
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter 4

"Hush now everything will be fine. I can remember that chameleon dragons can breathe fire, ice, acid and lightning so once you learn those you'll be fine" he wrapped his boney wing on hers and she smiled. "Until then you can lay low let me heal the dragons and once we know we can trust them you can heal them with my instructions of course". QuiverWing wasn't sure how she felt about healing a dragon for the first time but she did know she liked Scorches support. "But she has been fighting my kind for a long time it seems don't you think she knows how to beat me, I mean I'm not too sure about my combat skills." She layed down and beryed her snout into the moss.

She felt his claws pat her shoulders and his snout rub on her frills. "Hush you still got your scales that can make you look like any other dragon" he whispered softly into her ears and she felt a warm tingle run down her spine. "I guess your right about my scales but" she was cut of.

"Don't worry about it I will protect you now just sleep you need it"

"You need sleep" she shot at him and he just laughed and layed down next to her. They didn't cuddle up to gether he just layed on the other end of the moss bed and they both fell asleep .

When she woke up, the sun was flooding in dimly and she pat the moss with her tail 'why was it so dry' she thought to her self. She opened her eyes and was greeted buy Scorch on the other end of the moss all curled up. QuiverWing then remembered what happened the night before 'he must have gotten better sleep with me around' she guessed. She couldn't help but watched him sleep he was so peaceful and she could hear his breathing, it was like a very quiet calming whistle. She rested her head down watching him, listening to him she found it very... calming.

She saw Scorch open his eyes and they looked very confused, "were you just watching me sleep?" She never heard his voice sound so sleepy and dry. He blinked his eyes trying to adjust them. "You were so peaceful and... you know... calming" she admitted.

"Calming?" He echoed tilted his head.

"Your breathing it was like a whistle" she nodded.

"I see then" he looked a little uncomfortable. Then stood up and stretched, you could hear his bones click like any other dragon but only louder. He swished his tail as to say "come on then" she stood up and stretched her wings and bumped into Scorch, he only turned his head and his eyes said it all.

"Go invisible" he whispered very quietly, to the point she could barely hear him. She obeyed and straned her scales and Scorches eye contact drifted meaning she was invisible. She ducked down crawling, and she saw a large dragon covered in jeweled amar and two gard like dragons with normal amar. The dragon with the jewelry and bright yellow eyes and gorgeous emarled scales, that she can see. "Scorch is it not?" The voice without doubt Queen Petle.

"You are correct" Scorch said with a bow. QuiverWing can now see the screech death directly behind Queen Petle. "I have a pretty big tip that a chameleon dragon is living with you" her voice sounded psychotic.

"That patient hit her head before she got to me I can assure you there is only me living her feel free to have a look around, your majesty" he bowed agen directing his wing to the sleeping chambers. She then remembered that she changed her bedding the day before making it look like the room was never touched. Queen Petle hissed in a strange way and the two gard marched towards the sleeping chambers and QuiverWing froze wondering what would happen if they bumped into her. But she quietly walked to the herb wall and no one looked her way. Queen Petle just sat in the door way making it impossible for anyone to leave and stared at Scorch flicking her forked tongue in and out. A minute or two went by and the guards finished searching the sleeping chambers and moved to the garden.

They came back in and one spoke "he speaks truth no one else is here, no other sent and no other belongings and we checked all surfaces and the only chameleon we found is this little lizard". He then pulled out his front claws and showed an actual chameleon. The Queen sighed and looked towards Scorch "sorry for doubting you Scorch make sure you heal her head then" she turned with a low growl and the two gards followed. Scorch picked up the chameleon and headed towards his sleeping chamber and QuiverWing followed. Once they got in there she relaxed her scales. "Were did you go?" He asked worried.

"Next to you they couldn't see me" she answered now realising how risky that was as the Queen could of seen through her camouflage.

"See ratted you out, why?" He seemed to asking him self. She relaxed her scales then tried to find out why but she couldn't think of why. The screech death was always so friendly and tried to keep out of the way. She saw the distress on his face so she boopted his nose with hers and he squinted his eyes. "Don't worry about me go and heal that screech death." She told him. He nodded and and turned to the main part of the cave she then flexed her scales and went to her own sleeping chamber. 'I should decorate this cave, it looks so bland' she thought. She then sneaked past the screech death who was explaining the memories of her but Scorch debunked them saying she just hit her head.

When she got out she spreaded her wings and let the wind take her a cross the island. She saw something shiny on the beach and dove down (but not nose dived like she did before). And saw a beautiful bracelet with little swerves she then saw another one beryed in the sand. Once she dug it out she saw a jewelry harness with a jemb in it, it had symbols or an acent language written in all of them flawlessly. Then she saw ankle bracelets and she had a full set but they were too big for her but she felt like she could grow into them. QuiverWing picked them up and flew back to the garden, she had to be careful not to hit the herb garden.

She only released that Scorch was watering the herbs, he was now looking shocked at the flouting jewelry. "What in the winds of life is going on there" he asked with wide eyes, she relaxed her scales to reveal her self. "Relax it's just me" QuiverWing giggled.

"Where did you find these?" His voice was serious and demanding.

"At the beach why do you know what these are?" She asked curiosity.

"It's the role set that the crowned hair would wear, this one is and all of the sets went missing when my King died and his hairs disappeared." He narrowed his eyes at it. "This one use to belong to Cirsoor" he bowed his head "he was like a brother to me"

QuiverWing saw the gref in his eyes and she purred a mournful tone and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry if the sight of it gave you pain" she explained.

"Let me keep it I need to let go thank you for finding it. I remember spending most of my spare time looking for at least one thank you" he smiled and hugged back nusaling into her shoulders. QuiverWing felt her heart shine when he said that 'I actually did something right and I didn't know that it would help' she felt proud. "I'm gona have to go invisible again" she explained to Scorch, he nodded and let go of the hug "can you take them to my sleeping chamber please?" He asked "and try to make sure the screech death doesn't see it I don't think she can take anything else that will make her think she's going insane" he added.

QuiverWing nodded and flexed her scales and she could tell she has gone invisible picked up the set and hid it under her wings. She headed to Scorches sleeping chamber and placed it down gently on his bed. She then decided to smell the room as she heard the guards say they couldn't smell her. Nothing, she then smelled her self and nothing she really didn't have a sent.