
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · Ciudad
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64 Chs


Chapter twenty three

"Hahaha, So we finally won the battle. I couldn't believe my eyes, when I received the news ." asserted Hue

The four lieutenant generals were inside Sungal's official office. The office were opulently decorated. The different sparkling colours of light eradicating from the chandelier hanging on the ceiling made the room warm and beautiful.

The four white cushion was at the end side of the room with a small metal round table at the middle.

The walls were painted with crescent cream milk . A natural silver vase flower was at the edge of the east side of the room.

Vomaah's picture was hanging on the wall. In the picture , he was clothed with his full military camouflage uniform with military cap on his head. He was in his full glory.

His name was written at the button end of the hanging picture ( General vomaah Smittian. THE HEAD OF STATE.) while on the other side was Sungal's picture in his full camouflage uniform.

At the edge of the west side was a standing standard AC. The flag of the country was at his back but was smaller than the one in Vomaah's office.

The four culprit sat in a swirling chair. The cocktail glass cups were in front of each of them.

"I think these success is worth celebrating." Sungal remarked.

He was in a swirl chair in front of his three fellow culprit with a rectangular official blue desk separating him from his three friends. He was wearing his full camouflage uniform. At the right side of his clothe on his shoulder. A pin was connected to his cloth with his name on it indicating his position.

He opened his drawer, reached his hand inside it and brought out a chandon imperial champagne.

He used a crock screw to open the cover of the wine and added a little amount of wine into the cocktail glasses in front of each person.

"Let's cheers to our success and new level." He raised his cup as he dropped the champagne on the desk .

"Cheers!" they all said and laughed as they raised their glasses and clipped it on each together .

"Finally , we are taking over the government." said Jinyse dropping the glass of wine back on the desk after taking a sip.

"I thought it was going to be harder to execute our plans. Brues did a very good job, you know." said Baiye as he took a sip of his drink.

"But I still can't comprehend how his corpse can't be found. Are you sure he really completed his mission. If not why is vomaah's corpse missing." Hue spoke up

"You perhaps understatemented 'OUR GENERAL' . Many soldiers lost their lives on the journey. " said Sungal

"How do you know?" asked Jinyse

Sungal spread his hands and spoke with a smirk on his lips "Do you think. I am a fool to send someone on that kind of mission without proper attention and monitoring. I watched what transpired between them. I know how everything happened but my main purpose was his death."

Hue leaned towards the table whispered in a voice only the three of them could hear "Tell us what happened."

Sungal also leaned towards the desk and raised his middle finger motioning the three of them to come closer.

As they leaned closer towards the desk. He whispered " Vomaah did not dead. I watched how he disappeared into the thin air or maybe he was burned."

"Disappeared!" they said flabbergasted

He shrugged " Perhaps we all understatemented his ability." he stated non chalantly leaning back on his chair.

"How did he possess that kind of ability?" Founya asked

"Hahaha, I know where he became untouchable. It was in India. One of the peace war. We went together to settle but apart from knowing that he initiated some spiritual powers after coming back. I know everything about him is secreted . His war strategies are of his own capabilities. He is indeed a hero just like he was named."

They leaned towards their chairs. Hue picked his glass of wine, took a deep sigh whiling taking a sip from the cup. All of them seems to be compilating on a case.

" How are you sure that , he won't come back." Jinyse said

"Stop with all these your fantasies. I know even if he is clothed with spiritual whatever. He won't survive it. He whole body was already dismantled. " sungal remarked

"Then , what are you waiting for to take over the government " injected Founya

"I want to give him the last respect, he deserved. I will be taking over in two days."

Hue raised his eyebrows and asked "How are you going to announce his death since the news brocast, of his disappearance today?"

"I know what to do, don't worry. I will simply state and announce his dismiss."

Hue looked at Sungal and smiled " You wants to announce his death stating that his body have been found."

Sungal smiled "Always intelligent as usual."

"How are going to convince his family without his corpse." Jinyse asserted

"We will handle that" stated Hue.

"Yeah" replied Founya clearing his throat. He straighten up, looked at Sungal and said "but what are you waiting for to take over the office. Why are you wasting time? I thought we agreed that you will take over immediately our plans are successfully."

"Hahaha, leave the office to me . I know how to handle it. Like I said am waiting for another two days to complete my mission." reply Sungal

"But you have to be careful. If you take over the office. I advice you to be careful. Your family can be in trouble you Know." Baiye said

Founya immediately changed the subject of their discussion when he saw where all of them where going " I think what we need to do now is to celebrate. At least , now no one will come after us because of the the coup we plotted."

"Yes I think you are right . Let's celebrate to our success and friend ship." They raised their cups and clipped it together