

"Nova! dinner is ready!" a woman said while arranging cutlery on the table.

"coming mother!" Nova answered , rushing to wash her hands. she wiped her small palms to the towel beside the tap and bolted up the stairs which led to a small room and a library.

she slowly opened the library door and walked in. There was an old man on a reclining chair dozing off near one of the windows. Nova softly walked to him and tapped on his hand. The man stirred and opened his eyes.

" Ah! Nova! time for dinner already?" he said while adjusting glasses. the little girl nodded with a smile and helped the old man up on his feet. They came down together .

" grandpa! what story will you tell me tonight?"

" what story do you want to listen to?" he grandfather smiled, knowing what she had in mind.

" tell me the one with the golden mountain!! I'm old enough now!! pleasee!!??" she looked at him pleadingly.

he laughed " not yet dear, you have to be older!"

Nova was an energetic child. she was full of curiosity. everything was fascinating to her, one day while playing in the library she came across a brown tattered old book which was hidden in the corner of the shelf behind a big book, being curious Nova couldn't hold herself back and quickly opened it. her eyes grew wide with surprise! there was a picture young grandpa and grandma!. she sat down with the book and turned to first page. there was a picture of a golden mountain with mist all around it. before she could read what was written there, her grandpa came from behind and took the book away.

"bad manners Nova , you should ask for permission first!" he tutted at her,

" I didn't read anything! it was just a picture! "

she walked around him

" grandpa can I please read your book?? "

he sat down with it and turned towards her.

"one day when you're old enough, I'll give this book to you. till then , can you promise not to touch it?" he said looking at her curiously.

she was eyeing the book and her eyes dropped but she nodded, it reminded one of an obidient puppy, following its master around.

ever since then, she'd ask her grandpa once in a while, that when she'll be old enough. she couldn't wait!! she couldn't understand how old she had to be, she was already 12 years old! and the tallest in her class too!

the small family ate dinner unaware of the calamity that was to befall them.


A few kilometres away from the town, two hooded figures on horses were chasing a man

he was badly injured and bleeding. he whipped the reins of his horse

" you have to take us there Gladys! we have to save the child! go faster!"

the horse neighed in response and galloped faster.

They entered the town. The hooded figures were closing in. the man knew the town very well , he quickly slid through alleyways to avoid the chasers though he knew he couldn't hide much longer. He saw a small white house in the distance.

almost there!!

he thought to himself.

As soon as he reached the gate he jumped off the horse and ran to the door and knocked frantically.

Nova's mother, who heard the knocks woke up and sat on her bed , scared. who could it be at this hour?!

she slowly went to the door turning the lights on.

she carried a frying pan just in case!

through the window she saw familiar looking gray hair and black hat.

Uncle Fyrell!!

what is he doing here at this time? she opened the door. her eyes widened in horror as she watched the blood on his cloak.

He closed the door behind him and sat down leaning to the door.

" Maia! listen to me child, Nova is not safe here! they have come to take her away! you need to run!! and you need to prepare for battle, they will not let her go easily. now run!!"

Maia, Nova's mother froze. she composed herself quickly and nodded.

because of all the commotion, little Nova had woken up, she came down the stairs with a sleepy face

" ma, what is happening?"

Maia quickly ran to her child and ushered her upstairs, not to let her see the injured uncle.

even grandpa Ernst was awake. something didn't feel right.

Nova never saw her mother look so scared, she woke up fully and started asking her what happened?

Her mother didn't reply and kept packing her clothes in a bag in a hurry

" ma! what's wrong?!"

" Nova, child, listen to me. when I ask you to do something, just do it without any hesitation okay?" her mother looked at her

" but ma-"

" there's no time! promise me please?"

"...okay ma.." she said getting scared as of why her mother was behaving this way.

" don't ask anyone any questions till I say you can okay?

" now run to grandpa and tell him exactly what I say, ' brotherhood compromised, trail of elves' now go!" she pushed her and resumed packing hurriedly

Nova ran across the corridor to her grandpa's room and walked in. he was already awake

" brotherhood compromised, trail of elves'" she repeated .

her grandfather's eyes widened, but he calmed himself down. he turned towards his bedside table and pulled out a drawer. it had a package in it.

" this is for you sweetheart. take very good care of it and remember, goodness will always prevail!" all of this was too much for little Nova to process , she couldn't understand why everyone was behaving weirdly, but she kept the questions to herself. now was not the time! her mother had said. she took the parcel and turned around. suddenly she felt very odd. she turned back and hugged her grandpa. why did she feel like she was not going to see him?

he hugged her back his eyes getting moist

" always...always do what you believe is right.. always" he said his voice cracking up. before Nova could ask what was wrong , her mother barged in, wearing a travellers cloak and a bag in her hand, she looked at grandpa Ernst and a silent understanding passed through their eyes. Maia nodded, her eyes filling up with tears, but her face was grave. She grabbed Nova and rushed downstairs through the back door. she covered Nova in a similar black hooded cloak, Nova couldn't understand what was happening she turned her head back and through the corner of her eyes saw a slumped figure near the door..... grandpa Fyrell?... what is happening? why is he sitting like that? she couldn't say anything. they left the backyard as quietly as possible and outside there was a white horse, Maia helped Nova climb up and mounted behind her.

" hold tight dear, " she whispered , Nova did as she was told and they galloped away.