
The broken string of fate

The castle of 1567 which have a mystery about the king and queen deaths . year 2022(present year) the castle is now considered a tourist place ,one day a boy and a girl entered the castle . The castle have a stone placed at the center of the castle which had a legend that when the king and queen will place their hands on that stone they could see their past lives...what happens when they see their past lives ?, what mystery will unravel???Read my novel to see what happens next!!!

Aish1122 · Real
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15 Chs

The Announcement

Jason and Jasmine went inside , Alice saw the prince with Jasmine and became angry ,she walked out of the hall .Drake on the other hand had eyes on the whole situation and followed Alice . The ball started ,Jason asked Jasmine " would you like to dance with me Jasmine ?"she answered "I would love to dance with you Jason but I don't know how to dance " Jason said "its very easy , come let me show you" . Drake saw Alice talking with the king ,as he saw them Drake rushed over to the prince. Jason and Jasmine started dancing and and and soon they became perfect in it ,both of their eyes had a gaze of love , they became closer ,their heart was beating faster , suddenly the ball was paused . The king entered and said " good evening ladies and gentlemen ,sorry for interrupting this beautiful dance , I have an announcement to make . Today on the prince's birthday ,I the king of London announces the wedding of my son with my best friends daughter Alice . Drake arrived a little late . Jasmine was shocked to see that Jason was the prince and that he was already engaged to someone else. Jasmine became sorrowful and was about to leave that Jason held her hand and pulled her , he went over to the king and said " I am sorry Alice but I cannot marry you because the one I love is her , she is the one I will marry and spend my life with , she is the future princess Jasmine " The prince took out a ring from his pocket and proposed to Jasmine in front of the whole country . Alice's anger was rised up even more.The whole kingdom was stunned with this shocking scene .