt her lesson. Even due he felt bad and gulity for what he had done. He wanted her to learn her lesson and stay off his way. After that the little left the school.

He looked back and smiled before

opening the CCTV camera room. He entered and slowly closed it.

Tiga slowly approached the room and put his ear on the door to know whether , he would hear any sound . He was curious to know what Danvers was doing inside the CCTV room.

The door of the CCTV room was slowly opened with force. The only thing Tiga knew was that he suddenly felled on the ground and was dragged into the room