
The Saddest Day

I want to see the video. I want to see it. Jack was yelling and walking down the corridor, enraged. The other police officer was looking at him. Jack was agitated. Cody approaches him, who is in another room. He is also in a bad mood.

"You didn't stop him, so why didn't you warn him?" Cody asks Jack. I told you to inform the department about the threatening call.

As I said, I thought it was a prank, which is why I didn't take it seriously. I warned him. "He said he was very careful," Jack says. I am sorry for your loss. I didn't mean for this to happen to him.

While they are exchanging heated arguments, Kai walks out of his office and shouts out to them. "I want both of you in my room."

They walked up to the room. As they enter, Kai smashes the door. They both get scared.