
The Bull Knight

A man finds himself in a new world and lives his life the way he wants (this is my first time writing so my writing style and grammar are not the best)

Zoro_Zoro243 · Derivados de obras
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6 Chs

Melee (final part)

Hope you enjoy

POV: Michael

With my helmet on I scout the Surrounding fights to look for any opponents, and I find them in the form of two hedge knights one from the Reach and the other from the Stormlands.

We all lock eyes then head to fight a 1v1v1. The Strom knight makes the first move with a side strike against the Reach knight, who then moves to block with their shield.

Using the fact both are distracted, I flank around the storm knight, and with the hammer head of my weapon, send a strong hit into his back.

Which stunnes him, letting the Reachmen get a devastating uppercut with his sword, Hitting the Storm Knight in the exposed arm drawing blood, but the Stormlander is not done yet.

With what seems like almost all of his strength he twists around to me and with his warhammer hits me hard in the side.

This hit makes me stumble back because of its power, but I quickly recover and am about to charge back in to the fight, when I see the Reach Knight kick out the knees of the now turned Stormlander and put his blade on the man's throat, forcing him to surrender.

As the defeated Storm Knight walks out of the arena, it is just me and the Reachmen, I ready myself for what will mostly likely be the last clash of our fight.

The Knight charges me first, so I let him come and just as he reaches my range I stab forward with my spear point. Hitting him in the leg joint, which crushes the armor there making it hard to move.

With his movement slowed I get closer and launch a hit with the bottom of my poleaxe, striking him across the face.

But the fight is not yet finished as with his shield he goes for a face bash, but I'm able to dodge downward and counter with a powerful hit in the midsection. This causes the Reach knight to double over in pain, I take the opportunity to place my blade on his neck and force him to surrender.

With that fight done I look around and see that there is only 4 participants left including me, a large Stormlander, another A man from the Westerlands, and a fellow Valemen.

That Valemen just so happens to be Lord Yohn we move to each other but not in combat, we do so to get a plan together.

Lord Yohn "Which one would you like to take on."

Micheal "I will take the Stormlander with the large hammer."

Lord Yohn "Alright,I will take care of Lord Garner, oh and be careful Lord Baratheon can go overboard sometimes."

Michael "Understood, good luck to you my Lord."

With that we charge towards our selected enemies. I hear Robert let a laugh as he charged back at me, we meet in the middle where I try to get the first hit in by sending a overhead strike which Robert blocks with his shield then sends a strike in to my now undefended torso.

I will say this, never did I think at I would feel like I just got hit by a truck in a world with no trucks, but here I am almost getting knocked on my back with one hit. This fight is not like the ones before I am now fighting one of the strongest fighters alive, I most focus or I will lose, so I finally tune out the constant cheering and yelling of the crowd.

With renewed focus I go for a stab aimed at the neck, Robert quickly dodges and goes for his own overhead strike, I sidestep out of the way and I hit him in the back of the leg, which causes him to fall to one knee where I then bring down my hammer to try and end the fight with a powerful hit to the back.

At the last moment Robert rolls out of the way and hoops back up to his feet, he then starts attacking like a mad dog unleashing attacked after attack all of which I am able to successfully block with the shaft of my weapon no after so many strikes it's starting to crack as it is merely a tournament weapon.

With one last hit Robert breaks my poleaxe in two. Seeing Robert's strikes finally finally make my move by closing the distance between us and stab the still usable spearhead in to the gap between his neck and helmet just enough to to draw blood but not kill.

Robert "Damm it all I lost but at least I had a good couple fights, I surrender Valemen."

Michael "I expect your surrender and yes that was the best fight I think I've ever had."

Robert "HaHa good I'm glad we share that thought, come and find me after you win so we can have a good drink together."

With that Robert leaves laughing as he goes. Finally I hear the crowd once more and they are louder then every chanting "Fight Fight" as the only two fighters left are me and Lord yohn who has defeated Lord Garner.

We both ready are weapons for one last fight and I make the first move wanting to end this fight as soon as possible.

With a strong slash to his shoulder with my now one handed weapon which puts a good dent in the bronze coated armor, but he doesn't seem to want to go down with out a fight a with his sword sends a slash to my head. I catch the dull tournament blade with my free hand and give him a solid hit to the chest, most likely breaking a few ribs which finally sends the much older man to the ground ending the fight and making me the winner of the melee.

The crowd goes crazy and then the host Lord Whent and his guards enter the arena to congratulate me on being the winner and tells me that I will get the prize of 7,000 gold dragons.

'A good amount of that will be spent fixing my armor and getting a squire.'

With that everyone clears out and I head back to rest and get ready for the rest of the tournament.

That the end of the chapter 😁👍