
The Brothers Mate

Misha was a young girl. She had just turned 20 and had the saddest pair of eyes you'd ever seen, they were a brilliant blue but they could make the happiest person question the reason for life. For such a young girl she had obviously been through an unfair amount of troubles. Far too worldly wise for her own good. She doesn't trust anyone, what will happen when she goes on the run again ending up in the UK this time, only to trust someone she just met? How far will that trust go? Will she ever trust again if it’s broken? Jackson on the other hand was a young wolf. He just turned 22 and always had the cheekiest glint in his hazel eyes that told you he was always in trouble! He was the next in line to be Alpha of his pack but his dad wanted him to find his destined mate before he was 25 or he would have to choose a mate so he could rule with a Luna by his side. He thinks he has plenty of time but does he? Then there's Finn, the sensible brother, with his deep emerald eyes that could make you melt without a single word leaving his mouth. At 21 he was one year younger then Jackson but so much wiser, his dad sometimes wished the pack could go to him as he was far more sensible and pack orientated. That didn't mean he didn't have fun, he did, but he would have liked the responsibility of the pack whereas his brother just saw it as a chore. Would he manage in his brothers shoes if it came to it?

CharlotteKing · Fantasía
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4 Chs

4. Misha

I was on the plane, I knew my nerves would die down when we got into the air. I kept my eyes on the plane entrance until the air hostess closed it and we started pulling down the runway. Thank god, I could breathe now. Hopefully my Aunt was right and she wouldn't risk coming to England, even for me.

I listened to music for the flight and was excited when I arrived, I had never been here before, mainly because of the weather but what's some rain when I could be safe right?

I had been researching while waiting for my flight and I had decided I would get off the plane and get a train to Middlesbrough, it was situated near water and had plenty of parks and open spaces, but it also had a stunning museum and I was excited to explore.

I managed to find a one bedroom house for sale, having just sold my flat in France, I had enough to get it and still have some money to live on while I find work again.

The estate agent was surprised at how fast I wanted to move in, but as it was empty and I was paying in full with no mortgage they rushed all the paperwork to accommodate me. I'm sure they worked hard to help me out but I have no doubt their fees all but pushed them to be accommodating, after all the property had next to no interest for months. They were probably so happy to get rid of it to be honest. Luckily for me it was perfect.

They also allowed me to order a bed to the property and they went and accepted it for me so I would have somewhere to sleep tonight!

That's right, in the wait I had purchased a house and a bed! It was a beautiful little one floor house, backing onto some beautiful woods I could walk in but close enough to town that I wasn't isolated and could walk wherever I needed to go. Granted it needed some work, especially the decking, but it's mine and I'll make it perfect, I always do.

I left the airport and walked to the train station, here I go, 4 hours on a stuffy train. At least I would be going straight to my new home and settling down. Safe. Maybe not for long but still safe for now.

Maybe a drink wouldn't hurt either, goddess knows i deserve it after all that's happened in the last day. The stress and worry need to be beaten out of me by the hard liquor and then maybe a walk in the cold, night air might do me some good in the long run.