
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasía
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17 Chs

It Always Starts Somewhere

I came into this world screaming and kicking, with absolute annoyance for the fact I had to wait a full 9 months inside my new mother's womb.

God, how bored I got just floating in there, and it was all made worse when they wanted to feel me. They would press hard into my already enclosed space just so they could get to feel my body.

It's not like I had nothing to do to pass the time, luckily with the rebirth I was able to keep my mind palace and revisit old movies or read comics, often times I would be so engrossed that I would forget to count leaving me lost as to how much longer I had left till the 9 months were up.

So when I came out kicking and screaming, I wanted to try and show them how irritated I had been and make them endure it just like I had to, but upon opening my eyes, something felt off, everything was upside down, and that's when I saw a vat of water just above me.

Soon the pressure squeezing around my body loosened, and I fell straight into the water, where I soon felt large hands cup my small body and lifted me from the surprisingly warm water.

Before long I felt myself being moved around without any chance to resist inside a towel, as I felt myself drying off. The next thing I detected was myself losing connection to my mother's air supply, which caused me to hiccup out of shock.

Whoever the person was, as they were holding me they could see the change and brought me over their shoulder to begin patting my back, which to my dismay caused me to vomit up the liquid that was inside my stomach.

Tacking in my first breath was definitely a nice feeling when a deep voice shook through my little body. "Honey, look at him," the strange man said as he moved me through the air and into the arms that were held out in anticipation for me.

The woman had gotten out of the little pool of water that was now tinted a slight red. She went along and reached to pick up a towel, to dry herself off, whilst her husband dried their child off.

Before long she got herself ready, as she sat down on a chair and went along to signal her hubby to hand over the child who was now wrapped in a fluffy towel.

The baby being within her arms, made a certain feeling well up within her as her eyes became glass at the site of her firstborn, as she couldn't help but reach down and place a kiss upon his forehead.

I sighed internally as the only thing I could see was a blob of a human, after a while, it started coming closer when I felt a kiss being placed upon my forehead. When a sweat voice entered my ears, "Isn't he beautiful?" as she looked back up to her husband.

He looked down at the baby and moved his hand to rub his son's head, however a worried look soon grew on his face "But how are we going to protect him?" as he looked up at his wife "What happens if they find out?"

The wife just smiled under all her husband's questions. "They won't"

A sense of fear married his face in an instant as he spoke, "You can't be certain that they won't"

I so got bored listening to their bickering back and forth, so I began to fake that I was tired then which finally got them to stop talking and when it was quiet enough I went back into my mind palace.

Even after all this time, I could never get used to being breastfed. But amongst my discomfort, I soon found out my mother's name was Lenna and my father's being Elo and the planet, I was currently living on was Krypton.

The thing that got me most was due to Kryptonian's bodies being naturally sturdier, I was able to start walking before my 3rd month of being born. I didn't know much about their norms, so I had to wait to hear them talk about when children should start walking.

It turns out I was in the norm, the thing that took me a while to understand was why they needed to hide me away, as it turns out Kryptonians don't have real births, but instead, they are grown in what's called a birthing matrix where children are assigned their roles for the rest of their lives.

So my parents hid me away from the outside world inside their underground lab where they got the robots to build me a playground and got them to farm my food just to keep the paper trail light, so it still looked like two people lived within the premises.

Of course, I didn't mind, it just meant I could be left to train and study. From the different worlds I had come from before this one, I enjoyed learning their history and their ways of war, and studying their martial arts sort of became a habit.

Interesting stuff always rounds its head when you read about different cultures, for instance, Kryptonians don't like to fight each other using physical means, but they actually use their mind instead.

That sounds good and all, but I have no reason to learn such a trick, as at some point this planet will blow up and with me on it if I am not careful, so I won't need to fight any Kryptonians.

My birthdays came and went, and for one of them my present from my parents to me, let me fly around the city in the car with them, and after a while, it became pretty easy to get used to that red sun looming over the sky.

Although on my 13th birthday, something surprising did happen that I wasn't expecting, as my system finally got back to me with something I was not too happy about, and to my surprise, it was the first time it had spoken to me.

''Hello, there Zook-To. It is the name you're going by now, if I am not mistaken. Well, I do hate being the bearer of bad news but here we are, and as you already know the planet you are standing on is going to explode.''

After a brief wait, he probably wanted to let it sink in, and that's when he spoke to me again, with his same soft, almost angelic voice that really put me off.

''You already knew you had a time limit, well let me give you the exact time''

[2Y: 4M: 21h: 15m: 15s]

[2Y: 4M: 21h: 15m: 14s]

[2Y: 4M: 21h...


''Judging by your face, you can see it, good. Well, if you have anything to ask, go ahead''

I didn't need to ponder long before I asked him, "Who gave me this system?"

''Someone, who was very bored'' keeping his soft, angelic voice genuinely irritated me, and before I could ask him another question he spoke again.

"You're telling me the reason I have been unable to die is in fact because someone was bored" In my fury, I pointed to the ceiling, expecting another answer.

''Well, that's my time up, as per my agreement, I will now let you view the system in full'' I was gobsmacked as he just brushed off what I said to the side.

I tried calling out to him again, for him to make sense of what he said, but nothing, he left, and in doing, so I still had no idea what he meant till I thought of the word 'view the system' crossed my mind, when a blue display appeared curving part of my view.

[NAME-Jake, Dylan, Kieran, Mark, Blake, Talon, Sauron] Current = Zook-To

[Times Reincarnated - 8]

[Age- 13 Years]

[Cosmic Power - 2400]

[Current Biology- Kryptonian + ?????]

[Current Power]

-Photonucleic Effect- Inactive- Under Red Sun

[Main objective]

[Last Objective- Conquer The Planet (LOTR) - Failed]

[New Objective]

[Survive-Time Limit- 2Y: 4M: 21h: 14m: 47s]

Great, now how am I going to convince my parents that their planet is going to explode, I don't even know if right now Jor-El is presently looking into it. I can't quite say, after all, his wife isn't even pregnant with Kal-el yet.

If I can remember, Jor-El gets shunned because he starts spouting how Krypton is going to explode. Which led him and his wife to put together a make, shift raft and send their newborn towards the earth.

In these 2 years, I started to collect data on Kryptons core and its crust, looking for any anomalies to try and sway my family into tacking Jor-El's side and getting ready for the coming destruction. As I now barely had 4 months to get a ship ready to leave.

It wasn't that hard to get my family on to side with me and Jor-el once I showed them the report. However, even with the evidence the arrogant bastards of the council still didn't believe, saying it was all faked and even went s far as to discredit us the two major leading scientists.

Luckily, my parents let me have full rain of the house, giving me access to order most of our robots to prepare a spacecraft with a state-of-the-art warp drive as well as a food farm and artificial meat maker and I even made sure I put a birthing matrix inside the ship.

Soon, the day came when Krypton would be no more. I was able to get myself to the ship with the help of the robots, whilst I hid in a box, I have to say not one of my finest moments, but it worked.

With everyone on board, I told the robots to get us into orbit above Krypton and I watched on with my mother and father at the destruction, and in its wake, I saw a pod shooting off into space and smiled, knowing I hadn't changed much of the timeline.

Not that I really cared, but I just wanted to fight that boy scout. Watching on, I felt nothing for its demise, but my parents were on their knees hugging one another crying when a metallic noise sounded out in my head.

[Ding... Congratulations, you have survived]

[Your Reward-]

I was pleasantly surprised as I was seeing that I was going to get a reward, so I held my head up in batted breath as I read.

[You live]